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    Use "booby" in a sentence

    booby example sentences


    1. “Don’t be a booby, Sheriff,” deadpanned the child with surprising earnestness

    2. They booby trapped the house and were about to come finish us off when

    3. “He took out the number one booby in Southeast San Diego

    4. They enchanted the place as a booby trap, but we can protect ourselves,” William said and pulled me behind him

    5. He cuts 'em up for mines and booby traps

    6. She used to take delight in setting small booby traps for the soldiers and would often hide and watch her handiwork

    7. the booby trap was some computerised thing that would go off

    8. There is no indication of a booby trap, but we should be careful

    9. His face was a mask; a sarcophagus of suffering lay deep in the labyrinths of his soul, booby trapped with vicious spikes of self-loathing

    10. Aureliano Segundo was not aware of the singsong until the following day after breakfast when he felt himself being bothered by a buzzing that was by then more fluid and louder than the sound of the rain, and it was Fernanda, who was walking throughout the house complaining that they had raised her to be a queen only to have her end up as a servant in a madhouse, with a lazy, idola-trous, libertine husband who lay on his back waiting for bread to rain down from heaven while she was straining her kidneys trying to keep afloat a home held together with pins where there was so much to do, so much to bear up under and repair from the time God gave his morning sunlight until it was time to go to bed that when she got there her eyes were full of ground glass, and yet no one ever said to her, “Good morning, Fernanda, did you sleep well?” Nor had they asked her, even out of courtesy, why she was so pale or why she awoke with purple rings under her eyes in spite of the fact that she expected it, of course, from a family that had always considered her a nuisance, an old rag, a booby painted on the wall, and who were always going around saying things against her behind her back, call-ing her church mouse, calling her Pharisee, calling her crafty, and even Amaranta, may she rest in peace, had said aloud that she was one of those people who could not tell their rectums from their ashes, God have mercy, such words, and she had tolerated everything with resig-nation because of the Holy Father, but she had not been able to tolerate it any more when that evil José Arcadio Segundo said that the damnation of the family had come when it opened its doors to a stuck-up highlander, just imagine, a bossy highlander, Lord save us, a highlander daughter of evil spit of the same stripe as the highlanders the government sent to kill workers, you tell me, and he was referring to no one but her, the godchild of the Duke of Alba, a lady of such lineage that she made the liver of presidents’ wives quiver, a noble dame of fine blood like her, who had the right to sign eleven peninsular names and who was the only mortal creature in that town full of bastards who did not feel all confused at the sight of sixteen pieces of silverware, so that her adulterous husband could die of laughter afterward and say that so many knives and forks and spoons were not meant for a human being but for a centipede, and the only one who could tell with her eyes closed when the white wine was served and on what side and in which glass and when the red wine and on what side and in which glass, and not like that peasant of an Amaranta, may she rest in peace, who thought that white wine was served in the daytime and red wine at night, and the only one on the whole coast who could take pride in the fact that she took care of her bodily needs only in golden chamberpots, so that Colonel Aureliano Buendía, may he rest in peace, could have the effrontery to ask her with his Masonic Ill humor where she had received that privilege and wheth-er she did not shit shit but shat sweet basil, just imag-ine, with those very words, and so that Renata, her own daughter, who through an oversight had seen her stool in the bedroom, had answered that even if the pot was all gold and with a coat of arms, what was inside was pure shit, physical shit, and worse even than any other kind because it was stuck-up highland shit, just imagine, her own daughter, so that she never had any illusions about the rest of the family, but in any case she had the right to expect a little more consideration from her husband because, for better or for worse, he was her consecrated spouse her helpmate, her legal despoiler, who took upon himself of his own free and sovereign will the grave responsibility of taking her away from her paternal home, where she never wanted for or suffered from anything, where she wove funeral wreaths as a pastime, since her godfather had sent a letter with his signature and the stamp of his ring on the sealing wax simply to say that the hands of his goddaughter were not meant for tasks of this world except to play the clavichord, and, nevertheless, her insane husband had taken her from her home with all manner of admoni-tions and warnings and had brought her to that frying pan of hell where a person could not breathe because of the heat, and before she had completed her Pentecostal fast he had gone off with his wandering trunks and his wastrel’s accordion to loaf in adultery with a wretch of whom it was only enough to see her behind, well, that’s been said, to see her wiggle her mare’s behind in order to guess that she was a, that she was a, just the opposite of her, who was a lady in a palace or a pigsty, at the table or in bed, a lady of breeding, God-fearing, obeying His laws and submissive to His wishes, and with whom he could not perform, naturally, the acrobatics and trampish antics that he did with the other one, who, of course, was ready for anything like the French matrons, and even worse, if one considers well, because they at least had the honesty to put a red light at their door, swinishness like that, just imagine, and that was all that was needed by the only and beloved daughter of Doña Renata Argote and Don Fernando del Carpio, and especially the latter, an upright man, a fine Christian, a Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher, those who receive direct from God the privilege of remaining intact in their graves with their skin smooth like the cheeks of a bride and their eyes alive and clear like emeralds

    11. This latter plan was a CIA plan and Booby jumped in to run it in order to give Jack a sense of confidence, and it was totally illegal by U

    12. “I see! Should we install a few trip wires and booby traps across that street?”

