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    Use "car engine" in a sentence

    car engine example sentences

    car engine

    1. The dark-edged murmur of a car engine is covered

    2. All became still, except for the sound of a car engine being revved outside, followed by the squeal of tyres on damp tarmacadam

    3. Alex stabs at the volume button on the side of the phone so that he can hear clearly above the noise of car engines

    4. damage to the car engine, we could have a relaxing

    5. He fixed car engines for a living, but he was like Thoreau

    6. with a better designed car engine, the only way a manufacturer will agree to evaluate it is

    7. car engine and stood there in silence for a little while

    8. quickly as a key turning off his car engine, and he rolled to her side,

    9. She heard the sound of his car engine, then the tires

    10. Sitting there quietly smoking he listens to the night sounds of mainly car engine noises and slamming doors

    11. In shock she stands in the doorway listening to the car engine as it fades into the distance

    12. Sheba was the first to hear the sound of the car engine approaching the house along the dirt track which ran up from the main road

    13. Seconds later a loud sound of a car engine spread around

    14. Max looked round as a car engine started, further down the street; he dashed for the van, but there were no keys inside

    15. "A mechanic fixing a car engine" said Delgado

    16. With a quick wave, Charlie turned and made his way into the station building as Theo disappeared out of sight, just the unique sound of his car engine still ringing in the air

    17. As we made to leave the gate, our car engine suddenly seized and tried as we did, the engine could not start again

    18. She simply started the car engine and drove home without a response

    19. We put on our clothes as best we could and as I switched on the car engine to

    20. He was unmistakably on the edge of panic, standing beside the car, watching me ignite the car engine

    21. Londa shuts off the car engine! They all rush out the car and run towards their grandparents' house! They are all frightened, scared and terrified! They reach the front door! Missy tries to unlock the front door with her keys, but she is so scared and nervous that her hands are jittery, which causes her to accidentally drop the keys on the steps! She nervously picks up the keys! She is a nervous wreck! She tries to unlock the front door again, but her hands are still jittery from nervousness that she drops the keys again! The triplets start to glare at Missy as she picks the keys up off the steps again! They all become more scared and more nervous as they wait desperately trying to get inside the house! They do not want Dana to catch them standing outside the house! Suddenly, they hear a car roaring down the street! They frighteningly look away from the door lock towards the street! They see a car coming fast down the street passing by their grandparents' house, but it is not Dana's car

    22. The sound of a car engine could be heard from his garage drive

    23. Regular car engines, pulled out of wrecks, I guess

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