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    calumny example sentences


    1. Steele cites blacks who stray from the mandates of identity politics as having been confined to a “special gulag” of ostracism and calumny

    2. To avoid that fate the Obama regime launches massive, vicious, and unrelenting cannonades of smears, calumny, and personal attacks to destroy the character of Tea Party people

    3. From within the heart of men proceed evil thoughts fornication adultery theft false witness murder injustice wickedness deceit stupidity the evil eye calumny pride foolishness: these evils all of them from within proceed from the heart and they are the things which defile the man: but if a man eat while he washes not his hands he is not defiled

    4. ‘And the way they tried to bail out their daughter’s murderer at that! If the rope were to answer Suresh’s crime, what should be done to book Shanti’s people for their calumny? Well, to appease his lust for fame, how routinely Mehrotra subjects justice to multiple rapes! Why, won’t the police deliberately fail the prosecution for a price? How the politicians are wont to pull the strings to extricate the culprits of their class? Whither the public morality! The society seems hooked to Mammon, doesn’t it? How life itself has become a punishment to the decent! Oh, what life has come to be, but yet it goes on and that’s life

    5. After a few days or weeks—no one kept me appraised of the time—everyone aboard the vessel, Calumny, conversed in English

    6. The man I had met when I was first transported aboard the Calumny was the head of my royal guard

    7. Sand and ocean water had been clung to it, but it was washed clean aboard the Calumny

    8. There would be no Stargazers around—the ones that had been scattered about the planet were transported to Calumny soon after I’d come aboard, but they hadn’t been able tell us much about the rebels, desiring to be apart from them

    9. You and Cory will communicate with Calumny

    10. The Calumny was all but deserted on my orders

    11. on the cross, his mind remains open to every calumny and

    12. “There you have it; the ultimate calumny

    13. " He had only just been protesting against Luzhin's calumny and declaring that he had seen the girl last night for the first time, and suddenly she had walked in

    14. lived with him, I defy the voice of calumny to sully what is termed the fair fame of woman

    15. "Yes, if you will not consent to retract that infamous calumny

    16. An attempt at divorce could lead to nothing but a public scandal, which would be a perfect godsend to his enemies for calumny and attacks on his high position in society

    17. "This is sheer calumny," said Antonia, not very severely

    18. washerwoman against Stubbs's unjust exaction on the score of her drying-ground, and he would himself-scrutinize a calumny against Mrs

    19. He must make himself proof against calumny

    20. "But how will you make yourself proof against calumny? You should read history—look at ostracism, persecution, martyrdom, and that kind of thing

    21. "What I mean by being proof against calumny is being able to point to the fact as a contradiction

    22. He would not retreat before calumny, as if he submitted to it

    23. And whom did that bold hussy think she could persuade to believe that? What audacity! What an abominable calumny! M

    24. He gazed at the brat with the amiable smile of a good man who is flattered by the calumny, and said in an aside: "Well, what now? What's the matter? You are finely taken aback, and really, you are excessively ignorant

    25. There is no stupid calumny

    26. ’ He had only just been protesting against Luzhin’s calumny and declaring that he 425 of 967

    27. I have come to help him to stamp out a calumny, to crash his enemies

    28. ‘What! As though that godless calumny was not

    29. And yet that's all nonsense, and a revolting calumny : you are legitimate, a Dolgoruky, the son of Makar Ivanovitch Dolgoruky, a respectable man, remarkable for his intelligence and character

    30. That you have received a superior education is entirely owing to your former master, Versilov, and what's the upshot of it ? By proclaiming your illegitimacy, which is a calumny in itself, you first and foremost gave away your

    31. " And though this seemed at first a horrible calumny, it began by degrees to appear to be justified; suddenly everything became clear

    32. I had a painful misgiving at heart! I felt that calumny might come of it later (and it did, in fact, it did)

    33. Keller, why does your article impute things to my father without the slightest foundation? He never squandered the funds of his company nor ill-treated his subordinates, I am absolutely certain of it; I cannot imagine how you could bring yourself to write such a calumny! But your assertions concerning Pavlicheff are absolutely intolerable! You do not scruple to make a libertine of that noble man; you call him a sensualist as coolly as if you were speaking the truth, and yet it would not be possible to find a chaster man

    34. Keller’s imagination; it is another calumny

    35. ’ The miscreants have written a tissue of calumny in their article, and these are the men who seek for truth, and do battle for the right! ‘We do not beseech, we demand, you will get no thanks from us, because you will be acting to satisfy your own conscience!’ What morality! But, good heavens! if you declare that the prince’s generosity will, excite no gratitude in you, he might answer that he is not, bound to be grateful to Pavlicheff, who also was only satisfying his own conscience

    36. As for Evgenie Pavlovitch,” he continued with some excitement, “the whole thing is a calumny, a dirty calumny

    37. "I've been convinced for years," said Varvara Petrovna, getting up with flashing eyes, "that your only object in life is to put me and my house to shame by your calumnies! What do you mean by being a tutor in a merchant's family or dying in a ditch? It's spite, calumny, and nothing more

    38. This remnant, in spite of calumny and persecution, are the only ones who do not tamely submit to the orders of the first comer

    39. I see with genuine sorrow how rapidly the calumny has spread and how deeply it has taken root, to the detriment of my prosperity, my honour and my good name

    40. I ascribe this misunderstanding to the abominable calumny, envy and ill-will of those whom I may justly stigmatize as my bitterest foes

    41. “Of course, Anton Antonovitch,” he said, in a voice hardly audible, “if one listens to the voice of calumny and hears one’s enemies’ tales, without heeding what the other side has to say in its defence, then, of course

    42. Yes, sir, ask yourself this question in regard to any man, to whom you are about to confide important trusts: Does he pay his just debts? Is he a man of truth? Does he discharge as he ought the duties of a friend, a brother in society? After having done that, be his politics what they may, and his peculiarity of opinion in politics what it may, he is a good man; he acquires the esteem of all who know him; he is impenetrable to mere vulgar calumny

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    Synonyms for "calumny"

    aspersion calumny defamation denigration slander calumniation hatchet job obloquy traducement disgrace blame infamy censure

    "calumny" definitions

    a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions

    an abusive attack on a person's character or good name