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    Use "cellulose" in a sentence

    cellulose example sentences


    1. They're in the cellulose kingdom," Desa told him

    2. “Well, you have wood…that’s made of cellulose right

    3. studies, involving 384 and 272 subjects with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia receiving Psyllium or cellulose

    4. Each kernel is sealed in a transparent wrapping of cellulose: much like the plastic wrap that affluent people use today

    5. This filthy ‘game’ of hidden ritualized hate became too painful to be played because it hurt both players too much, so a leather glove was used to insulate the opponents from hurting themselves too much and a softer ball was developed covered by leather with cellulose material inside instead of the hard wooden one originally used

    6. Our Healthy Intestinal Living - Colorectal Reboot system - is recommended as the capsules are coated with cellulose, which stops the stomachs acids from affecting them

    7. Dietary fiber in the chia seed divided into a soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber from the skin, containing cellulose and lignin, helps prevent or relieve constipation; soluble dietary fiber from intrinsic ingredient, has been found help lower cholesterol and control diabetes

    8. He brought in your check and handed it to you, and then started flipping through what we used to call the famous O’Neil Personal Data Assistant, which was essentially a very fat legal pad on which he wrote endless notes, folding back the pages that already had notes scribbled in every available square millimeter of their cellulose surface

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    "cellulose" definitions

    a polysaccharide that is the chief constituent of all plant tissues and fibers