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    body part example sentences

    body part

    1. The sale of human body parts, particularly human skin

    2. "The one certainty we have here is the ongoing lucrative trade in skin and body parts and the occasional interception of goods in transit

    3. He had to admit that thinking of her as being sewed up out of Tdeshi’s body parts and jolted to life with lighting wasn’t conducive to erotic thoughts

    4. The corpses and body parts had made a pile against the west

    5. Body parts leapt from their owners and rib cages shattered and brains spilt

    6. He was known for his ultra-aggressive nature and is someone you didn’t want to mess with and who was best to avoid contact with at all costs if you planned on finishing out your safari with all your limbs and body parts still attached to their original frame! He had a huge set of sharp teeth with long canines that could be used quite effectively for fighting, coupled with a cranky disposition and unfaltering determination that would surpass that of the best mixed martial arts fighters that take center ring nowadays

    7. I could not believe what had happened to us in such a short time as I looked out at all the dead bodies strewn across the beach not to mention the body parts that hung from the wire or that were clustered together or had been thrown across the sand this whole place really did resemble hell on earth

    8. The interesting thing about this is that if you train each body part 3x a week during this phase, your mind and your muscles are still going to be on that schedule once you enter the next phase of heavier, less-frequent lifting

    9. While on border duty there was a annoyed colonel who told us quite frankly that he would arrest and kick the (you know what) out of any member who disobeyed his order not to cut off ears or any other body parts of terrorists or any other dearly departed

    10. Atrocities in the Pacific Theater by US troops were widespread; execution of POWs; mutilation of enemy dead; massacres of civilians; even the collection of enemy body parts as trophies

    11. Many victims were mutilated, with body parts chopped off, heads scalped

    12. Some American soldiers apparently played with the body parts, and even ate their meal with dead bodies all around them

    13. They’d cut it open to get the body parts

    14. You will recall there is a second burner which incinerates any and all tiny body parts or organic material which enters the second chamber

    15. Details of what was done to her body are in all the newspapers and there will no doubt be more information, but having seen the photographs of the crime scene before the public was able to see them, I can verify that several of the body parts had been cut off and placed carefully around the room

    16. These cells, which hold the "flavor" of our experience, are both stored in body parts and circulate throughout our whole body-mind, including the brain

    17. Her body parts were put in sacks, then stuffed in suitcases

    18. Once all the chopped up body parts, were collected from the flat, only blood remained

    19. The case’s containing parts of Chloe’s body were rattling in their suitcases, as soon as they were out of eyeshot in the nearest house with a garden which the house owned, the body parts were burned one by one in a big bomb fire

    20. Chloe’s body parts were trying to reform in the suitcases; she wasn’t truly dead until all the flesh was burnt to embers

    21. The Atlantis sought to demonstrate this in its exhibit Body Parts by Germany’s Gunter von Hagens, whose name sounds like a character escaped from a Wagnerian opera

    22. Body Parts displays 25 intact corpses in various poses, and some 175 body parts arranged to suit the artist’s esthetic sensibilities

    23. Both piles of body parts were arranged in exactly the same order as were both piles of clothing

    24. An element, object, substance…body part,” He said waving his hand, “that can channel their powers

    25. Others bite and chew whatever womanly body parts they are able to mouth

    26. as Mick had said there was indeed an old man picking up body parts

    27. virtually extinct in the wild, more than 1400 bears are kept captive in farms, "milked" for bile and exploited for other body parts

    28. slaughtered for body parts

    29. You have heard that it was said by them of ancient times: You shall not commit adultery but I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart and if your right eye offends you pluck it out and throw it from you because it is profitable for you that one of your body parts should perish and so that your whole body should not be thrown into Hell; and if your right hand offends you cut it off and throw it away from you because it is profitable for you that one of your body parts should perish and that your whole body should not be thrown into Hell

    30. It's much sexier than any body part

    31. There are about twenty known categories that the brain uses to organise knowledge, including fruits/vegetables, plants, animals, body parts, colors, numbers, letters, nouns, verbs, proper names, faces, facial expressions, emotions and sounds

    32. parts of the body Particles in every part of the astral body are capable of

    33. Speaking frankly of body parts and processes can help, as can explaining frankly how the body creates urine and what happens when people wake up in time or don’t wake up in time to urinate

    34. A new, obscenely wealthy class of entrepreneurs has risen among our trading partners of the western Pacific, and they‘re demanding the chance to buy replacement body parts when their own let them down

    35. ‗I‘ve an evil mother who‘s been selling me as a sex object since I was twelve, and this morning sold me for body parts

    36. She might think that her breasts and other body parts are too little or too big and therefore she’ll have a hard time relaxing when naked with you because she’s so self-conscious about her bod

    37. Police believed it was a ritual killing, as the woman had been hacked to pieces with great violence and three rooms were covered in blood and had body parts in them

    38. ' they just stared at each other for a while as Diane was pouring what over her body part that were not submerged

    39. Here again it is precisely those body parts, and only those, that are considered worth looking at with which these women identified themselves

    40. identification with specífic body parts rather than with the body as a whole--normal

    41. judged by the size of the portions of food they eat, by body parts, by the ideal of

    42. They were full of odds and ends of mostly broken plaster models of body parts, human and otherwise, and of land formations

    43. "Almost all the trees, for as far as I could see, had been hacked down, and their bodies, or body parts, were scattered about or heaped carelessly

    44. Carnivorous by opportunity, wild hogs are very poorly trained in meat course manners, noisily chomping and slurping up the soft body parts, unwilling to strip meat or gnaw bone

    45. His face and body parts remained forever hairless

    46. The survivors assisted by cleaning up the blood and miscellaneous body parts left of what was once a substantial band of pirates

    47. Was the organic chip failing or was his mind evolving and becoming stronger? He knew that bone grew into artificial joints, as he remembered some of the artificial body parts were specifically designed to combine with bone

    48. In each bowl floats in one or another liquid a pinkish body part

    49. Body parts of the technician were among the debris

    50. Water flowed around them on its drive to return to the bay carrying blood and body parts as it passed

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