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    1. 17 One missions group even made a distinction between what Africans were easier to civilize based on their estimated relation to Noah’s son, Ham

    2. His society sent missionaries there to civilize the people instead of emphasizing the Gospel

    3. Whites praised Europeans highly for dividing and occupying Africa to subjugate its people in order to civilize them

    4. I believe Bowen remained silent as white speakers supported imperialistic missions, and then denounced African Americans in his speech at the SVM convention a few years later, because he was the product of white missionary attempts to civilize blacks in the South

    5. If there is anything that this costly, cruel conflict should have taught you, it is that the age of imperialism is well past and should go, forever! The ideas and attitudes that went with that imperialism, like the smug and racist belief that it was the white man’s burden to civilize the rest of the world, have been discredited by the way so-called subhuman specimens, as the commander-in-chief of the Singapore garrison described Japanese prisoners he saw in China, outfought European troops during this war

    6. Give me patience to civilize the natives, your children too, whom you have put in my care

    7. “Tea,” Lenar said, amused by his friends’ determination to civilize each other

    8. Key sentences that serve a solid source to civilize is kept as a source for cover-up intelligence

    9. Education can civilize, but it is being born of the Spirit that saves

    10. civilize the world as much as the horse

    11. I cannot be so confident, my dear Glaucon, I said; I am much more certain that they ought to be, and that true education, whatever that may be, will have the greatest tendency to civilize and humanize them in their relations to one another, and to those who are under their protection

    12. ne ve r he a rd of Our Ford, a nd the y a re n't civilize d

    13. And long e ve nings by the fire or, in sum m e rtim e , on the roof of the little house , whe n she told him those storie s a bout the Othe r Pla ce , outside the Re se rva tion: tha t be a utiful, be a utiful Othe r Pla ce , whose m e m ory, a s of a he a ve n, a pa ra dise of goodne ss a nd love line ss, he still ke pt whole a nd inta ct, unde file d by conta ct with the re a lity of this re a l London, the se a ctua l civilize d m e n a nd wom e n

    14. At present one would rather say on the contrary that the action of the state with its cruel methods of punishment, behind the general moral standard of the age, such as prisons, galleys, gibbets, and guillotines, tends rather to brutalize the people than to civilize them, and consequently rather to increase than diminish the number of malefactors

    15. Christianity Destroys the State—But Which is Most Necessary: Christianity or the State?—There are Some who Assert the Necessity of a State Organization, and Others who Deny it, both Arguing from same First Principles—Neither Contention can be Proved by Abstract Argument—The Question must be Decided by the Stage in the Development of Conscience of Each Man, which will either Prevent or Allow him to Support a Government Organization—Recognition of the Futility and Immorality of Supporting a State Organization Contrary to Christian Principles will Decide the Question for Every Man, in Spite of any Action on Part of the State—Argument of those who Defend the Government, that it is a Form of Social Life, Needed to Protect the Good from the Wicked, till all Nations and all Members of each Nation have Become Christians—The Most Wicked are Always those in Power—The whole History of Humanity is the History of the Forcible Appropriation of Power by the Wicked and their Oppression of the Good—The Recognition by Governments of the Necessity of Opposing Evil by Force is Equivalent to Suicide on their Part—The Abolition of State-violence cannot Increase the Sum Total of Acts of Violence—The Suppression of the Use of Force is not only Possible, but is even Taking Place before Our Eyes—But it will Never be Suppressed by the Violence of Government, but through Men who have Attained Power by Evidence Recognizing its Emptiness and Becoming Better and Less Capable of Using Force—Individual Men and also Whole Nations Pass Through this Process—By this Means Christianity is Diffused Through Consciousness of Men, not only in Spite of Use of Violence by Government, but even Through its Action, and therefore the Suppression is not to be Dreaded, but is Brought About by the National Progress of Life—Objection of those who Defend State Organization that Universal Adoption of Christianity is hardly Likely to be Realized at any Time—The General Adoption of the Truths of Christianity is being Brought About not only by the Gradual and Inward Means, that is, by Knowledge of the Truth, Prophetic Insight, and Recognition of the Emptiness of Power, and Renunciation of it by Individuals, but also by Another External Means, the Acceptance of a New Truth by Whole Masses of Men on a Lower Level of Development Through Simple Confidence in their Leaders—When a Certain Stage in the Diffusion of a Truth has been Reached, a Public Opinion is Created which Impels a Whole Mass of Men, formerly Antagonistic to the New Truth, to Accept it—And therefore all Men may Quickly be Brought to Renounce the use of Violence when once a Christian Public Opinion is Established—The Conviction of Force being Necessary Hinders the Establishment of a Christian Public Opinion—The Use of Violence Leads Men to Distrust the Spiritual Force which is the Only Force by which they Advance—Neither Nations nor Individuals have been really Subjugated by Force, but only by Public Opinion, which no Force can Resist—Savage Nations and Savage Men can only be Subdued by the Diffusion of a Christian Standard among them, while actually Christian Nations in order to Subdue them do all they can to Destroy a Christian Standard—These Fruitless Attempts to Civilize Savages Cannot be Adduced as Proofs that Men Cannot be Subdued by Christianity—Violence by Corrupting Public Opinion, only Hinders the Social Organization from being What it Ought to Be—And by the Use of Violence being Suppressed, a Christian Public Opinion would be Established—Whatever might be the Result of the Suppression of Use of Force, this Unknown Future could not be Worse than the Present Condition, and so there is no Need to Dread it—To Attain Knowledge of the Unknown, and to Move Toward it, is the Essence of Life

