Use "blockade" in a sentence
blockade example sentences
1. The citizens of Shattered Rock had cleaned house in order to blockade the roads, creating solid walls of tables, chairs and other miscellaneous house furniture
2. blockade and into the Confederacy
3. demonstrated that the blockade was not effective and could be
4. provide effective blockade coverage of the southern coast, not to mention intercepting Confederate ships on the high seas
5. Most of the wealthier class left Santiago before the blockade, especially the families of the Spanish merchants, and the officers' wives stayed in the city; but there were Spanish and Cuban ladies in silks and satins abjectly starving in Caney
6. Through the blockade, and during the weary negotiations for peace, when anarchy reigned in Cuba, the residue of the reconcentrados and hundreds of the lower classes in the cities succumbed to privation
7. Obviously a blockade would have been both a more practical and a more humane choice than targeting civilians with either conventional or A-bombs
8. Use blockade instead
9. Socialist Salvador Allende was legally elected in 1970, and Nixon immediately conspired with the CIA and phone company AT&T to overthrow him with a blockade, strikes, paid agitators, until finally a military coup brought him down
10. The blockade was lifted
11. The Confederacy could not smuggle in slaves any more because of the Union blockade, but no doubt would have
12. Since the Confederate government was broke and its economy crippled by blockade and a slave general strike and huge numbers of escaped slaves, they did not have money to buy these colonies
13. The US Navy also faced the daunting task trying to blockade over 3000 miles of coast, plus seizing the Mississippi River
14. The second SUV jerked off to the left of the road before it hit the strip, circling around the blockade on the opposite side as the first pressed forward
15. We bounced onto the road just behind the Escalade that had pushed through the blockade, last in line again
16. In the US, many called for a blockade or invasion, to punish Mexico by a mix of force and economic and diplomatic weapons
17. The UN and US government had before agreed to a near blockade of Iran, and the treaty traded a partial end to the blockade in exchange for inspections
18. Both this treaty and the blockade actually unfairly targeted Iran
19. Even Cuba, a very poor country under a blockade for over 50 years, has better healthcare than the US
20. Iran was not weakened by a previous war and long blockade, as Iraq had been
21. “Later, there was a blockade on the Noosa River to stop a new generator being transported thirty miles up the beach on an outgoing tide
22. and erecting a blockade of southern ports and his famous Emancipation Proclamation which did not
23. Another extremely important point is to blockade internally as externally the illicit acts in those countries and its generative sources
24. Ring’s contention that “…because of the economic blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States, an economic dependence on Moscow has been created which has caused trade debts, and has consequently subjected Cuba to political dependence on the Soviet Union as well”
25. economic blockade of Cuba has caused Castro’s trade debts and dependence on Moscow is to ignore historical facts
26. It is Warded and heavily patrolled by a vigorous Sylvan naval blockade force of fearsome military capability, both physical and magical
27. ) Cutters used in riverine and blockade missions in the Mexican War
28. He had been on the Bremen when she made her heroic run from New York through the polar seas to Russia, had been her official translator when the liner dropped anchor in Murmansk, had then run the British blockade to Bremerhaven and had safely made it back home to Hilde again after the war
29. the Humvees used in the blockade was gone and our truck had been hit by it
30. If they wanted their thongs, they would have to pick them up at SGP, past Packwoodś blockade there
31. Which means our blockade and plans to send our troops into the capitol will be
32. There was a blockade and nothing was getting past it
33. As a result, local hospitals have been out of most essential medical supplies for months now and famine is widespread, while the Israeli blockade has all but killed the local economy
34. They did not find any time machine in her luggage, yet she has been able to slip inside the Gaza Strip without problems, despite the zone being under tight Israeli blockade, with nobody allowed in or out
35. From there, she somehow managed to slip inside the Gaza Strip, which has been under tight Israeli blockade for months, and do a report from there, then slipped back to Tel Aviv, to go next to Haifa and the Lebanese border area
36. Up to now, the High Council has refused to comment on this crisis and keeps a tight blockade by ComSec officers around the Time Patrol headquarters in New Lake City
37. ‘’Well, Mister President, I am afraid that any sea shipping would be both too late and too risky, considering the Japanese blockade around the Philippines
