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    Use "by and by" in a sentence

    by and by example sentences

    by and by

    1. persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended

    2. Over and above all this, it could not be brought from those coffers, as will appear by and by, without previously paying for the keeping

    3. Whether the sinking fund of Great Britain has been more frequently applied to the one or to other of those two purposes, will sufficiently appear by and by

    4. By and by the little girl said softly, to her mother, "May

    5. But by and by the cold North Wind came

    6. "By and by I asked, 'How old is Father Christmas?'

    7. "'I'm coming back by and by,' said he

    8. The stream dropped into a small canyon, and by and by, found the Delaware

    9. by and by, which leads to the house of never”

    10. At the beginning, I just practiced it on the playground and read the books sometimes; by and by, I began to ex-change views with the elder practitioners and did more study on the Fa

    11. And we sip by and by, lost into each other eyes, blowing the white smokes of cigarettes in the air, and watching the circling smokes

    12. By and by he became my good friend

    13. You will have plenty of company by and by

    14. Are you thinking you will have a convenient season to mind these things by and by? So thought Felix and the Athenians to whom Paul preached; but it never came

    15. It was said of a famous general[22] of old, when he could have taken the city[23] he warred against, he would not, and by and by when he would, he could not

    16. There will be time enough for religion by and by

    17. Won’t that make it all so unfair to him? It is better he unfolds himself by and by

    18. When the practice grows subtle by and by, ‘Pranapan gati Rudhwa’ The act of inhalation and

    19. By and by

    20. Their power wanes by and by

    21. By and by he had evoked the favours of his loved one

    22. First there were some other people with us, but by and by they all felt left out and we were left alone, just the two of us, and ended up talking for half the night

    23. But then, by and by, with practice, his mind would forget about the foot on the unfamiliarly s haped gas-pedal, about his hand reaching out for the lever in the complicated configuration of the gear-box, about his eyes searching for the rearview-mirrors, about the spring-coils, clamps, studs and other parts sending his messages to the big machinery in front

    24. At first David was frustrated by this, but by and by he cared less and less and himself took the school much less seriously too

    25. She resists him, but he keeps trying other things, and when she likes it, she reacts more positively, and by and by he learns to please her, and that’s how in the end they do it all

    26. By and by, the unlikely pair continued their journey together as a distant thread of what once was returned to the fabric of the here and now

    27. By and by, he was spent and eased his sweaty body from her

    28. and more accurately each succeeding time; until by and by the time comes

    29. middle life, for there comes by and by a sort of "rounding-up" process

    30. two names become by and by the names of two separate

    31. which were by and by incorporated in the traditional

    32. By and by, as we all must, my mother died, as someone who is dear to me said, at a viable, dieable age, leaving me a rich and puzzled man

    33. By and by the efficiency of the practice and the resulting depth of inner experience will increase gradually

    34. But, by and by, the weirdness will disappear

    35. By and by, you will become capable of moving from the periphery to the center and from the center to the periphery very smoothly -- just as you walk into your house and out of your house

    36. By and by and with your approval Rami, we shall take a trip to Switzerland with Zeba and Tahira"s lawyer and shall turn the money to her name

    37. In the heat of Spiritual Aspiration (Spiritual aspiration is the yearning for communion and connection with the Divine) you start evaporating on the fringe of your being and by and by the whole being of you disappears in the unknown

    38. By and by, a wet mouth covered mine

    39. By and by, I heard a familiar pronunciation and I approached the driver

    40. More soil samples came in by and by and I arranged them on the bench very neatly

    41. By and by Reuben drifted over and joined in the conversation

    42. By and by is easily said

    43. By and by Beth said, with recovered serenity, "You'll tell them this when we go home?"

    44. I have planted an Orleans plum-tree for her in the garden under your room, and I won't have it touched unless it is to have jam made for her by and bye, that I will keep in the cupboard for her when she comes

    45. He said nothing at the moment, for he and Joe had just got a piece of hot iron between them, and I was at the bellows; but by and by he said, leaning on his hammer,—

    46. But," he went on delightful! Still," added he, "amid all this, I have not yet been presented to Mademoiselle with his peculiar smile, "I am here in Paris, and have plenty of time before me—by and by will do for that

    47. I was at a loss to account for this surprising circumstance, and could not help giving my mind to speculations about it, until by and by Millers came down with the baby, which baby was handed to Flopson, which Flopson was handing it to Mrs

    48. When we had conversed for a while, Miss Havisham sent us two out to walk in the neglected garden: on our coming in by and by, she said, I should wheel her about a little, as in times of yore

    49. I was usually at Hammersmith about half the week, and when I was at Hammersmith I haunted Richmond, whereof separately by and by

    50. By and by, I noticed Wemmick's arm beginning to disappear again, and gradually fading out of view

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