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    brewery example sentences


    1. I wrote to the brewery pointing out that their handling of the situation had caused me unnecessary embarrassment

    2. Such families, therefore, must drink their beer at least nine or ten shillings a-barrel cheaper than any liquor of the same quality can be drank by the common people, to whom it is everywhere more convenient to buy their beer, by little and little, from the brewery or the ale-house

    3. A greater revenue than what is at present drawn from all the heavy taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, might be raised, it has frequently been said, by a much lighter tax upon malt; the opportunities of defrauding the revenue being much greater in a brewery than in a malt-house ; and those who brew for private use being exempted from all duties or composition for duties, which is not the case with those who malt for private use

    4. In the porter brewery of London, a quarter of malt is commonly brewed into more than two barrels and a-half, sometimes into three barrels of porter

    5. In the porter brewery, therefore, the different taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, amount to between twenty-six and thirty shillings upon the produce of a quarter of malt

    6. In the country brewery for common country sale, a quarter of malt is seldom brewed into less than two barrels of strong, and one barrel of small beer ; frequently into two barrels and a-half of strong beer

    7. In the country brewery, therefore, the different taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, seldom amount to less than twenty-three shillings and fourpence, frequently to twenty-six shillings, upon the produce of a quarter of malt

    8. Malt is consumed, not only in the brewery of beer and ale, but in the manufacture of low wines and spirits

    9. In the distillery of malt spirits, both the opportunity and the temptation to smuggle are much greater than either in a brewery or in a malt-house ; the opportunity, on account of the smaller bulk and greater value of the commodity, and the temptation, on account of the superior height of the duties, which amounted to 3s

    10. "Look at 'em, bleedin' cretins! Don't know 'ow the 'ell we ever managed ter win the war with that lot 'elping us!" Raising his voice a few notches, he continued: "Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery

    11. Major Harris managed to find, from some unrevealed source, an additional supply of good bourbon, which the German hotel had not had; and Colling made a contact with a local brewery to supply beer

    12. While in Copenhagen, they visited the zoo where they saw the biggest elephant ever which fascinated the children, the Carlsbad brewery which entertained Roger’s curiosity and, of course, the Tivoli Gardens that satisfied Josie’s taste for the arts by attending a concert of classical music

    13. There is a story that about 200 years later there were some local entrepreneurs in Sitka planning to start a micro brewery in Sitka

    14. back to when the brewery was first built in 1886

    15. and I’ve worked for the Brewery all that time, fifty years

    16. I think the entire brewery is here

    17. They carried me through every part of the brewery, and everywhere

    18. Growing Power’s name is well deserved as it composts six million pounds of waste yearly, collecting it from food distributors, a brewery and other local businesses, as well as from its farms

    19. farm, candle factory, bakery, brewery, cellar, church, pet store, Crate & Barrel, and Starbucks

    20. � As a matter of fact he was quite well off, his family being the holder of a large and successful brewery

    21. Brits in a thwarted attack on a British Brewery in 2004

    22. It was a brewery which had the audacity

    23. Lion Nathan’s $10 million acquisition of its third brewery in

    24. the Hua Xia brewery in Changzhou is Lion’s latest move in

    25. capacity in the city, where the brewery markets the Linkman

    26. Buying a local brewery is as much about buying access to

    27. There have been a lot of good words said about Percy Thrower, his awards, his achievements but my delight was seeing the brewery boss going over backwards to do as Percy asked

    28. The guy could drink a brewery and not

    29. “No way! I haven't drunk anywhere near as much as Detroit has, he could drink his way through a brewery if we still had them!”

    30. They finally hit on the idea of starting a winery and brewery

    31. The brewery and two houses appeared almost overnight

    32. Since this is the only brewery on Mars don't you think it would be in the beer drinking publics best interest to have good beer?” “I agree but let me think, I know we don't have a park ranger in the hour glass yet and there are valuable natural beauty assets there that need to be protected

    33. ” So it was that Hour glass brewery got a brew

    34. Most people swore that Hour Glass brewery on Mars made the best beer they

    35. Now, though the brewery might

    36. The village had its one poor street, with its poor brewery, poor tannery, poor tavern, poor stable-yard for relays of post-horses, poor fountain, all usual poor appointments

    37. The brewery, brewing, the malt, the vats, every thing that is done

    38. Pumblechook said, "And fourteen?" but I pretended not to hear him), and saw that at the side of the house there was a large brewery

    39. The brewery buildings had a little lane of communication with it, and the wooden gates of that lane stood open, and all the brewery beyond stood open, away to the high enclosing wall; and all was empty and disused

    40. The cold wind seemed to blow colder there than outside the gate; and it made a shrill noise in howling in and out at the open sides of the brewery, like the noise of wind in the rigging of a ship at

    41. All the uses and scents of the brewery might have evaporated with its last reek of smoke

    42. Behind the furthest end of the brewery, was a rank garden with an old wall; not so high but that I could struggle up and hold on long enough to look over it, and see that the rank garden was the garden of the house, and that it was overgrown with tangled weeds, but that there was a track upon the green and yellow paths, as if some one sometimes walked there, and that Estella was walking away from me even then

    43. So, in the brewery itself,—by which I mean the large paved lofty place in which they used to make the beer, and where the brewing utensils still were

    44. If they had asked me any more questions, I should undoubtedly have betrayed myself, for I was even then on the point of mentioning that there was a balloon in the yard, and should have hazarded the statement but for my invention being divided between that phenomenon and a bear in the brewery

    45. Whether myrmidons of Justice, specially sent down from London, would be lying in ambush behind the gate;—whether Miss Havisham, preferring to take personal vengeance for an outrage done to her house, might rise in those grave-clothes of hers, draw a pistol, and shoot me dead:—whether suborned boys—a numerous band of mercenaries—might be engaged to fall upon me in the brewery, and cuff me until I was no more;—it was high testimony to my confidence in the spirit of the pale young gentleman, that I never imagined him accessory to these retaliations; they always came into my mind as the acts of injudicious relatives of his, goaded on by the state of his visage and an indignant sympathy with the family features

    46. He practised on her affection in that systematic way, that he got great sums of money from her, and he induced her to buy her brother out of a share in the brewery (which had been weakly left him by his father) at an immense price, on the plea that when he was her husband he must hold and manage it all

    47. One individual, whose income was derived from brewery shares, attributed the prevailing distress to the drunken and improvident habits of the lower orders

    48. The garden was too overgrown and rank for walking in with ease, and after we had made the round of it twice or thrice, we came out again into the brewery yard

    49. In another moment we were in the brewery, so long disused, and she pointed to the high gallery where I had seen her going out on that same first day, and told me she remembered to have been up there, and to have seen me standing scared below

    50. Grossbooted draymen rolled barrels dullthudding out of Prince's stores and bumped them up on the brewery float

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    "brewery" definitions

    a plant where beer is brewed by fermentation