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    celibacy example sentences


    1. Among its many reforms included an oath of celibacy taken by avowed homosexuals

    2. Homosexual Priests, including those who have taken a vow of celibacy, falling prey to the appeals of temptation, whose sexual

    3. As the nuns in the convent had taken vows of celibacy, it seemed as though celibacy had been demanded of her, too

    4. Passing out condoms to children, is listed to prevent venereal spread, but really is to destroy celibacy

    5. After pointing out that celibacy is not the exclusive domain of Catholicism and that renouncing the use of sex does not make priests sexless zombies devoid of their manhood, Roger traced for the readers the historical development of celibacy and the compelling reasons, human and divine, for the preference of celibacy over marriage to facilitate the priest’s function as a mediator between God and man, dedicated to the salvation of souls

    6. had babies after a year of celibacy

    7. Brahmacharya (celibacy), Asteya (non-stealing), Aparigraha (non-possession), are means to achieve Ahimsā

    8. such as celibacy or lesbianism, cannot succeed without a radical, long-term redefinition of the female body, in which masculine definitions are thoroughly embedded

    9. Celibacy suited him

    10. Is it true that a car manufacturer will soon be coming out with a car for the clergy with the name of Celibacy?

    11. Celibacy wasn’t introduced in the first century, so spouses were in the rectory – or wherever they resided – for many years

    12. I was on the express train to celibacy

    13. start the celibacy thing was just something they told the church, they actual y

    14. (2) The rule of celibacy will ensure quicker and better results

    15. No therapeutic relationship meant the freedom to act as she pleased, but with all her years of study and damned celibacy she would have no idea where to even begin

    16. He became almost an overnight success as a young man in the church, taking the oath of celibacy when he was 18

    17. I thought my period of celibacy was about to end when the Jays’ friend, the handsome Toby, appeared

    18. Besides, while the culture of his tribe sanctioned polygamy, the proclivities of the war widows warranted it; and thus to measure the libido of the Arabic prophet on the Christian scale of missionary celibacy would indeed be erroneous

    19. Well, Gandhi had cleaned the public toilets alright but did he not force his wife to do the same against her will, and in embracing celibacy prematurely had he not deprived Kasturba the warmth of his marital embrace

    20. in his efforts of knowing the truth and maintain celibacy

    21. never intended to follow their celibacy shit

    22. The prophet (cpth) said: "in the last age, if the living can not be obtained except by disobeying God, the celibacy is allowed

    23. All that he could have dreamed of when he broke his self-imposed celibacy

    24. Often it is best, as well as safest, he knew, to pretend not to have heard, not to have seen, not to have known; and he began telling her with deliberate distinctness of his vows of celibacy, of his dedication to the religious life, with all that it implied of poverty and austerity, and how his household arrangements were presided over by his sister, who was also vowed--perhaps unnecessarily vowed, he had sometimes privately thought, looking at her--to celibacy

    25. He expected Vitchae to be angry with him for breaking his vow of celibacy, but all Vitchae said was

    26. Therefore, one of their vows is that of lifelong celibacy

    27. Augustine himself said that celibacy and virginity are the preferred states as they permit the total love of God, allowing the soul of man to be married to the soul of the trinity

    28. Which is not all that bad considering that the higher echelons of the clergy, in our days, consider the vows of celibacy to entail abstinence from just the female sex

    29. He was surprised by this sudden torturing demand and wondered at his five years of near celibacy in a London that offered such a variety of flowers to be plucked

    30. continence, celibacy, is not going to help to put you in this state, in this situation

    31. Practicing celibacy for the rest of the school year might not be a

    32. Are you so righteous to hold to poorly thought out vows of celibacy to not consider the misery you caused by denying yourself the pleasures they so willingly offered you, which led to their demise?”

    33. A more fiendish dogma than this is inconceivable,—the consummation of theological hardness of heart, and a fitting revenge on the people of Europe forever permitting the sin of enforced clerical celibacy

    34. In the corrupt papal system we have the very cruelty, the craft, and the ambition of the Republic; its cruelty in its unsparing sacrifice of the happiness and virtue of individuals to a phantom of public expediency, in its forced celibacy within, and its persecutions without; its craft in its falsehoods, its deceitful deeds, and lying words; and its grasping ambition in the very structure of its policy, in its assumption of universal dominion; old Rome is still alive; nowhere have its eagles lighted, but it still claims the sovereignty under another pretence

    35. What else is this Vaticanism, which sits like a nightmare on the breast of slumbering Christendom, but the perfection of unreason and spiritual selfishness, the result of an overpowering fear of an eternal hell? Well sing the angels in the Apocalypse at the downfall of 'Babylon,’ if by Babylon be symbolized that religion which is the work of theologians to whom 'the heart of a Husband and a Father is,’ in the language of Sir James Stephen, 'an inscrutable mystery;’ and who, by an enforced celibacy, have cut off the teachers of the people, as well as the masters of the confessional, from personal experience in those two chief revelations of God’s loving Nature to mankind

    36. When death deprived me of my wife I returned to Scotland, enriched by the marriage; and, would you think it, Duncan! the suffering angel had remained in the heartless state of celibacy twenty long years, and that for the sake of a man who could forget her! She did more, sir; she overlooked my want of faith, and, all difficulties being now removed, she took me for her husband

    37. This latter step, however, there was no present prospect that Arthur Dimmesdale would be prevailed upon to take; he rejected all suggestions of the kind, as if priestly celibacy were one of his articles of church-discipline

    38. “It does seem odd that after twelve years of loving a nun, and nine months of celibacy, I should fall for my

    39. Johnson's celebrated judgment as to matrimony and celibacy, and say, that though Mansfield Park might have some pains, Portsmouth could have no pleasures

    40. I cannot favor the celibacy of persons fitted for the marriage relation

    41. That it is incumbent on mankind so to strive, and that celibacy is preferable to marriage, are truths revealed by Christ 1,900 years ago, set forth in our catechisms, and professed by us as followers of Christ

    42. Chastity and celibacy, it is urged, cannot constitute the ideal of humanity, because chastity would annihilate the race which strove to realize it, and humanity cannot set up as its ideal its own annihilation

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    Synonyms for "celibacy"

    celibacy chastity sexual abstention continence purity

    "celibacy" definitions

    an unmarried status

    abstaining from sexual relations (as because of religious vows)