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    1. This was one of those places where Bahkmar had to bite his tongue and not blurt out, 'they are just a few thousand pages of 'if' statements, some few-level neural simulation loops, a few gig of customizable data and some presentation rendering loops' but the vow was sacred and he understood even to the sociological level why the people who can't understand it anyway need to believe it is holy

    2. her to blurt out that she didn’t know anything (as most

    3. She had to cut off, but she was frozen, how could she answer these questions? Should she pretend she was sitting in one of the buildings nearby in Zhlindu? Controlling the probe from there? She was just using the asteroid pinball with Narrulla as a convenient prop for a story she wanted to sell? But before she could start to blurt that out, he continued his own line of questioning

    4. He'd have blurt it out and deal with the outcome

    5. Raven felt an overwhelming urge to blurt out, in one long sentence, everything he felt about Salverford, about Khan, about her

    6. I wanted to blurt out my sad and pathetic life story to these strangers, but what would that help? They would get a juicy story to tell their friends and families and I would still have to face the same sordid hurt and pain

    7. Through her tears of joy she managed to blurt out a, ‘Yes

    8. His throat had gone dry, but he managed to blurt out, “Where did you hear that?” He instantly imagined how stupid he must look and sound

    9. “I know it has something to do with the Divergent,” I blurt out

    10. ” I blurt it out like a long-held secret, too loud and too fast

    11. “Who the hell are they?” Starret managed to blurt

    12. else of substance to blurt out, I remembered the paintings

    13. Somehow I managed to blurt out what I wanted and he came down the two flights of stairs, opened his store, turned on the lights, handed me the box with the Pelikan, took my money, shook my hand and wished me a happy birthday - all done in that splendid outfit

    14. When the questions were asked by the interviewer I didn’t have a script to read or a memorized line to blurt out for the hundredth time like it was off the top of my head

    15. ‘That’s her!’ he managed to blurt

    16. " Travis felt the urge to blurt out: "He's dead! They all died at Ekaterinburg! The bloody Bolsheviks murdered them!" But he controlled his emotions because he did not want to hurt the valiant, dedicated old soldier

    17. Mainwaring had wanted to blurt out: Gutless! Spineless! But that would only have brought the wrath of Ottawa

    18. ‘Well, me neither,’ I blurt

    19. "I'm glad someone had the nerve to blurt it out at the start," said MacArthur

    20. Rani kicked Bilo’s ankle to stop her from blurting what she was about to blurt out

    21. Upon reaching the forsaken city I worked up the courage to ask, or in my case, blurt out a question

    22. I wasn’t the hot-head that I used to be, surely had made great progress on not being so quick to blurt out my thoughts, but what others thought of me; was for some reason, still far too much important

    23. It just seemed to blurt out before he realized it was audible

    24. I blurt out these claims so easily but I often have to work hard to back them up

    25. Your significant other asks to talk about the future and you blurt out “What happened in the futures!”

    26. “How could he blurt it out,” I wondered

    27. Having said that, she realized that she got carried away to blurt out her secret and looked at him horrified

    28. �The poor caterers�� was all that Rheus managed to blurt out before he started giggling uncontrollably

    29. The last thing I needed was to blurt out

    30. "Most girls seem to just say what they think I want to hear, but you," he scratches his head, "you just blurt things out, and it drives me crazy! You drive me absolutely crazy

    31. I almost blurt out 'I doubt it,' but bite my tongue, knowing that the comment won't be helpful to him or me

    32. ‘So this is it then?’ Manish finally managed to blurt it out

    33. ‘You are going to have a baby?’ was all he could manage to blurt out

    34. I really wished I didn’t always blurt out what I was thinking

    35. desperately afraid that in the grip of passion she would blurt

    36. For an instant, Kate was tempted to blurt out the whole story Eve's disloyalty, but she stopped herself

    37. "I would love to blurt it all out here, but I think that it would be best to go back to the house where we can explain it to you with the others

