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    Use "chutzpah" in a sentence

    chutzpah example sentences


    1. The comic has enough chutzpah to ignore the almost constant stream of interruptions

    2. His unbelievable chutzpah emboldened him after I was aboard, carrying his water, to earn an MBA at ASU during the daytime (evening MBA course were still years away) while drawing pay from Motorola

    3. He charged all of his expenses to the American Express card given him by the AAOA, yet Bowman had the chutzpah to turn around and get reimbursed a second time by the state

    4. First, I detected that Ned Marandino had had the incredible chutzpah to have $40k worth of repairs to his yacht done on the clock by Ingalls workers and billed to one of Rickover/Schroeder’s contracts

    5. Macmillan had the chutzpah in blocking these attempts to say that he still needed me in Pascagoula until the LHA claim was settled

    6. Being a drunk, I had the chutzpah to have actually demanded custody for myself! What a total farce that would have been

    7. I laughed at his chutzpah because he was screwing Uncle Sam while getting-off with Bambi, Tami, or whoever

    8. A chicken, we might add, with enough evolutionary chutzpah to know the value of a good pair of hiking boots

    9. Starting with only sweat and chutzpah, selling clothes

    10. chutzpah could have carried it off

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    Synonyms for "chutzpah"

    chutzpa chutzpah hutzpah

    "chutzpah" definitions

    (Yiddish) unbelievable gall; insolence; audacity