Use "canny" in a sentence
canny example sentences
1. He replaced the phone to his waistcoat pocket and looked up to see a man in his late 50s, heavy-set, bald with back and sides graying hair and a friendly if canny look on his face
2. Several long seconds went by but the canny supervisor held his peace
3. Yet by a mixture of eloquence, political skill, and canny coalition building, Lincoln united Congress and elements of the US public, from Abolitionist churches to German free thinking radicals to free Blacks to working class southern whites
4. He became a canny, scientific fighter pilot, an adult
5. Altogether, Rainbow Valley was not a canny place just then
6. I hit a pumpkin six meters away on my very first shot, and I thought that was a very fine thing at the time! As for woodscraft, I once stalked a canny wolf who was becoming a pest, and got close enough to take him with my knife!
7. Up close, his street-wise face looked resourceful, his black eyes canny
8. I hit a pumpkin twenty feet away on my very first shot, and I thought that was a very fine thing at the time! As for woodscraft, I once stalked a canny wolf who was becoming a pest, and got close enough to take him with my knife!
9. The canny old warrior had almost lured him into thinking he only knew one style of combat
10. The few I have there now are sure footed and will be canny of the bogs
11. The woman left the shelter of her doorway to join the young man at the railing, a canny crinkling of the eyes indicating she had taken his measure
12. ―I should have known that canny son of a bitch would check his trail
13. It was one of the things Faruq loved most about her, that canny and intelligent resourcefulness that always seemed to be displayed at the times when they were needed the very most
14. At the final weather conference scheduled for 04 00 on June 4th; Group Captain Stagg, whom Eisenhower described as a "dour but canny Scot”, made the weather predictions, as he had been doing every day for a month
15. The Irish are not without sharp wit and canny
16. Through such wise and canny behaviour which he repeated for many successive days, he convinced his mother that her son was still hers, alone, and that the newcomer ‘his wife’ could not steal his heart from her, nor would she ever be able to do so, because he loved no-one in this life, other than his mother
17. So then due to his canny wisdom and experience he threatened her, ‘If you don’t agree with me, I will treat your family in the same way you treat my mother
18. Through such wise and canny behaviour and many other ploys that he had resorted to since the first day of his marriage, Mohammad Amin was able to convince his mother that her son was still hers, and hers alone, and that the newcomer, his wife, would never be able to steal his heart from her
19. Edgar nodded uneasily, reminding himself of just how canny his mentor could be when one was not sheltered safely under his wing
20. There was no particular reason he chose it, although being a canny northerner it may well have been the sign that read £1-50 a pint
21. I'm following up a lead on something Sarah said about a chap called Jenkins" Mark knew he could not lie his way out of the situation, Enoch was far too canny
22. proved very canny and began to purchase females that were pregnant or in
23. his friend had a canny way of attracting conflict
24. He has a canny sense of premonition that’s proved invaluable on more than one occasion
25. He or she is a deep thinker, canny like a fox, inspirational, and in many cases the toughest person in the boat
26. But he was also canny enough to know when to let up on the crew, when to flatter them, when to implore them, when to joke around with them
27. But, while they were busy at the table, I took a canny opportunity of saying, under the rose to one of the gentlemen, “that I saw through the joke, and could relish it just as well as the plotters; but as the thing was so plainly felt as an insult by the generality of the company, the less that was said about it the better; and that if the whole bill, including the cost of Bailie Kilsyth’s wine and spirits, was defrayed, I would make no enquiries, and the authors might never be known
28. Those behind the curtain, who thought to bounce out with a grand stot and strut before the world, finding that even I used it as a convenient vehicle to advertise my houses when need was, and which I did by the way of a canny seduction of policy, joking civilly with Mr Absolom anent his paper trumpet, as I called it, they were utterly vanquished by seeing themselves of so little account in the world, and forsook the thing altogether; by which means it was gradually transformed into a very solid and decent supporter of the government—Mr Absolom, for his pains, being invited to all our public dinners, of which he gave a full account, to the great satisfaction of all who were present, but more particularly to those who were not, especially the wives and ladies of the town, to whom it was a great pleasure to see the names of their kith and kin in print