    16. Only time can civilize our new community in intellectual and perspective matters; but there are some other conditions which are more immediately in our power to modify, perhaps—let us see:

    17. It appears that the religious sentiment of the country, as represented by those who control and direct its efforts to civilize and Christianize the Indians, is unanimously opposed to a change in the present general policy toward the Indian, in the mode of its administration; and many weighty facts and reasons are brought to the support of this opposition

    18. The President responded briefly, expressing his hearty sympathy with all efforts to civilize and Christianize the Indians, and his gratification at the progress that has been made, and indicated practical methods to secure the additional legislation desired

    1. Males often wore a sling under it, but even so, there was no false bragging going on and hadn't been since way before Europe was civilized

    2. "Yes;" Eelon's eyes brightened, "we've heard of Dos, we understand it's quite civilized over there

    3. This relatively civilized introduction to importuning went on for a few minutes more until interrupted by the approach of two railway policemen

    4. relatively civilized introduction to importuning went on for a few

    5. She gave the young man a moment to relinquish the sleeve still tight in his fingers then stated clearly and loud enough for his mates and anyone one else out at that time to hear, “You will keep a civil tongue in your foul little mouth, or there's more where that came from! Don't even begin to tell any one else about 'manners!' I don't know from whose foolish talk you picked up that misapplied epithet, but you will do well to remember this: you and your little friends are not even civilized humans yet and until you learn to treat others as you would be treated, I pity you the knocks and bruises in store for you, and not just at the hands of a 'woman' next time;” she glared at them one at a time, “Now get on back to your homes and don't even think of repeating such a foolish stunt!” she added

    6. To imagine that it 'just happened,' is not only implausible but contradicts the evidence of the rapid diaspora of man across the continents in cohesive groups accomplishing cooperative feats of civilized development

    7. He obviously did not think it worth bringing anyone else in to hear more evidence that the society was peaceful and civilized

    8. He obviously didn’t know anything about civilized life, even such as it was out here in Yoonbarla

    9. That was also probably consistent with coming from a civilized portion of this basin like Bostok

    10. As in a civilized country there are but few commodities of which the exchangeable value arises from labour only, rent and profit contributing largely to that of the far greater part of them, so the annual produce of its labour will always be sufficient to purchase or command a much greater quantity of labour than what was employed in raising, preparing, and bringing that produce to market

    11. Ylippa was the more civilized of the two, but he wasn't around

    12. Corn, besides, or whatever else is the common and favourite vegetable food of the people, constitutes, in every civilized country, the principal part of the subsistence of the labourer

