Use "charring" in a sentence
charring example sentences
1. Pale in a charring wood
2. over the slated rooftops of the houses, charring their sandstone
3. Arson is defined as the willful and malicious burning or charring of property
4. The smell of charring meat was overpowering and Elise was determined not to let Can Martin see the stringy vomitus loitering in the corners of her mouth
5. Steam and smoke bubbled up from the charring bodies, through the water and along the tube; the stench was vile and nauseating
6. Not only was the concussion from the blast sufficient to tear limbs from the Afghans, but the searing temperature enveloped them on all sides charring the flesh from their bodies
7. He was not pleased to see the black charring on the nose and
8. The broken skin appears as if it is charring before my eyes
9. It came the art of barrel making, from charring the insides of wooden barrels, from wooden barrels that were burnt inside, leaving charcoal
10. One end of it was hardened by charring in the fire, and was sharpened to a fine point