29. I said but little, for I saw it would be of no use; I, however, took a canny opportunity of remarking to old Mr Dinledoup, the English teacher, that this castle-building scheme of an academy would cause great changes probably in the masters; and as, no doubt, it would oblige us to adopt the new methods of teaching, I would like to have a private inkling of what salary he would expect on being superannuated
30. But what did all this signify to me, who was conscious of the truth and integrity of my motives and talents? “They say!—what say they?—let them say!”—was what I said, as often as any of my canny friends came to me, saying, “For God’s sake, Mr Pawkie, tak’tent”—“I hope, Mr Pawkie, ye ken the ground ye stand on”—or, “I wish that some folks were aware of what’s said about them
31. During the whole term from the election in the year 1813 to the Michaelmas following, I verily believe that no one proposal which I made to the council was construed in a right sense; this was partly owing to the repute I had acquired for canny management, but chiefly to the perverse views and misconceptions of that Yankee thorn-in-the-side, Mr Hickery, who never desisted from setting himself against every thing that sprang from me, and as often found some show of plausibility to maintain his argumentations
32. She was also a shrewd, canny politician, as she had to be, with her none-too-wealthy earldom sandwiched between the duchies of Rock Creek and Black Horse
33. Frankly, Cudd thought there was relatively little chance of someone as canny as Rohsail obliging Earl Sharpfield that way, but it was certainly worth trying
34. Joe Loss was always canny about the careers of his vocalists, making sure these assets were mostly heard on the radio, in the dance hall, or on a handful of records that the orchestra made with vocal refrains
35. I imagined some canny old singer skipping out from under the noses of the documentarians with their cameras and Nagras, arranging the “mirrors and spools to catch the rare and precious jewels that were only made of paste
36. Not curiosity, not sympathy, not even amusement, but underlying the canny simulation of normal personhood, the simple question of what might be in it for him
37. Hogarth himself, tho’ he lookt the most unprepossessing Pug (being short, blunt-featur’d, and stout as a little Bulldog), was a canny Fellow, the Son of a distracted Schoolmaster turn’d Coffee-house Keeper, who’d been gaol’d in the Fleet for Debt; and he was determin’d to escape his Father’s hard Fate
38. Canny Hogarth knew that ’tis the Woman who always suffers for the Sins of all Mankind
39. But Lord Bellars, like most Men, was no canny Mathematician regarding the Natural Cycles of the Fair Sex (and howe’er many Babes he may have begotten—both as Rake and Husband—the very Process still seem’d as obscure to him as those curious Heavens of the Mahometans and Hebrews)
40. O what a Diff’rence from the Days I cower’d in Whitehead’s Cabin as a Slave! Now I was Mistress of the Seas, canny about the Weather, knowledgable concerning Wind and Cloud and beginning to feel myself at one with this Alien Element, the Sea
41. Frequently these Ships had Gunports painted on their Sides to give the false Appearance of great Force of Arms, but an old Salt, canny with a Spying-Glass, could tell the Diff’rence betwixt these painted Gunports and the real Things
42. Are there any more covert signs of impending doom that canny shareholders may be able to spot? Many people have tried drawing up signs, including Britain’s top liquidator in the 1960s, Bill Mackie
43. There was money to be made in oil, steel, and coal, and a handful of plutocrats made a lot of it, partly by canny investments but mainly by working together in ‘trusts’ to keep prices high and wages low
44. Feisal proved a canny ruler: He kept on good terms with the British, who used bomber aircraft to defeat Kurdish rebels trying to set up their own state in the hills
45. It's no canny to run frae London to the Black Sea wi' a wind ahint ye, as though the Deil himself were blawin' on yer sail for his ain purpose
46. SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT LONG, WILLIS ELLERY, NATHAN COLEMAN, WALTER CANNY, SETH MACY, AND SAMUEL GLEIG, Forming one of the boats' crews OF THE SHIP ELIZA Who were towed out of sight by a Whale, On the Off-shore Ground in the PACIFIC, December 31st, 1839