    13. Even the Peruvians, the more civilized nation of the two, though they made use of gold and silver as ornaments, had no coined money of any kind

    14. The jealousy of the barbarians for the civilized

    15. It clearly demonstrates, that the stock and population of the country did not bear the same proportion to the extent of its territory, which they commonly do in civilized countries ; and that society was at that time, and in that country, but in its infancy

    16. But from the high or low money price of some sorts of goods in proportion to that of others, we can infer, with a degree of probability that approaches almost to certainty, that it was rich or poor, that the greater part of its lands were improved or unimproved, and that it was either in a more or less barbarous state, or in a more or less civilized one

    17. These are the three great, original, and constituent, orders of every civilized society, from whose revenue that of every other order is ultimately derived

    18. already? And yet, it never has, not here or anywhere in the civilized world

    19. country, it is not more civilized, but only more

    20. They have there a civilized toilet,

    21. The great commerce of every civilized society is that carried on between the inhabitants of the town and those of the country

    22. Better yet, the place was civilized

    23. Italy lay in the centre of what was at that time the improved and civilized part of the world

    24. Names, introductions…they were the simple formalities that reminded one that he or she still inhabited a civilized world even in the darkest times of war and calamity

    25. But rich and civilized nations can always exchange to a much greater value with one another, than with savages and barbarians

    26. As, in every civilized country, it is the commodity of which the annual consumption is the greatest ; so a greater quantity of industry is annually employed in pruducing corn than in producing any other commodity

    27. The colony of a civilized nation which takes possession either of a waste country, or of one so thinly inhabited that the natives easily give place to the new settlers, advances more rapidly to wealth and greatness than any other human society

    28. The second is the invention of money, which binds together all the relations between civilized societies

    29. A nation of hunters can never be formidable to the civilized nations in their neighbourhood; a nation of shepherds may

    30. The number of those who can go to war, in proportion to the whole number of the people, is necessarily much smaller in a civilized than in a rude state of society

    31. In a civilized society, as the soldiers are maintained altogether by the labour of those who are not soldiers, the number of the former can never exceed what the latter can maintain, over and above maintaining, in a manner suitable to their respective stations, both themselves and the other officers of government and law, whom they are obliged to maintain

    32. Among the civilized nations of modern Europe, it is commonly computed, that not more than the one hundredth part of the inhabitants of any country can be employed as soldiers, without ruin to the country which pays the expense of their service

    33. The militias of all the civilized nations of the ancient world, of Greece, of Syria, and of Egypt, made but a feeble resistance to the standing armies of Rome

    34. It was brought about by the irresistible superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation; which the militia of a nation of shepherds has over that of a nation of husbandmen, artificers, and manufacturers

    35. When the expedient of a standing army, besides, had once been adopted by one civilized nation, it became necessary that all its neighbours should follow the example

    36. When a civilized nation depends for its defence upon a militia, it is at all times exposed to be conquered by any barbarous nation which happens to be in its neighbourhood

    37. The frequent conquests of all the civilized countries in Asia by the Tartars, sufficiently demonstrates the natural superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation

    38. Such an army, as it can best be maintained by an opulent and civilized nation, so it can alone defend such a nation against the invasion of a poor and barbarous neighbour

    39. As it is only by means of a well regulated standing army, that a civilized country can be defended, so it is only by means of it that a barbarous country can be suddenly and tolerably civilized

    40. No society, whether barbarous or civilized, has ever found it convenient to settle the rules of precedency of rank and subordination, according to those invisible qualities; but according to something that is more plain and palpable

    41. In the most opulent and civilized nations, age regulates rank among those who are in every other respect equal ; and among whom, therefore, there is nothing else to regulate it

    42. In an opulent and civilized society, a man may possess a much greater fortune, and yet not be able to command a dozen of people

    43. The authority of fortune, however, is very great, even in an opulent and civilized society

    44. The salaries of all the different judges, high and low, together with the whole expense of the administration and execution of justice, even where it is not managed with very good economy, makes, in any civilized country, but a very inconsiderable part of the whole expense of government