38. I will thus counsel to the Prime Minister to launch a limited invasion of the Dutch East Indies, centered on the oil fields, while keeping the Philippines under sea and air blockade
39. On top of that, with the Japanese naval blockade of the Philippines, any evacuation by sea of those American forces will be nearly impossible, while the actual air bridge with Australia has a strictly limited tonnage capacity
40. Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, head of the German navy was hopeful that the surface warships combined with the U-boats would successfully blockade and starve Britain into submission
41. It is claimed that air bombardment, sea blockade, and Russian intervention would have forced Japan to capitulate, regardless of atomic bombing
42. As a result, Korea and Vietnam were devastated and superpower economies were severly strained, yet at no point was the tension of the Cold War higher after the Russian blockade of Berlin of 1948-49 than during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
43. installations, invading Cuba, and implementing a naval blockade
44. Though it could be considered an act of war, Kennedy decided to blockade Cuba, but he
45. Kruschev claimed the blockade was illegal and ordered Soviet ships to ignore it
46. A number of merchant ships that had been on Mars or in orbit were able to leave before the Terrans could establish a solid blockade force around Mars
47. "If we could gather enough strength for a blockade every day, we could put that den of demons out of business
48. Ben looked at the blockade
49. Allied to a maritime blockade around Japan, that would basically render Japan helpless and progressively starving in the dark, while we would thus avoid tens of thousands of unnecessary casualties
50. Such a blockade, to be effective, would however need a lot of ships, submarines and planes
1. Seeing that he was blockaded, with repairs delayed and with the
2. Spanish warships from time to time blockaded a
3. Misha wiped his glasses, returned them onto his nose and continued: “Leningrad was blockaded by the Germans from 1941-1943 and one million Leningraders starved to death out of a pre-war population of 2
4. When the British missiles struck Japan in June of 1944, over four years ago, Japan had already lost the war and was facing slow starvation while our fleet blockaded your home islands
5. They felt that she would eventually sue for peace when she realised the hopelessness of her position; especially when she was blockaded by air and sea
6. That de-facto continued hostility from the South had forced the Northern Alliance into placing strict limitations on commerce and people traffic from Africa and South Asia, while the Spacers League had effectively blockaded any spaceships from landing or taking off from those two regions
7. The Cardassian ships that have remained in this system have blockaded
8. When Herist the merchant made an ally of Herist the commander and blockaded the harbor against competing ships, levied a tax on the goods from his own vessels for the maintenance of the bloated military, and fed most of these goods to his soldiers, I contemplated writing the letter
9. In 1776, the British navy blockaded Martinique’s harbors and stopped export of
10. Why did he do this? It’s obvious! After Germany being attacked and snubbed and treated like a nigger nation for 30 years by the entire world, after being robbed and cheated and blockaded and starved and intimidated… Germans developed the attitude of them against the whole world because the entire world was their enemy
11. So as soon as Thirsk is strong enough to operate freely in the western Gulf again, they’ll almost certainly pull their troops off of Shyan rather than leave them there to be blockaded into surrender
12. There were parties and balls and bazaars gray and gold braid and the brides in blockade-run finery, aisles of crossed swords, every week and war weddings without number, with the grooms on furlough in bright toasts drunk in blockaded champagne and tearful farewells
13. It Nassau which he assured her he had purchased especially for her and blockaded in at was almost impossible to obtain these small luxuries now—ladies were wearing hand- whittled wooden hairpins and covering acorns with cloth for buttons—and Pitty lacked the moral stamina to refuse them
14. They merchants and speculators from all over the South who assembled to buy blockaded landed their cargoes at Wilmington or Charleston, where they were met by swarms of goods at auction
15. At the onset of the war, he had emerged from obscurity with enough money to buy a small swift boat and now, when blockaded goods realized two thousand per cent slid out of Charleston and Wilmington on dark nights, bearing cotton for Nassau, on each cargo, he owned four boats
16. Fowler being a persevering man, as a good seaman should be, blockaded the house, and having met you succeeded by certain arguments, metallic or otherwise, in convincing you that your interests were the same as his
