Use "careworn" in a sentence
careworn example sentences
1. The kindly, careworn face of an older man replaced that of the Altmer woman
2. As the Emperor with the careworn face smiled in return, in understanding, it was almost as if they occupied their own space in time
3. I looked into the careworn face as he continued saying
4. much of it was gray, but the lines in his careworn face told of a
5. Ashi wiped the tears off her mother’s soft careworn cheek
6. The timeworn stubble-faced, dirty old wino has segued into the careworn, haggard mother trailing three or four tired, scared, hungry kids behind her as she searches frantically for enough payphone change, to find among the list of shelters in town, one that’ll take her supposedly non-nuclear family in out of the cold
7. Once inside the house she put the bag down on the floor and revealed her careworn face, dripping with sweat
8. In my mind I can still see his careworn face, with beard and glasses, as he stares at
9. careworn and hopeless expression
10. He was still a fine-looking man, but now he had a careworn air, the thick dark hair was greying rapidly; it was quite long and when it fell over his forehead, he pushed it back with long and impatient fingers; surgeon's fingers
11. But almost at the same instant a serious and careworn look came into his face; to his surprise Raskolnikov saw a touch of sadness in it
12. During the evening Charles seemed to her careworn
13. "Then," answered the elder prisoner, "the will of God be done!" and as the old man slowly pronounced those words, an air of profound resignation spread itself over his careworn countenance
14. The countenance of Hawkeye was haggard and careworn, and his air dejected, as though he felt the deepest degradation at having fallen into the power of his enemies
15. He was calm; but the agitation of the night was legible in his pale and careworn visage
16. Monte Cristo, in taking the seat Morcerf offered him, placed himself in such a manner as to remain concealed in the shadow of the large velvet curtains, and read on the careworn and livid features of the count a whole history of secret griefs written in each wrinkle time had planted there
17. "Not at all; on the contrary, be seated; but what is the matter with you? You look careworn; really, you alarm me
18. O'Molloy's white careworn face was told that Mr Lambert was in the
19. And careworn hearts were there and toilers for their daily bread and many who had erred and wandered, their eyes wet with contrition but for all that bright with hope for the reverend father Father Hughes had told them what the great saint Bernard said in his famous prayer of Mary, the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that it was not recorded in any age that those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her
20. Their faded, ill-fitting garments and the tired, sad expressions on their pale and careworn faces
21. On this paved yard are to be seen,—pacing to and fro from morning till night, pale, careworn, and haggard, like so many shadows,—the men whom justice holds beneath the steel she is sharpening
22. Joe thought Thula looked careworn and exhausted, much older than her thirty-six years
23. He had grown thin and careworn, and had lost the loud, cheery manner for which he had been remarkable
24. strangely human look in his eyes, those deep lines upon his careworn face
25. She turned quite careworn
26. But almost at the same instant a serious and careworn
27. rather wrinkled and careworn
28. That feeling was so strong at the moment of leaving Voronezh that those who saw her off, as they looked at her careworn, despairing face, felt sure she would fall ill on the journey
29. Miss Miller was more ordinary; ruddy in complexion, though of a careworn countenance; hurried in gait and action, like one who had always a multiplicity of tasks on hand: she looked, indeed, what I afterwards found she really was, an under-teacher
30. His face looked overcast and careworn
31. Her face looked grave and careworn
32. An expression of pain flitted over Zina's careworn face, as though someone had suddenly stabbed her to the heart; but she mastered her feelings
33. Her face looked weary and careworn, but her eyes glowed under her frowning brows
34. He quite understood the success which his “friend” was achieving, and at first he felt glad and proud of that success, laughing at the jokes and taking a share of the conversation; but for some reason or other he gradually relapsed into thoughtfulness, and thence into melancholy—which fact was sufficiently plain from the expression of his lugubrious and careworn physiognomy
35. Women with crying babies, merry children quarrelling for places, and dull, careworn prisoners got into the carts
36. “Do promise, do promise, Vasíli!” cried Anna Mikháylovna as he went, with the smile of a coquettish girl, which at one time probably came naturally to her, but was now very ill-suited to her careworn face
37. That feeling was so strong at the moment of leaving Vorónezh that those who saw her off, as they looked at her careworn, despairing face, felt sure she would fall ill on the journey
38. He was met by a friend on the street one morning who reminded him of his careworn appearance