    38. Wow, did I just blurt that out?

    39. The interviewer is hardly likely to blurt out a figure but they must

    40. People blurt out things in public that are dead giveaways of how they actually think and what they actually feel

    41. When it was an unthinking blurt, a slip of the subconscious… because the reporter asking him that question was looking at him intently, and knew he was covering up what had been going on behind closed doors

    42. Hesitating, Hanor was tempted to just blurt everything out

    43. “This is… hard,” he said, tempted to just blurt

    44. sense of time and direction lately, he just wanted to blurt it out, to free them of the pent

    45. But for this man to blurt out

    46. I couldn’t stand to watch her blurt out her heart in promised slavery to me for one more second

    47. Apparently you do not give a damn about your own grandchildren,” I continued to blurt out to her

    48. I may blurt out something stupid

    49. What blurt is this about virtue and about vice?

    50. The curate and the barber listened with great amusement to the words of the three; but Don Quixote, uneasy lest Sancho should blab and blurt out a whole heap of mischievous stupidities, and touch upon points that might not be altogether to his credit, called to him and made the other two hold their tongues and let him come in

    1. "Wish we’d brought the gunnery junk instead," Parker blurted out without thinking

    2. “But she’s so young,” blurted out Lucy

    3. "Ah, Daniel is at it again, the man is a dynamo!" Steve blurted out, "I don't know where he gets all that energy from; but he sure puts it to good use!" They all laughed, and quickly stopped when Kate and Daniel walked into the Hall together, smiling

    4. "What?" the old man blurted out, before regaining some composure

    5. Startled Tarak blurted out, “By Hagar, you are good Denair! Serena always said that you had the strongest psychic ability …” he trailed off remembering

    6. blurted out just what you were thinking? Have you ever

    7. "What?" the old man blurted out, before regaining some

    8. ‘The boy’s magic potion!’ Grinly blurted in

    9. ‘No!’ Andy blurted out, ‘It wasn’t what you think

    10. “The what?” Tom blurted

    11. “Jorma got away man,” he blurted, “took the boat out from under that dock

    12. "Did Emma tell you that, she was an afterthought too?" He blurted out when Jesse looked his direction

    13. “Look Bobby,” Joe blurted

    14. " She blurted out, "Really I thought you had gone to sleep

    15. "For hell sakes, NO" he blurted out standing to his feet and crossing the floor to the window

    16. " She blurted aloud to herself

    17. "Bull," she blurted out, feeling as if he were trying to pacify her, she pulled away "Just what couldn't you do, like I said, some people are just super-people, your one and I'm not

    18. " Beth blurted out

    19. Almost before Otto had finished he blurted out: “I’m in!”

    20. The flight arrival information board updated and blurted out in red: DELAYED – MH370

    21. "It is instinct for a woman to chase money, hey what?" Alfred blurted out, glancing sheepishly at Viktor

    22. "What in the rotting hell do you intend, LeCynic?" Rollinthor blurted, his hands returning to their place on the white table

    23. "Aye, that one looks mighty dead to me," one of the defenders blurted, lifting his visor to ogle the One Elf

    24. “Oh, I like that better,” Nerissa blurted as she finished scratching on the parchment

    25. “I think I’m pregnant,” she blurted out

    26. ) One day when we were having an erudite-type conversation (he much more than I on the oozing stuff), he suddenly took off on a tangent and blurted out, “You do know that we Homo sapiens evolved from ape-like creatures over the course of millions of years, don’t you?”

    27. He’s going to drive us mad with all this nonsense,” he blurted out, glad to get it off his chest

    28. ” he blurted out, but couldn’t complete the sentence

    29. “Wow! That’s fantastic!” she blurted out impulsively

    30. " What the f… just happened? " blurted out

    31. " Stuff!" one of the fatter officials blurted out

    32. “Would you stay all night with me?” she blurted

    33. “Mary, I have to say this fast,” he blurted

    34. ‘She’s gone,’ he blurted out

    35. I knew we were, I just blurted the question, without thought

    36. blurted out, “Outdoor toilets? How gross!”

