Use "church building" in a sentence
church building example sentences
church building
1. Too many church buildings are given over to this very thing
2. You don’t want to feel guilty anymore, so you do your religious duty in going to church, tithing, repenting, reading your Bible, attending the Bible study, serving, and all the other things that are promoted by the church building that good saints do
3. They sold all their earthly possessions, moved in to an old church building, and lived for nothing but God and his kingdom purposes
4. church buildings save us, though we attend weekly and tithe
5. The auditorium at the church building was more than large enough and with a little blue decor, in no time it looked like a reception hall
6. One day he went for a walk just to get out of the morbid, dull and lifeless house and he’d heard singing coming from a church building
7. We sat on the steps at the back entrance to the church building
8. In my own native Aberdeen, the city centre now looks more like Moscow in the days of the Cold War, with a depressingly high number of closed church buildings
9. Because so many congregations are uniting out of sheer necessity, Scotland is now littered with closed church buildings
10. Worldwide, “Christianity” consists of an estimated 30,000+ denominations15, yes – more than thirty thousand! This is not 30,000 church buildings, this is 30,000 different versions and interpretations of the same bible you and I have and read! Just the other day I read an article where the writer stated the following:
11. I could see all of those people clearly, even though it was distant and they were inside the church building
12. As I stared at the earth, all the church buildings began to appear more and more clearly
13. tomorrow to return to the national church building in
14. Yet, Jesus does not measure vanguard greatness by how highly a leader rises in office or the size of his church building
15. framed church building had once sat in the very spot where the
16. Church building, no doubt, is not everything, and bricks and mortar do not constitute religion
17. he strolled towards the church building to take a look inside
18. church members would gather at the church building and park their
19. At the same time the somber congregation began to file from the church building, Stacey was on the other side of town where he’d parked the Suburban
20. All around the main church building there are chapels and 39
21. Helmi waited for Marian at the top of the marble staircase of the church building and I waited for her to arrive by car at the street gate
22. In many countries Christians have access to large church buildings to meet, yet it is strange how little these buildings are used—primarily only a few hours a week!691 The Church in North Korea, meets in any place possible that is private, mostly in their homes
23. For the next 250 years, before there was ever a church building constructed, this practice of meeting in homes and of loose networking was the pattern for the early Church
24. They were opposed because they preached in the open-air, and not in a church building
25. 691 Of course there are exceptions to this but it seems very few church buildings are used as efficiently as they could be used for God’s work
26. There were only two other vessels parked in front of the white church building