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    breaking point example sentences

    breaking point

    1. Looks like she has pushed things to breaking point now if Jed has left her

    2. of practice, when everyone was at their breaking point, and hating him more than

    3. And the ancient machines would finally reach their breaking points after many minutes, collapsing into heaps upon the floor

    4. That was his biggest failing, the breaking point when he had been canceled; when he had been turned into a shadow, a creeping thing that should cease to be

    5. the side, its foundations now close to breaking point

    6. A breaking point in the tournament

    7. We had frequent fights over how to handle Mike, and it finally became our breaking point

    8. military forces to the breaking point, another spokesman said

    9. We really were at breaking point, and it was not just

    10. When he considered his mind and skin were full almost to breaking point with the knowledge of the woman who had been kind to him even for deceitful reasons, he drew up a stool and sat by the cane

    11. head twisted past the breaking point of his neck

    12. other’s arms to the breaking point

    13. Interviews would suggest that Anna’s inability to make up her mind regarding the move and whether she would take him with her, would toy with this young man’s emotions until the breaking point

    14. The super heating of the steel casing plates had already strained the rivet heads almost to breaking point, and the extra pressure tipped it over the edge

    15. she were a wire stretched to its breaking point

    16. The one subject; however, they all had considerable expertise in, was determining on which side their bread was buttered, and the conflict between, profit and self-preservation, set against, the retention of some sort of credibility, was to be tested to near breaking point before an agreement would be reached and the meeting finalised

    17. Her outward appearance was one of emotions under control and nerves steady; inside the control was at the breaking point

    18. they reach the breaking point

    19. The breaking point came in 1982

    20. She had slowly recalled this event as the breaking point in which she ran away from home

    21. After long months of war and intermittent rocket and missile bombardment from both Iran, South Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, the Israeli leadership was certainly on edge and stressed to the breaking point, with the general Israeli population growing increasingly disillusioned and tired of a war their leaders had started and which was bringing them only fear, destruction and impending economic ruin

    22. I am sorry to say that, however heroic the American resistance has been to date, that resistance is approaching the breaking point

    23. Years ago she would probably have been burned at the stake, but in today’s civilized society she’ll merely be ostracized with her bastard child!” His expression was bordering on the apoplectic—his eyes wide and bulging, his face crimson red, his facial muscles, especially those in his throat, strained to the breaking point

    24. Our defensive perimeter around Pusan is at breaking point everywhere and I just committed my last reserve force, which includes a bunch of cooks and clerks, to reestablish our line in the sector of the 24th Regiment

    25. The German high command was convinced that Russian resistance was at breaking point and in a desperate effort threw in their last reserves

    26. storms pummel ed his nerves to breaking point, throwing sickness into the pot

    27. reaching the breaking point

    28. His sense of anticipation was at breaking point

    29. If he knew about the Russian interest, which is menacing, and our own involvement, that could well drive him to breaking point, so we need to tread carefully

    30. A breaking point was reached that had copied existence as a model conduct that guaranteed out progress to be reached and achieved, whilst the organic potentials had to submit towards an ideal aspect by means of dialogue

    31. that “breaking point” where you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and

    32. These few days, she had overworked herself to breaking point, and

    33. On the busiest recorded day in Blue Splotch Diner #1790, Blok Mardem reached his breaking point

    34. “Woman, you send a man to his breaking point!” he growled

    35. Nothing stopped smaller groups from acting on their own, a practice that had strained the ceasefire to its breaking point

    36. The tremendous stress both men suffered pushed their relationship to breaking point

    37. The level of brutalized, numbed dehumanization of each generation is passed on to the next through its ignorant child-rearing practices… Every new generation of adults accumulates more unhealthy assumptions, customs, habits, customs, etc… Until the entire society and culture is in crisis: and a breaking point is reached

    38. Pizza is traditionally one of my early breaking points, but encouraged by positive results, I was able to go to Pizza hut and just have the salad bar

    39. I was miserable and my relations with my husband were at the breaking point

    40. She’d been pressed to the breaking point and she fell over the edge and started to laugh hysterically, as the cold rain beat down on her driving all sense of reality from her

    41. passionately, driving her senses to their breaking point, making her

    42. To Crystal the inquiry, spoken in a tone of bravado that had doubtless been manufactured as a showpiece for the rest of the class, sounded like a threat, which infuriated her beyond the breaking point

    43. breaking point at some point in their lives

    44. Before he reaches his breaking point, and

    45. Looking at the wounded Sophia, she was almost near the breaking point

    46. Caroline is at the breaking point

    47. It may be that groups of people around the world are, one by one, reaching their separate breaking points; a kind of collective nervous breakdown

    48. John Hinckley trusts Hopper enough to confess that he is “on the breaking point” mentally, but rather than be alarmed, the psychiatrist thinks him a typical socially awkward young man who exaggerates his obsessions

    49. Clarke, Defining Danger: American Assassins and the New Domestic Terrorists; Peter Schweizer, Reagan’s War: The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph over Communism; Stephen Vaughn, Ronald Reagan in Hollywood: Movies and Politics; Jimmy Carter, White House Diary; Lou Cannon, President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime; Michelangelo Capua, William Holden: A Biography; Marc Eliot, Reagan: The Hollywood Years; David Gergen, Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of Leadership; Jonathan Aitken, Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality; Patti Davis, The Long Goodbye: Memories of My Father; and the very emotional Breaking Points, by Jack and Jo Ann Hinckley

    50. She was so close to her breaking point that she could practically feel herself bending

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