Use "bragging" in a sentence
bragging example sentences
1. Males often wore a sling under it, but even so, there was no false bragging going on and hadn't been since way before Europe was civilized
2. The boring banter continued and the evening staggered on with Mercouri bragging about how much beer and raki he could drink
3. He’s nearly 60 and unless he’s bragging the woman will kill him!” Dave ran his hand through what used to be hair
4. you? He seems to have been bragging about it quite
5. as bragging rights with her friends and his acquaintances rather
6. Bragging may cost you enough to learn how to act like a gentleman next time
7. She told me he started in bragging about his brother being a major drug smuggler, you his assistant and himself as the one who pays off the police and politicians, and that he and the guy we had dinner with want to rob Gordon’s money with forged checks
8. We padded along, kicking at leaves and bragging back and forth
9. After a while, most of my friends from school started bailing and bragging loudly about our winning the battle as they were on their way out of the rink
10. I knew “they” could hear the bragging
11. It was dominated by a long outside bar where men congregated from early morning, drinking, trading improbable stories, bragging about their heavy-duty firearms and what they’d killed
12. “I don’t know what the Erudite are always bragging about
13. One of our members has written a letter to the newspapers bragging about the murders, and has signed the letter “Jack the Ripper
14. I found him a bit too full of himself, always bragging about his military prowess
15. However he nothing at all ceased from his bragging, but still was filled with pride, breathing out fire in his rage against the Jews, and
16. (He is bragging about their lack of care in serving God
17. In other words, the buyer was saying that the product was worthless in order to get it at a better price, and once he had achieved his goal he walked away bragging about his abilities
18. Besides that, he wanted to have something to say when his kids-to-be would ask "What did you do in the war, Daddy?" And, down deep, he vaguely remembered bragging to a girl that he was going to war
19. 7 However he nothing at all ceased from his bragging but still was filled with pride breathing out fire in his rage against the Jews and commanding to haste the journey but it came to pass that he fell down from his chariot carried violently; so that having a sore fall all the members of his body were much pained
20. Roger believed in paradise to unfurl in his bragging rights
21. Didn't mean anything! Yes, that was how love went with them—it didn't mean a thing! A casual fling, the gain of bragging rights
22. Upon the near conclusion of our conversation and, for lack of better words, our bragging
23. Fox, along with the sad fact that Alwyn died alone in a Hammersmith hostel for penurious old men, bragging till the end that he had ‘discovered’ Michael Caine
24. Loosey loved bragging that he was going to take his brother's place at the throne to Noela
25. Those types can’t resist bragging about their exploits
26. He silenced Peter after his initial bragging to male classmates, not wanting the revelations to get back to his sometimes-female friend, Liz Regan of whom he had the greatest respect
27. heterosexual points by bragging, or satisfying a role I am not comfortable with
28. He even heard him bragging about it to his
29. “That’s a ‘yes’ then,” Defoe said as he remembered about Hendricks bragging the night before in a bar
30. Not bragging, just saying
31. Those who had found and hidden all the weapons could not stop bragging about their success and were becoming insufferable
32. was really bragging on you!"
33. When they saw Simon bragging about his new watch, Gerald and
34. like a Mormon bragging in church about his fondness of whis-
35. He knew that Allen was not bragging
36. Whitfield reviewed the list carefully, seriously impressed: this woman was even more qualified than he had expected…if she was not simply bragging
37. Without bragging, ladies and gentlemen, I am the sole inventor in the Imperium of the time distorter, the key element of any time machine
38. hear Jeff bragging about his conquest to his friends
39. I watched it and saw groups of adults yelling and shouting and bragging about how much they had earned that month
41. "Well, this must be the young man Cindy's been bragging about lately
42. And those girls, how are they taking this? Have they been bragging about their exploits, to piss off these guys so bad?’’
43. She also told us to save our bragging for the rest of the people to hear, Coatl tried for the last time to discourage Wedon from accompanying our party, but he would have non of Coatl’s advice, saying that this was an historical occasion, and anyway he wanted to see the results of the hellfire that he had been responsible for mixing
44. But he was bragging to an empty doorway
45. Bragging here and there, strutting around with his fancy coat, taunting his older brothers, he created himself a pit that he couldn’t get out of, but God had a plan
46. He started bragging that he was going to bust a cap in all the animals on earth, and then Mother Earth came along and sent a scorpion to kill him
47. “Yes, My Lord! In fact they were very proud of this weapon and of the other ones they had, bragging to me that these were the latest designs of pistols in their own country
48. Moran nodded again, somber: she knew that Laren was not bragging but was simply stating facts
49. You kill one bad guy and then the remaining bad guys start wanting to take you on just for the bragging rights of going up against you
50. Around year 2, Todd is doing great, and he’s constantly bragging to you because his account is up to $151,409, and yours is only up to $136,890 due to the 17% cap on your account