    45. But in every improved and civilized society, this is the state into which the labouring poor, that is, the great body of the people, must necessarily fall, unless government takes some pains to prevent it

    46. Invention is kept alive, and the mind is not suffered to fall into that drowsy stupidity, which, in a civilized society, seems to benumb the understanding of almost all the inferior ranks of people

    47. In such a society, indeed, no man can well acquire that improved and refined understanding which a few men sometimes possess in a more civilized state

    48. In a civilized state, on the contrary, though there is little variety in the occupations of the greater part of individuals, there is an almost infinite variety in those of the whole society These varied occupations present an almost infinite variety of objects to the

    49. The same thing may be said of the gross ignorance and stupidity which, in a civilized society, seem so frequently to benumb the understandings of all the inferior ranks of people

    50. In every civilized society, in every society where the

    1. Only through hard experience has Mankind learned the extent of the compromises necessary to have accomplished this gargantuan effort at civilizing his natural inclinations

    2. It is to incapacitate the civilizing authority of what Freud calls the super ego

    3. The commanders of the Civil War, the radical strategists at the core of the Democratic Party, and often a majority of the Supreme Court, have cleverly shaped the civilizing element of toleration into the debilitating requirement of political correctitude

    4. “The major civilizing force in the world is not

    5. Libra is the civilizing instinct or urge of the soul

    6. Kokopoulos took his civilizing mission evangelically; after all he had been educated at the Lutheran Seminary in Damascus

    7. But Bomber’s instincts were more keen than any civilizing voice within him could shout down

    8. the chief influence in the civilizing of human character

    9. "The White Man's burden" of civilizing the "savages" was widely perceived as ordained by God

    10. The marriage in church was for them a simple allegiance to tradition, to their roots and culture, to an institution that kept Hellenism alive through five-hundred years of Turkish slavery and performed a civilizing function in human society in general

    11. The utter rot called History is not the civilizing of barbaric people being absorbed into a less violent society

    12. He is universally lauded by historians as being a civilizing force for good

    13. Much less has there been failure, but victory, if we may take into account the indirect civilizing influences which have accompanied the gospel; the gradual but almost universal extension of the dry-rot of disbelief in their own systems among the heathen, which must be set down in part to the disintegrating action of Christian ideas in Asiatic society

    14. A wife may be a civilizing force; this is well

    15. He believed that time in the wilderness provided “a lasting curative and civilizing value,” and he spent twenty-five years advocating for the PCT, though when he died in 1957 the trail was still only a dream

    16. He is the author of two books on healthcare, mental health, and addiction—Bitter Pills: Inside the Hazardous World of Legal Drugs, and Thing of Beauty: The Tragedy of Supermodel Gia—as well as The New Rabbi, Husbandry, and his recent historical biography Appetite for America: Fred Harvey and the Business of Civilizing the Wild West—One Meal at a Time, which was a New York Times bestseller

    17. Only, a civilizing people should remain a manly people

    18. Now that we are parting perhaps for a long time, I should very much hke to get from you an answer to another question : has it really been impossible for you during these twenty years to affect my mother's traditional ideas—and now my sister's, too—so as to dissipate by your civilizing influence the primitive darkness of her environment 1 Oh, I am not speaking of the purity of her nature

    19. The Indian tribes, not under foreign instigations, remain at peace, and receive the civilizing attentions which have proved so beneficial to them

    20. The appropriations are not large enough to supply employés; therefore, no civilizing measures have been introduced here

    21. While we repudiate emphatically the idea that Mohammedanism can be a substitute for Christianity in civilizing Africa, yet it is only just that we should admit that Islam brings with it some influences for good into that benighted land—influences that strongly appeal to the higher instincts and aspirations of the people, and are, therefore, an elevating power

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    Synonyms for "civilize"

    civilise civilize cultivate educate school train polish finish

    "civilize" definitions

    teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment

    raise from a barbaric to a civilized state