17. In the Revolutionary war how did England stand—how her islands? For several years she was at war with America, with Holland, with Spain, with France, whose fleets in the East and West Indies were often equal, sometimes superior to her own, and an armed neutrality in the North—during this period a French fleet blockaded the Chesapeake, and aided the capture of Cornwallis, and threatened the British islands—but how was this conflict with the world sustained? Were the islands starved during these years? did they fall? No, sir; the British nation braved the storm, and was only conquered by her sons—America was victorious and independent; but Europe retired discomfited
18. When our ports are blockaded, and all the world is against us, so that, if the embargo was raised, we could go nowhere with perfect freedom, can gentlemen say that the embargo has ruined our commerce? Is it not these acts which have shut us out from a market? The gentleman says we may trade to England
19. It would be recollected, however, that they had seen in the papers that France either had blockaded or did contemplate the blockade of all the ports not embraced in the British orders; and they had seen in the papers a paragraph intimating that a project existed to close the northern ports against all vessels but those of France
20. In the official note from Count Champagny to General Armstrong, of the 22d of August, 1809, we have this declaration: "A place is not truly blockaded until it is invested by land and by sea; it is blockaded to prevent it from receiving the succors which might retard its surrender
21. "Seven or eight of our vessels, laden with valuable cargoes, have been lately captured, and are still detained for adjudication; these vessels were met in their voyages to and from the Dutch ports, declared to be blockaded
22. "My object has been to prove that, in this situation of the investing fleet, there can be no effective blockade, which, in my opinion, cannot be said to exist without a competent force, stationed and present at or near the entrance of the blockaded port
23. "The right to confiscate vessels bound to a blockaded port, has been unreasonably extended to cases not coming within the rule, as heretofore adopted
24. If we examine the reasoning on which it is founded, the right to intercept and confiscate supplies, designed for a blockaded town, it will be difficult to resist the conviction that its extension to towns, invested by sea only, is an unjustifiable encroachment on the right of neutrals
25. It is, that ports, not effectually blockaded by a force capable of completely investing them, have yet been declared in a state of blockade, and vessels attempting to enter therein have been seized, and, on that account, confiscated
26. page 96, expressly declares, "that no vessel was liable to condemnation for entering a port alleged to be blockaded, unless it was invested by such a naval force as to make the entry therein hazardous
27. That arrangement was made without requiring a repeal of the blockade—now nothing can be done without a repeal, and thus we are to be blockaded both at home and abroad
28. Monroe, on the 16th of May, 1806; after the preamble this note states "that the King, taking into consideration the new and extraordinary means resorted to by the enemy for the purpose of distressing the commerce of his subjects, has thought fit to direct that necessary measures should be taken for the blockade of the coast, rivers, and ports, from the river Elbe to the port of Brest, both inclusive; and the said coast, rivers, and ports, are, and must be considered, as blockaded
29. In his letter of the 17th of May, to the Secretary of State, speaking of the order, he says, "the note is couched in terms of restraint, and professes to extend the blockade further than it has heretofore done, nevertheless it takes it from many ports already blockaded, indeed all east of Ostend and west of the Seine, except in articles contraband of war and enemy's property, which are seizable without blockade; and in like form of exception, considering every enemy as one power, it admits the trade of neutrals within the same limits to be free, in the productions of enemy's colonies, in every but the direct route between the colony and parent country
30. I ask you, sir, where is the strength of which these nations formerly boasted? All are inoperative, and dread the gigantic power of the British navy—they are in part sick in dry docks, or are blockaded in their ports
31. Suppose this expectation disappointed—suppose the harbor of New York blockaded by two seventy-fours? The commerce of that city, which exists only by commerce, destroyed? The protection of the General Government claimed? Your whole navy could not drive these English seventy-fours from their station
32. Neutral nations have a right to trade to every port of either belligerents, which is not legally blockaded, and in all articles which are not contraband of war
33. To prohibit the sale of our produce, consisting of innocent articles, in any port of a belligerent, not blockaded; to consider every belligerent as one, and subject neutrals to the same restraints with all as if there was but one, were bold encroachments
