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    Use "bread roll" in a sentence

    bread roll example sentences

    bread roll

    1. Dad lets the bread roll from his fingers onto a pile of clothes

    2. have I got any bread rolls lying around in here? I tend to buy the half-baked rolls and keep them in the freezer for precisely this sort of moment

    3. Ingrid prepared a dinner of hot dogs, using fresh bread rolls smothered with tomato ketchup sauce

    4. Cold smoked chicken, bread rolls and fresh fruit

    5. Dragging myself out of the slough of despond I bought bread rolls, cheese, apples and mince

    6. Six hours convinced me hitch hiking was not an option so I endured third class, wooden train seats, surrounded by fat mothers shouting “Jose, Maria, aqui!” as they peeled boiled eggs, tore open bread rolls and gossiped while their scrawny, wrinkled husbands drank wine from basket-covered bottles and smoked foul-smelling cigarettes

    7. The caterers were setting up downstairs, so we celebrated with cold chicken, bread rolls and a beer on the roof

    8. After his breakfast Gomes buttered a couple of bread rolls and put some ham and cheese on them and a cup of coffee

    9. bread rolls for lunch as they can’t bear to put anything

    10. he grabbed a bread roll

    11. “Tell me what you understand about time,” he said as he soaked up the remains of his soup with his bread roll

    12. Wash, peel and chop the onions and soak the bread rolls in some water

    13. 2 bread rolls or 3 oz of white bread

    14. Slice the bread rolls or white bread and place into a mixing bowl

    15. "Robbie" Billy’s voice was muffled by the bread roll in his mouth

    16. Spock and Stu in ignorant bliss, finished off bowls of Pho Bo beef noodles and fish soup, which they found tasty, considering it was not covered in grease and wrapped in a bread roll

    17. There was a moment of stillness then brief pandemonium as the last mouthfuls of food were shovelled in and bread rolls shoved into pockets for later

    18. Neumann Two orders two plates of calves’ liver and eats both, using dark little bread rolls to sop the blood

    19. “With the casserole, we served a cube of bread rolled in egg flavored with truffle juice, truffle oil, and balsamic vinegar

    20. Khalila gave him an unreadable look, picked up a bread roll, and carried it to the farthest corner of the room, where she pointedly opened her blank to read

    21. He silently handed her a bread roll, which she bit into with sudden ferocity, and made a delighted sound in the back of her throat as she chewed

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