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    Use "blighter" in a sentence

    blighter example sentences


    1. Prolactin is a hormone, and it’s a tricky little blighter

    2. "The poor blighter got eleven days

    3. PRIVATE COMPTON: He doesn't half want a thick ear, the blighter

    4. Pointing his bayonet in Fritz's back, he said, "Nah, then, you blighter, show us the way 'ome

    5. "No, 'tain't," was the reply, "it's the same blighter again

    6. To this the sentry replied: "If I could only meet the perishing blighter wot invented them I'd very soon show——"

    7. Some blighter will step orf wi' the wrong foot and we'll all 'ave to come back and start again!"—"D" Coy

    8. "Not me, sarge! I always said the blighter was a blinkin' spy!" replied the groom

    9. After releasing the animal from its predicament, the sentry said: "We'd better send the blighter to the Zoo, Corp, wiv a card to say 'this little pig put the wind up the troops, caused a fousand men to open fire, was bombed, machine-gunned, and shelled

    10. Then he went up to the camel, gave him a gentle prod, and grunted "Ooush, yer blighter, ooush" (i

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    Synonyms for "blighter"

    blighter bloke chap cuss fella feller fellow gent lad gadfly pest pesterer

    "blighter" definitions

    a persistently annoying person

    a boy or man