Use "by no means" in a sentence
by no means example sentences
by no means
1. “Being registered with the EPA by no means counts for a seal of approval or a seal of safety”, says the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides
2. will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they
3. This list is by no means all-inclusive
4. There were enough guys out there interested in more than breast size that she got enough of an ovation to make her kind of proud, by no means the most, but as much as Yellelle
5. This, however, is by no means the case with the greater part
6. These, however, though the highest, are by no means the only high prices which seem to have been occasioned by the civil wars
7. So long a course of bad seasons, though not a very common event, is by no means a singular one; and whoever has inquired much into the history of the prices of corn in former times, will be at no loss to recollect several other examples of the same kind
8. The mines of America, besides, are by no means the only gold and silver mines in the world
9. was by no means a new arrival herself, did not know as much as they
10. But though the industry of the society may be thus carried with advantage into a particular channel sooner than it could have been otherwise, it will by no means follow that the sum-total, either of its industry, or of its revenue, can ever be augmented by any such regulation
11. Secondly, Though a great number of people should, by thus restoring the freedom of trade, be thrown all at once out of their ordinary employment and common method of subsistence, it would by no means follow that they would thereby be deprived either of employment or subsistence
12. First, Though it were certain that in the case of a free trade between France and England, for example, the balance would be in favour of France, it would by no means follow that such a trade would be disadvantageous to England, or that the general balance of its whole trade would thereby be turned more against it
13. It will by no means follow, however, that the real exchange was against it
14. At present, drunkenness is by no means the vice of people of fashion, or of those who can easily afford the most expensive liquors
15. That it was the spirit of monopoly which originally both invented and propagated this doctrine, cannot be doubted and they who first taught it, were by no means such fools as they who believed it
16. } may serve as a proof that this is by no means an impossible supposition
17. A bounty which tended to lower their price in the home market, might countribute a good deal to the relief of a great number of our fellow-subjects, whose circumstances are by no means affuent
18. I must likewise observe, that the accounts I have received of the prices of former times, have been by no means quite uniform and consistent, and an old man of great accuracy and experience has assured me, that, more than fifty years ago, a guinea was the usual price of a barrel of good merchantable herrings; and this, I imagine, may still be looked upon as the average price
19. The history of the Roman colonies is by no means so brilliant
20. First, The engrossing of uncultivated land, though it has by no means been prevented altogether, has been more restrained in the English colonies than in any other
21. The profits of the trade, therefore, which France and England carry on with their colonies, though no doubt somewhat higher than if the competition were free to all other nations, are, however, by no means exorbitant ; and the price of European goods, accordingly, is not extravagantly high in the greater past of the colonies of either of those nations
22. Our colonies, however, are by no means independent foreign countries; and Great Britain having assumed to herself the exclusive right of supplying them with all goods from Europe, might have forced them (in the same manner as other countries have done their colonies) to receive such goods loaded with all the same duties which they paid in the mother country
23. And his cock was by no means a small one
24. Also, the above classification is by no means exhaustive
25. In this trade, however, between Hamburg and London, he certainly receives the returns of his capital much more quickly than he could possibly have done in the direct trade to America, even though we should suppose, what is by no means the case, that the payments of America were as punctual as those of London
26. But those nations were by no means so weak and defenceless as the miserable and helpless Americans ; and in proportion to the natural fertility of the countries which they inhabited, they were, besides, much more populous
27. The real interest of their masters, if they were capable of understanding it, is the same with that of the country; {The interest of every proprietor of India stock, however, is by no means the same with that of the country in the government of which his vote gives him some influence
28. But the real interest of the servants is by no means the same with that of the country, and the most perfect information would not necessarily put an end to their oppressions
29. They are as intent to keep down the wages of their own weavers, as the earnings of the poor spinners ; and it is by no means for the benefit of the workmen that they endeavour either to raise the price of the complete work, or to lower that of the rude materials
30. The nature of the weapon, though it by no means puts the awkward upon a level with the skilful, puts him more nearly so than he ever was before
31. When the tenant sued his lord for having unjustly outed him of his lease, the damages which he recovered were by no means equivalent to the possession of the land
32. By no means Billy Boy would I ever blame you and I am sorry if you thought I had
33. But are they recognized in relation to social problems and governmental issues? I think not, at least not enough, at least by the decision makers in the seats of power, but I would encourage the thinking citizen to understand that there are social problems that are by no means solvable, but are subject to amelioration, for as the science of economics reminds us, there are tradeoffs, which should be taken advantage of
34. In suggesting such, I by no means have in mind the puff piece of John Kennedy"s time in office, by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr: the egregious „One Thousand Days
35. Thinking was by no means easy at this point
36. The Reds are by no means
37. The 25th Infantry suffered severely, ascending the hill; and though the citadel was the key to Caney, its capture had by no means ended the fight
38. be glad you don't visit the mortuary and if you do, it is by no means the end of the matter
39. Thus says The Lord: My son, until you have understood, until you have made your choice without reservation, I voice, they shall by no means be given more
40. Behold! They walk in the valley of their own choosing, and have rejected that which I Myself had provided for them! And one who mistreats My gifts shall by no means retain them
41. And by no means can the power of their
42. The Avro 504 was by no means a crate
43. But it is by no means a sure thing, and we have that endless season of fog, murk, mist, rain, flurries, melting snow; and slush everywhere
44. rules are by no means all that the EPA has planned
45. we could have been the cause, and he said, “by no means
46. Rosemary thought the Glen minister was by no means as shy and tongue-tied as he had been represented
47. 69 It is then by no means manifest to us that they
48. priest, and had defiled himself wilfully in the times of their mingling with the Gentiles, seeing that by no means he could save
49. once in a year, being allowed to go in, he would by no means give way
50. could by no means destroy by his decrees the obedience to the law of the nation, but saw all his threats and punishments without