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    Use "break-in" in a sentence

    break-in example sentences


    1. There was no sound of a break-in

    2. “Jocko, this is After, there’s been a break-in at Mother’s, some shots were fired, but they hit no one, and Soot and Mother are chasing the assailant down the street!”

    3. I didn’t see anything suspicious, just a patrolman checking on a potential break-in

    4. I called Chelsea and gave her a summary of the week’s events, including the break-in, the robbery, and the shooting

    5. “Do you really think she should be listening to us plan a break-in?”

    6. He pleads guilty in their deaths, assaults on 2 others and 82 break-ins

    7. The reporter accurately stated Roger’s theory behind the Watergate break-in which he considered “an intelligence maneuver”

    8. The article read in part: “A month ago, Roger Fernández, local resident and professor at Los Angeles City College, said the Watergate break-in may have been a United States intelligence ploy and that a link with Castro might be involved

    9. Contacted by the Fullerton “Daily News Tribune” after Barker’s testimony Roger remained convinced that the Watergate break-in had a national security angle to it, without excluding the possibility of political motives

    10. without getting to break-in the new pickup

    11. "What do you think of a shotgun? Best thing to stop a break-in

    12. Modify the break-in process to have

    13. Monitor the break-in process through

    14. But you, my dear, left a very obvious and glaring calling card, one that will alert Varameer to the break-in and cause him to check the repository and interrogate the golem closely

    15. In order for a break-in to constitute a burglary, the person breaking in must have the intent to commit a crime inside the building

    16. Usually, this crime is theft, but other crimes can render a break-in a burglary as well

    17. He was in with a bad crowd and had been lookout for a break-in of a store of some kind, she had heard, but his skills page 94

    18. "I thought someone was trying to break-in" I tried to escape form his hold but he just

    19. There"s been a rash of break-ins in this neighbourhood

    20. And, it was only after the police and security officers had alerted of the break-in that she really noticed the scent

    21. We think that this kitty is the perpetrator of these heinous break-ins

    22. The first thing the pimps do is break-in

    23. He started talking to him about the break-in and was soon arrested

    24. Watergate was in the news and it involved a break-in at the Democratic Headquarters in Washington, DC

    25. “I’m not sure, but I don’t think it was a break-in

    26. Apparently, there'd been several break-ins in the area

    27. live down the street, planned this house break-in and double

    28. There were no signs of a break-in to the townhouse, so it appeared that the murderer knew Ms

    29. Maybe, they’d blame the break-ins on a cat and a

    30. “There would have been plenty of time for them to work with Tripp, or for Tripp, on the biggie using a minor break-in as the alibi,” suggested Jazz

    31. There'd be a silent alarm to warn of a break-in and a panic button hidden under each desk, which they could trip if they were in danger

    32. I mean, what were they going to do, fireproof half of Nashville? But then there was a major break-in at the Knoxville Aerospace Laboratory

    33. Last night, according to military commanders, there were several robberies, muggings, and break-ins of partially held buildings, where the owners were trying to protect their property

    34. When there was still no reply, I sent one of our chaps round to her place, but he said there was no reply from the door and no lights on, but no sign of burglars or a break-in, thank goodness

    35. They’d been to have a look, but there were no lights on apparently, and no sign of a break-in either

    36. (a) A break-in occurred at the offices and confidential files were removed

    37. There would be no signs of a break-in but no one could guarantee that the back door had been locked

    38. Not that break-ins were a huge issue

    39. The only reason the OWG even investigated break-ins was the fear of Goods getting in other subjects’ hands

    40. I was expecting a break-in or something similar, not whatever seems to be happening here

    41. I cried often for the victims and their stolen lives and with their families over the loss—but I still fail to see anything worthwhile to be gained by moving a no-longer-alive body from a watery grave where it rested, simply to place it in a hole in the ground somewhere else, at the budget-break-ing expense of families with enough problems already

    42. officers stated that break-in was very clean and they took the lock with them for

    43. Guinevere stood still, still trying to recover from the break-in, but the offensive stranger

    44. He felt his own heart rate quicken and his breath become labored by the stress of the break-in

    45. “I think we’ve got a break-in at the city impound

    46. He said in a statement that he thought it would be a good way for the attraction to drum up business in our slow economy, but that the amount of intrusions, break-ins, and questions over the Halloween weekend proved to be too much for his crew to handle

    47. "Or maybe the purpose was for my family to be home at the time of the break-in

    48. “There have been a lot of break-ins around here

    49. There’s been a lot of muggings and car break-ins on this beach,” replied Linda who was standing up now, and shaking off the sand from her clothes

    50. “So, what have you found out about the break-in? I haven’t heard a thing

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