34. By this order all France and her allies, and every other country at war with Great Britain, or with which she was not at war, from which the British flag was excluded, and all the colonies of her enemies, were subject to the same restrictions as if they were actually blockaded in the most strict and rigorous manner; and all trade in articles, the produce and manufacture of the said countries and colonies, and the vessels engaged in it, were subjected to capture and condemnation as lawful prize
35. To give effect to the blockade of European ports, the ports and harbors of the United States have been blockaded
36. The consequence would be, that your most expensive ships must either combat under very unpromising circumstances, or they would be blockaded in your harbors, and then be worse than useless; they must be kept at a heavy expense, and their crews would deprive other ships of the men necessary for their equipment
37. , it is objected that they would be blockaded
38. "Although blockaded by snow at Hamadan I was able to visit the ancient Ecbatana and there acquired a small collection of Greek jewels and Chaldean cylinders
39. it is said these ships would be blockaded, 605;
1. Flesh’ailer emptied all the oil they could spare over the various blockades of timber and joined his friends by the dockside
2. Romney spoke of bombing Iran and blockades
3. The solution of the serious socioeconomic problems must be systemic so that the human society can really be organized and to integrate its agents in a wide global network, without frontiers and without the blockades of the limitation of the use of the money in any region of the planet
4. devastation and destruction and brutal blockades to terrify and
5. Blockades to the outer path are the multitude of physical objects
6. There are blockades, but they are hopeless against the swarm of onlookers
7. “Because you ignored my order and continued to pursue the enemy ship at close range, the transponder inside your Interceptor disabled the tunnel’s safety blockades to allow it safe passage
8. “But, sir—how was I supposed to know about those automatic security blockades?” I said
9. I will forbear, sir, at this time from commenting on the habitual impressment of American citizens, by Great Britain; the illegal condemnation of American vessels under what they call the rule of 1756; the spurious blockades of British commanders, and the consequent spoliations on our commerce
10. If this were not her object, why such a continued system of illegitimate blockades? Why so many vexatious restrictions upon neutral trade, tending to destroy competition on our part in the continental markets? I might trace the scheme a little further back, and ask, whence the outrages? the orders of June and November, 1793, which produced Jay's treaty? A treaty which I am sorry to say, did not guarantee to us mutual and reciprocal rights, and which was no sooner ratified than violated by British perfidy
11. This pledge, although it does not necessarily import, does not exclude, the intention of relinquishing, along with the Orders in Council, the practice of those novel blockades, which have a like effect of interrupting our neutral commerce: and this further justice to the United States is the rather to be looked for, inasmuch as the blockades in question, being not more contrary to the established law of nations than inconsistent with the rules of blockade formerly recognized by Great Britain herself, could have no alleged basis other than the plea of retaliation, alleged as the basis of the Orders in Council
12. Under the modification of the original orders of November, 1807, into the orders of April, 1809, there is, indeed, scarcely a nominal distinction between the orders and the blockades
13. One of those illegitimate blockades, bearing date in May, 1806, having been expressly avowed to be still unrescinded, and to be, in effect, comprehended in the Orders in Council, was too distinctly brought within the purview of the act of Congress not to be comprehended in the explanation of the requisites to a compliance with it
14. In the letter from Secretary Smith to General Armstrong, of the 5th of July, 1810, the latter is authorized, if it should be found necessary, to "let it be understood that a repeal of the illegal blockades of a date prior to the Berlin decree, namely, that of May, 1806, will be included in the condition required of Great Britain
15. It is not my intention at this time, to enter into a discussion on the subject of blockades, nor am I to be understood as giving countenance to the system of paper blockades, whether that system proceeds from or is attempted to be enforced by England or by France; but, sir, I have gone into this examination to show that the President has acted differently under two laws which ought to have the same practical construction, because the terms used in them were alike; that under the law of May, 1810, he added a condition to a settlement with Great Britain, which he did not require under the law of March, 1809; and why this difference?
