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    Use "before long" in a sentence

    before long example sentences

    before long

    1. One of the men removed the handcuffs from my left wrist and left them dangling on the radiator, a sure sign that I would be back before long

    2. Before long I notice George, Clair's gorgeous brother

    3. Before long, we are through the narrow mouth of the harbour and heading out into the open sea

    4. I tried to rearrange the packages and parcels into a nest where I could lie with my discomfort but it soon became clear I should have skipped the cheese pie and lemonade because before long my stomach was trying to settle on whether or not to surprise me by throwing up over American parcels, Australian parcels or the fragrant cabbage

    5. Before long, we were enjoying the reassuring comfort of silence amongst friends

    6. "Before long it will be too warm for condensates

    7. There is the usual chat about where we are going to eat and before long we are sitting in one of the local cafés waiting for our order to materialise

    8. His newspaper column was rescinded in favour of “Old Ted’s Country Ways”, and before long he and his wife were forced to sell the country manor

    9. Before long, that vibration will cause surrounding

    10. as I desired, and before long, my head was nearly

    11. Before long you will have identified a

    12. favour of “Old Ted’s Country Ways”, and before long he and his

    13. As they got older, they each took a role in the productions and before long, like Bottom the Weaver, Poly and Tania wanted to play ALL the parts

    14. Dinner would be served before long and Harry made little noise as he gathered his kit, locked the door behind him and went to neaten his appearance

    15. Before long they came to a mountain all on fire

    16. Before long, I find myself driving through a part of the town which I recognise

    17. Before long, I am driving along Christchurch Road towards the roundabout at the Lansdowne

    18. Before long they were the only two left in the parking lot, taking baby steps

    19. She had the girls help tie a few knots, and before long, she was properly covered, without fear of the sheet slipping

    20. Before long, everyone was snuggled down into his or her sleeping bag and the room became quiet

    21. She slid back farther on the cushion and before long they were lying side by side so he could just hold the book out and point to the letter in question

    22. Before long she noticed she was daydreaming of him coming back and saying the act was over and hadn't he had her going with it

    23. We became close and before long he moved in with me more or less permanently

    24. Before long the

    25. before long he was approached by one of the attending

    26. were a few claps and before long the entire varsity joined in, expressing their

    27. Before long she realized Mike had been gone too long

    28. Before long she came to admire the man for his intellect, for his patience and for his sensitivity to the cultural gulf between them, and most of all for his ability to understand the meaning of what she told him about Angel society

    29. Before long, the Red Wall was a city, its structures and dwellings growing more elaborate, larger, and climbing farther and burrowing deeper into the massive Gorian Mountains

    30. Before long, Toad was his old self

    31. Before long the streets were filled with the aromas of

    32. Before long she seemed to have forgotten her confidentiality policy

    33. Before long he was back at the end of Blux industrial again, where it comes up into the pottery district

    34. Before long, Pierre was stopped in the street by one

    35. It was now mid afternoon and before long he saw a

    36. "Singed!! That and turning me over and over so I came down as quickly as I could, we'll have helicopters in the meadow before long

    37. ’They’ll be up on those moons before long, digging the wealth out of them, then we will have permanent half moons to look at

    38. Soon it became warm, and before long, passionate in their own way

    39. Soon the five soldiers were in the street as well, finishing off the crippled victims of the others, and before long, they had managed to carve a defendable position on the street

    40. Before long they had to

    41. Murmuring soon shifted to inebriated yammering and before long, it turned to that of local petty grievances

    42. Before long they could sense Mercer’s bitter glance and they skittered into the shadows

    43. Before long that scowl slackened into a frown

    44. Before long the tundra has enveloped Manchester, and the polar bears move in and turn it into a winter resort

    45. Surely before long the riddle would become obvious

    46. We got into my room and I sat down on the bed and began a rambling apology but before I could say much Helen had taken my boots off and before long she was stripping me of the rest of my uniform

    47. Before long, Max, who was becoming quite

    48. Before long they had reached her house and stood on the doorstep

    49. Before long the journalists were settled into their seats, no chair left empty

    50. She remembered the historical account of a woman who had saved her family from an earthquake prefiguring a tsunami – in the days before long-term detection – simply because a feeling that something terrible was about to happen

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