    13. “You set a booby trap in the roof of the warehouse, a white mist or smoke came from it, making people bleed to death

    14. It was thought that switching off was so obvious, that a saboteur would think it was booby trapped

    15. But did the hyphen mean to press at the same time? And if he got it wrong what could happen? Could Ed have taken the time to booby trap the stone? That was a risk Gordon would not take

    16. house had been booby trapped with flares and tiny explosives that weren’t big

    17. staggered out of the house, fumbled his way past al the booby traps and headed

    18. Once inside, we will make our way cautiously to the bridge and the engine room, but keep your eyes peeled for booby traps and demolition charges

    19. There are no visible booby traps in or near the airlock: it is safe to use the controls of the airlock in my opinion

    20. Michel however became increasingly cautious as he approached the last partition airlock before the bridge level: if the hijackers had prepared booby traps, this was one obvious place to put one

    21. Carefully examining the grenade for any anti-lifting device or second booby trap, Kaltigins found none and let out a breath of relief

    22. aftermath of Vincent's booby trap in the woods

    23. sensor used in the booby trap that killed agent John Travis

    24. remnants from the booby trap that kil ed Travis

    25. because he really wanted to use his booby trap idea on one

    26. the prison guard was to die in a booby trap

    27. part of a booby trap

    28. Perhaps one of the greatest booby

    29. booby trap of all time

    30. The whole booby trap idea was a crapshoot but if it

    31. “The doors have been booby trapped,” Sonny said

    32. shoe, a particularly nasty Vietcong booby trap that was smeared with

    33. drunkenly stumbling out of the flaming restaurant, making for the booby

    34. there were guns and mines and booby traps everywhere

    35. Gary had suggested booby traps on the old fashioned

    36. Bev said, “There will be patrols and possibly booby traps

    37. The house was booby trapped and the doorbell set off the

    38. “Or big-time booby traps,” said Mike, “and if you just happen to find the Ark of the Covenant and some dudes have opened it—”

    39. “I knew this place was booby trapped!”

    40. Nguyen also taught them how to rig booby traps, from the simple punji and bamboo stake pits to the lethal Malay whip log, two large logs suspended from two opposite facing trees, when the trap on the ground was tripped the logs came together crushing the unfortunate victims, messy but very effective

    41. Five soldiers and the younger village members went off and started to clear all the remaining booby traps

    42. And she installed diffused booby traps to trap the Dragons

    43. Don meditated for his inner energy to flow out and break open the booby traps

    44. They got themselves unleashed from the booby traps and headed to the lab where Nova-MER-code was taking its shape

    45. A booby he, hard-hearted she, and you no lover

    46. "I would speak more politely if I were you," replied Don Quixote; "is it the way of this country to address knights-errant in that style, you booby?"

    47. "What mischief can there be in any village, or in all the cities of the world, you booby, that can hurt my reputation?" said Don Quixote

    48. However, he said they might give the shirt to Sancho; and shutting himself in with him in a room where there was a sumptuous bed, he undressed and put on the shirt; and then, finding himself alone with Sancho, he said to him, "Tell me, thou new-fledged buffoon and old booby, dost thou think it right to offend and insult a duenna so deserving of reverence and respect as that one just now? Was that a time to bethink thee of thy Dapple, or are these noble personages likely to let the beasts fare badly when they treat their owners in such elegant style? For God's sake, Sancho, restrain thyself, and don't show the thread so as to let them see what a coarse, boorish texture thou art of

    49. Pious, well-meant reproof requires a different demeanour and arguments of another sort; at any rate, to have reproved me in public, and so roughly, exceeds the bounds of proper reproof, for that comes better with gentleness than with rudeness; and it is not seemly to call the sinner roundly blockhead and booby, without knowing anything of the sin that is reproved

    50. For another thing; I would have your graces understand that Sancho Panza is one of the drollest squires that ever served knight-errant; sometimes there is a simplicity about him so acute that it is an amusement to try and make out whether he is simple or sharp; he has mischievous tricks that stamp him rogue, and blundering ways that prove him a booby; he doubts everything and believes

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    Synonyms for "booby"

    booby boob dope dumbbell dummy pinhead lout lummox oaf clown yahoo

    "booby" definitions

    an ignorant or foolish person

    small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both