16. But, sir, I wish to call your particular attention to the other branch of the condition, that relating to blockades
17. We have been so long in the practice, and justly in the practice, of complaining of paper blockades, that at the first blush we are induced to believe the condition relates to them, and to them alone
18. Are these the blockades which are intended? Let the Emperor and King answer for himself
19. The Emperor offers to give up his Berlin and Milan decrees, if the British will renounce their new system of blockade; and in these very decrees he explains what he means by this new system; that, besides paper blockades, it is the attempt to blockade the mouths of rivers and harbors, and ports not fortified
20. Chairman? The right of not being vexed or endangered by paper blockades? Yes, sir, and more; the right of not being interrupted in a commercial intercourse with cities situated on rivers, as Antwerp for instance; or to carry on a free trade with all the continental ports and harbors not fortified, although the whole British navy may be cruising at the mouth of the river, or in sight of the port
21. The gentleman says, the President has not only required of Great Britain to withdraw her orders, but her blockades also
22. The gentleman tells you, that we have demanded of Great Britain not a withdrawal of the Orders in Council only, as contemplated by the law of last session, but of her "novel blockades
23. The features of this blockade render it different from all other blockades
24. "Under the modification of the original orders of November, 1807, into the orders of April, 1809, there is, indeed, scarcely a nominal distinction between the orders and the blockades
25. One of these illegitimate blockades, bearing date in May, 1806, having been expressly avowed to be still unrescinded, and to be, in effect, comprehended in the Orders in Council, was too distinctly brought within the purview of the act of Congress, not to be comprehended in the explanation of the requisites to a compliance with it
26. If it should be necessary for you to meet the question, whether the non-intercourse will be renewed against Great Britain, in case she should not comprehend, in the repeal of her edicts, her blockades which are not consistent with the law of nations, you may, should it be found necessary, let it be understood, that a repeal of the illegal blockades of a date prior to the Berlin decree, namely, that of May, 1806, will be included in the condition required of Great Britain; that particular blockade having been avowed to be comprehended in, and, of course, identified with the Orders in Council
27. With respect to blockades, of a subsequent date or not, against France, you will press the reasonableness of leaving them, together with future blockades not warranted by public law, to be proceeded against by the United States in the manner they may choose to adopt
28. —"The only conditions required for the revocation, by his Majesty the Emperor, of the decree of Berlin, will be a previous revocation, by the British Government, of her blockades of France, or a part of France, (such as that from the Elbe to Brest, &c
29. "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the fifteenth ultimo, wherein you request to be informed whether any, and if any, what blockades of France, instituted by Great Britain during the present war, before the first day of January, 1807, are understood by his Majesty's government to be in force? I have now the honor to acquaint you, that the coast, rivers, and ports, from the river Elbe to Brest, both inclusive, were notified to be under the restrictions of blockade, with certain modifications, on the 16th of May, 1806; and that these restrictions were afterwards comprehended in the Order of Council of the 7th of January, 1807, which order is still in force
30. Pinkney to Lord Wellesley, dated December 10th, in which the former labors to prove, that Cadore's note to Armstrong is an absolute repeal of the French decrees, without any conditions precedent, and that therefore the British Government ought to be satisfied of its validity, and take immediate measures for revoking their orders and blockades, agreeably to their promise
31. And if we have been silent under the former, and have apparently acquiesced in it, what shall we, what can we, say, in case the latter event should take place? But, sir, the apologists of France tell us that His Majesty, the Emperor, has pledged his royal word that the decrees shall cease to operate as it respects us; and that, though he has thought proper to postpone the measure from the first of November to the second of February, he has only done so in order to ascertain whether we mean to go on to fulfil our engagements with good faith; that he is only holding our property seized since the first of November as security for our performance; and that, when he finds we are determined to resist the illegal orders and blockades of Great Britain, he will give up the property of our citizens
32. Pinkney of the twenty-second, the Secretary commences, as he says, with much surprise, that Great Britain had not revoked her blockades, and that she had not sent a man of rank to replace Mr
33. Smith tells General Armstrong, (to use his own words,) "If there be sincerity in the language held at different times by the French Government, and especially in the late overture to proceed to amicable and just arrangements in the case of our refusal to submit to the British Orders in Council, (not blockades,) no pretext can be found for longer declining to put an end to the decrees of which the United States have so justly complained
34. Erskine, and also the only thing contemplated when the law of May last was passed, as also the only ground taken by himself only one month before, (having, it is presumed, heard from France in the interval,) he condescends to tell the General, that if France should demand it, he might give her to understand that it was the President's intention to renew the non-intercourse against England, if she did not also rescind her blockades