    37. “Who cares!” he blurted

    38. ” He blurted this out without

    39. One of the sons blurted out that the men they were looking for were in the barn

    40. “I love you…” He’d blurted the words out before he realised what he’d said

    41. As she stepped through the doorway, a well of emotion stirred up within him and, before he could stop himself, he had blurted the question out, “Why did you save me?”

    42. ’s son goes to have his nails done at a manicurist!” She blurted out

    43. Cutting off the chatty farmer, Bosco blurted, “Have you found out anything else about our problem?”

    44. “What will happen to me?” blurted the tearful boy

    45. “We just passed a big bloody body in the street,” Akstyr blurted

    46. “What is it?” Sespian blurted as soon as the servant left

    47. Before I started my car I sat in the seat, locked the door and blurted out blubbering chunks of crying curses

    48. ‘No,’ I blurted out and then had to recover, ‘I mean no thank you, I have had more than enough coffee, thanks

    49. "Broshee has gone to look for the stars," he suddenly blurted

    50. “Wait a minute!” Clarence covered his forehead with his right hand, and with it still there he blurted:

    1. Of course there’s a side of me that wants to yell at you for blurting that out,” and her voice did get more stress, “I’ve made my wishes clear that I didn’t want to be known as a ghost from YingolNeerie but as the founder of the Study of Virtuality

    2. shut up, but I couldn’t help blurting out, “Aren’t you going to

    3. Blurting out that he was all too

    4. Rani kicked Bilo’s ankle to stop her from blurting what she was about to blurt out

    5. Ailia was fuming on the inside and could not stop herself from blurting out the first thing that came to mind

    6. Had Charlie said too much? Had he overstepped the mark, blurting all that out? Then the fear rose within him that events of the past might be repeated again

    7. then he wouldn’t have to worry about blurting out something he

    8. Embarrassed by her niece blurting out her accident proneness to the men gathered around them, Kathy directed a fulminating glare in Cassie’s direction, but was distracted by her other niece, Amanda

    9. Even though frustrated, Tyler stopped short of blurting out in anger

    10. There is no point in blurting out an answer here because the

    11. Now wasn't the time to ask her other pressing question, but she found herself blurting it out:

    12. Think of blurting out in a restaurant

    13. FIRST THE BOY was blurting that there was a bomb; next he was claiming not to know where it was

    14. And if the cunning which calculates on the meanest feelings in men could be, called intellect, he had his share, for under the blurting rallying tone with which he spoke to Bulstrode, there was an evident selection of statements, as if they had been so many moves at chess

    15. He seems on the edge of blurting all the time—as if his lungs are bursting with words about me, damning words

    16. Someone rushing into my office and blurting out the latest news without putting it into broader perspective increases the possibility we'll make a rash trading judgment

    17. " The saddest thing is that you are so harassed even now," I could not help blurting out suddenly

    1. good conversation when somebody blurts himself in

    2. it,” Mikkel blurts out, throwing his hands into the air to help

    3. An emo styled girl blurts out aggressively “I am a pagan!” As her friends smirk, waiting for our rebuttal, we tell her, “That’s ok

    4. She bends over to check her back out, and blurts out a string of 4 letter cuss words from shock

    5. for her, some of what she blurts out is disturbing to me

    6. A man seated at the table with a mouth full of food blurts out, “It's the Driver and a pretty young lady

    7. She blurts, “Wait a minute

    8. “We’ll get it,” she blurts out without giving me an option

    9. He immediately blurts out,

    10. Pamela excitedly blurts out, “Wow, we were changed in an instant, and there

    11. At the most inconvenient times she blurts out answers that I asked her weeks ago and it scares people off

    12. ‘I was sent to disrupt the concert!’ the downed one blurts out

    13. Of course I did reflect even then that it does not always happen that a man gets up and blurts out his whole story

    14. Of course I did reflect even then that it does not always happen that a man gets up and blurts

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    utter impulsively