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    Use "benefit of the doubt" in a sentence

    benefit of the doubt example sentences

    benefit of the doubt

    1. At least give Luray the benefit of the doubt

    2. Helez was ashamed for not having given him the benefit of the doubt in the first place

    3. In the end he decided to give Zarko the benefit of the doubt and they agreed to get together regularly so that Zarko could learn the Hebrew faith

    4. ‘Well, I’m prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt

    5. but she always gave him the benefit of the doubt

    6. Man who gives a woman the benefit of the doubt in recognizing her as a lady

    7. But I had to give him the benefit of the doubt

    8. benefit of the doubt, but it did not hold

    9. There may possibly be a simple explanation for the events that had occurred and he should give Ruth the benefit of the doubt but she was in that guy’s place for five hours

    10. Give me the benefit of the doubt

    11. them the benefit of the doubt

    12. By giving that group the benefit of the doubt and granting them ten points for their approval rating, it’s still a dismal number under thirty percent

    13. elderly couple the benefit of the doubt

    14. person the benefit of the doubt, when it's warranted

    15. as he was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt

    16. � Something about her however told him to give her the benefit of the doubt

    17. Max could see that Ed was skeptical himself but willing to give the benefit of the doubt under the circumstances

    18. give her the benefit of the doubt

    19. Garcia gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed the latter

    20. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and rated her a seven

    21. He had therefore been given the benefit of the doubt, and was treated with the respect due to one of the two most revered wizards at Spartan Castle

    22. Dominique thought that the whole thing was rather ridiculous, but, she also understood that the group put a number of influential men in the Abbot’s sphere so she gave him the benefit of the doubt

    23. “Yes?” I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt

    24. benefit of the doubt; I didn't have a reason not to trust them

    25. Their immediate subconscious reaction as they beheld her--on their top layers they were as cordial as ever--was to give her the benefit of the doubt; and Mrs

    26. I felt mixed emotions churn inside my heart; for an instant she reminded me of Bethanie, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt when she touched my cheek, then held my hand in hers

    27. Maybe I’d better give him the benefit of the doubt

    28. One might even give the benefit of the doubt that maybe the inmate has two children

    29. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt until then

    30. One should give Newton the benefit of the doubt and disregard this miss the position that the comet is

    31. One should give Newton the benefit of the doubt and disregard this miss the position that the comet is aiming at

    32. others the benefit of the doubt regarding their religious faith, and although my mother was

    33. ) When the angel's book comes to be opened if aught that the pensive bosom has inaugurated of soultransfigured and of soultransfiguring deserves to live I say accord the prisoner at the bar the sacred benefit of the doubt

    34. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, we attributed this behavior to shock

    35. No source of excess return can guarantee profits each year, but the diverse sources I highlight—illiquidity, value, carry, momentum—have given investors a solid long-run edge and deserve the benefit of the doubt

    36. The trend should be given the benefit of the doubt during these reversals

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