35. But again: will, I had like to have said, the servile manner, in which a rescinding the blockade is coupled as a condition with the withdrawing the Orders in Council, escape notice? Immediately on instructing General Armstrong to state to the French Government that a repeal of the blockade of eighteen hundred and six would be insisted on, the Secretary adds: "You will press the reasonableness of permitting the United States to proceed in such way as they may think proper, in relation to any subsequent blockades, or any other blockades not against France," which to me reads in this way, i
36. , as we have, at the request of the French Government, receded from our first ground, and included blockades also, you are instructed humbly to request Bonaparte to permit us to do our own business in our own way in future
37. For instance, at one time England must repeal her Orders in Council to entitle her to the benefit of the law; at another, viz: after hearing from France, the condition must include a repeal of the blockades also, and on the part of France, she must rescind her decrees and restore the property, then a promise is to be accepted as it respects the property, and, to top the climax, the proclamation issues on the presumption of an agreement having taken place, on the part of France, that the property shall be restored
38. That mere cruising blockades, and every other blockade not supported by an actual investing force, is unwarranted by the laws of nations, is my clear conviction; it is the result of examination and reflection on the subject; but unfounded in public law as is the doctrine set up by Great Britain, its abandonment or modification can only be expected from treaty, and not by an isolated declaration at the threshold, under the threat of a specific alternative
39. Eppes) has said this order of blockade has not a single feature of a regular blockade; in this, the gentleman is tolerably correct, and when he denounces, what in the fashionable cant of the day are called paper blockades, I join most heartily in the execration
40. It does not, like ordinary blockades, attempt a complete prohibition to all trade with those ports, but only to the particular objects and specified cases which I have mentioned
41. What were the objects of the war? To establish our neutral rights, to exempt our seamen from imprisonment, the repeal of the Orders in Council, and of the blockades, and the security of the American flag
42. Under pretended blockades, without the presence of an adequate force, and sometimes without the practicability of applying one, our commerce has been plundered in every sea; the great staples of our country have been cut off from their legitimate markets; and a destructive blow aimed at our agricultural and maritime interests
43. And to render the outrage the more signal, those mock blockades have been reiterated and enforced in the face of official communications from the British Government, declaring, as the true definition of a legal blockade, "the particular ports must be actually invested, and previous warning given to vessels bound to them, not to enter
44. She was reminded, without effect, that her own prior blockades, unsupported by an adequate naval force actually applied and continued, were a bar to this plea: that executed edicts against millions of our property could not be retaliation on edicts confessedly impossible to be executed: that retaliation, to be just, should fall on the party setting the guilty example, not on an innocent party, which was not even chargeable with an acquiescence in it
45. These terms required that the Orders in Council should be repealed as they affected the United States, without a revival of blockades violating acknowledged rules; and that there should be an immediate discharge of American seamen from British ships, and a stop to impressment from American ships, with an understanding that an exclusion of the seamen of each nation from the ships of the other should be stipulated; and that the armistice should be improved into a definitive and comprehensive adjustment of depending controversies
46. In the few remarks I shall submit to you, sir, and to the House, it is not my intention to go into the consideration of all the original avowed causes of the war; but to confine myself to the new aspect of affairs, presented to us since the declaration of war by the removal of the Orders in Council and blockades
47. [Here the speaker entered into an elaborate documentary investigation to show that the Decree of Blockade, and the Orders in Council, were not adequate causes for war at the time it was declared—and that both these causes had since ceased to exist, the Orders in Council having been revoked, and the fictitious, or paper blockades, discontinued
48. But attempt to prove to the same gentlemen, that the practical operation of British blockades and Orders in Council, is not such as to require war, you will then hear, that it is necessary to fight about the principle
49. Calhoun observed, that he could offer nothing more acceptable, he presumed, to the House, than a promise not to discuss the Orders in Council, French decrees, blockades, or embargoes
1. ‘They tried blockading the wharf and the roads, but
2. Farragut, on his flagship USS Hartford of the Union’s West Gulf Blockading Squadron, was steaming westward along with
3. For eight years after Mexican independence in 1821, Spain kept trying to reconquer Mexico, blockading, bombing, or invading Mexican ports
4. France also invaded in 1838-39, blockading nearly all Mexican ports and extracting a ransom over money allegedly owed to a French pastry shop owner, the Pastry War
5. When Stalin didn’t get his way, he went so far as blockading West Berlin from the other Allies, precipitating the Berlin Airlift in 1948-49 that kept the people of West Berlin supplied, at great expense to the western Allies
6. All travellers caught between the blockading tractor-trailers were
7. and the blockading of the international bridge by the Mohawks was an act of terrorism, but
8. seized by Native"s blockading the highway
9. It stated that 66 percent of those polled would favor bombing and blockading North Vietnam for six months
10. From all reports, the heretics’ galleon strength remained fully occupied blockading Saram Bay, and no one had reported seeing a single one of their light commerce-raiders east of Whale Island in five-days
11. “Blockading is a business with me and I’m making money out of it
12. despite his previous reputation, despite the faint rumors that he was engaged not only in For some months, he was the most popular and romantic figure the town knew, blockading but in speculating on foodstuffs, too
13. He had sold his boats when blockading grew too hazardous, and he was now openly engaged in food speculation
14. He was so affronted at a Butler becoming a gambler that when I came home blockading out of Charleston, Mother had to lie and slip off to see me
15. Stalin had a much nastier surprise for the East up his sleeve than blockading Berlin
16. Will gentlemen seriously contend that there would be any thing "abject or disgraceful," if the people of New York should submit to carry on their trade through the Sound? Would the remedy for this interference with our rights be abandoning the ocean altogether? Again: suppose, that instead of both nations blockading the same point, each should station its force at a different one—France at the mouth of the Sound, Britain at the Narrows
17. I am more astonished at the proposal to discriminate, when we see that, at this moment, orders are in existence blockading countries to which your merchants have, long ago, taken out clearances, in violation of stipulations which Britain had proposed to us
18. This right of blockading by proclamation is not a right growing out of a state of war; it is no belligerent right; it is a pretension, as applicable to a state of peace as to a state of war, and if we submit to it in a state of war, we must submit to it in a state of peace
19. Erskine the President had no knowledge of the blockading orders of May, 1806? Not so, sir
20. I pray you, sir, to bear in mind, that since the formation of this Government, and under every Administration, the right of blockading, by an actual present and efficient force, ports and places not fortified; the right of search, and the principle, that enemy property is not protected by the character of the vessel, has been recognized or conceded
21. "It seems scarcely necessary to observe, that the presence of a competent force is essential to constitute a blockade; and although it is usual for the belligerent to give notice to neutral nations when he institutes a blockade, it is not customary to give any notice of its discontinuance; and that consequently the presence of the blockading force is the natural criterion by which the neutral is enabled to ascertain the existence of the blockade, in like manner as the actual investment of a besieged place is the only evidence by which we decide whether the siege is continued or raised
22. He denounces the Emperor for the Rambouillet decree, issued the twenty-third of March, eighteen hundred and ten; which subjected the ships of America to condemnation entering the ports of France, which the Emperor declares was an act of retaliation; because Congress had by their act of March, eighteen hundred and nine, subjected the vessels of France to condemnation entering the ports of the United States, yet that gentleman, when speaking of the British blockading order of eighteen hundred and six, issued without even a pretext, which by proclamation without investment subjected our ships to condemnation entering the ports of France, says, "with respect to their Orders in Council I have nothing to say as to their justice or their policy
23. " He is prepared to condemn France for her act of retaliation, but he is not prepared even to speak of Great Britain's new paper blockading system, much less to declare it unjust or impolitic; although Sir William Scott, in 1 Robinson's Rep
24. But on the 2d of July, after the arrival of the John Adams, which brought the correspondence between our Ministers at Paris and London, and the Agents of the British and French Governments, on the subject of the repeal of their several orders and decrees; and when it was known that the British Government would not abandon her system of blockade and adopt the principles contended for by France—in this letter, I say, is contained not only a demand of the repeal of the Orders in Council, but also of the blockading order of May, 1806
25. It was not avowed at the time to be even a constructive blockade, nor was the right contended for of blockading without an actual investing force
26. I will instance that resulting from blockading squadrons, and that from repairs in colonial and foreign ports
27. These two items of expenditure, blockading squadrons, and repairs in distant countries, (to neither of which an American Navy would be liable,) will be acknowledged, I think, to justify the conclusion, that the contingent expenses of the English Navy must be as great in proportion to its force as ours would be in war—and therefore that the rule employed in the calculations of my colleague was correct
28. Under the pretext of blockading the harbors of France and her allies, British squadrons have been stationed on our own coast, to watch and annoy our own trade
29. What then would be the case? She must employ six blockading ships, supported at an enormous expense, at such a distance; and as had been fully shown by the gentleman from South Carolina, (Mr
30. is it said, the President had no knowledge of the blockading orders of May, or that it was avowed to be comprehended in the Orders in Council? 354;