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    Use "clanking" in a sentence

    clanking example sentences


    1. There was a great shudder that went through the earth as she felt it move, and then a muffled clanking of a machine came from above

    2. She landed hard strikes on the hissing and clanking behemoth

    3. At midnight, voices sounded, accompanied by the clanking of mail armor

    4. Before she could decide whose troops approached, another collection of voices and clanking armor arose from the other side of the yard

    5. My screams of rage were quickly lost amongst the clanking and whirring of the car-wash as it dutifully washed my car from front to back, then from back to front, my head along with it

    6. draped chains, clanking the rollers, mixed in with a compressor

    7. Then he stood and greeted, and there was a loud clanking of chairs when everyone stood up and greeted back

    8. A sufficient hole dug, Lord Robert dropped the shackles in and grimaced at the clanking sound they made in the darkness

    9. He felt a warmth brush past his face and heard the faintest echo of clanking armour

    10. Rover had recovered their dead, salvaged what parts they could from wrecked tracks, and were roaring and clanking along Route 13 estimating linkup with the main unit about noon

    11. He heard the mallet fall to the ground, then some clanking of metal

    12. The sound of clattering and clanking announced the return of the jesterfish

    13. Philip and Jonathan stayed within the shade of night, hearing the noise of laughter and clanking plates to their left and the tranquility of the ebbing tide to their right

    14. When they met there was a loud clanking of metals

    15. 'For victory and the fair honor of Taramis!' he said sardonically, and, taking his vizored helmet under his arm, he lifted a hand in salute, and strode clanking from the chamber

    16. Pallantides hastened from the pavilion, clanking in the armor he had donned at midnight after a few hours' sleep

    17. began to stir, clanking the sides of the cup as though it were a

    18. Sometime later, the clanking of keys and the turning of the lock made me look up and I stared across the cell as the basement door opened

    19. When the clanking stopped there was no other sound

    20. A Bloodliner came running into the room with his armor clanking on his body

    21. The inn keeper stepped back with a worried look, her metal boots clanking on the floor

    22. It is a small mercy that nobody could see what went on inside that machine, but the clanking, booming, chuntering noises were highly suggestive

    23. They began to hear pots clanking, machine sounds from what appeared to be a kitchen

    24. hear the hardware clanking in his anorak pockets

    25. There was a noise of metal clanking on the pavement behind the platform and a naked boy then ran up the stairs, closely pursued by two of the trader’s henchmen

    26. After a brief pause, he heard the clanking of the latch

    27. � The layers of neoprene foam sandwiching the plate pockets, on top of making the vest more comfortable to wear and cushioning any eventual impact, prevented the plates from clanking between them

    28. The clanking of spanners on bolt heads slowly sealed his fate

    29. To a clanking of iron buffers and a clinking of chain, the train

    30. sound of clanking dishes

    31. It was almost deafening with the thudding and clanking of fifty-eight picks hammering the dirt in random, and the shoveling of dirt into the dirt-carts, the loading and unloading of the crystals, and especially the machinery used to haul the crystals up the side of the two hundred foot embankment

    32. reading the Bible when he heard the clanking of keys outside

    33. His “Orchestra” was a gigantic clanking monstrosity

    34. Miles Donovan jumped at the clanking sound of something locking into place under his seat, and saw a cannon built like a six shot revolver drop out of the bottom of the other plane, matching Millie’s

    35. A dull clanking sound then abruptly interrupted the conversation

    36. She heard the pounding of the sea, the clanking as longswords met, and the pang of lightening as it flashed in the distance

    37. Occasionally the clanking of coins in the

    38. By the time that dish of last week’s leftover vanilla tapioca should have been cranking up his second term into high gear, the country was clanking down to a falling-apart, full stop

    39. The chatter resumed, bowls clanking and dishes being passed around

    40. forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is

    41. machinery clanking and moving

    42. It was loud for a moment then they heard the sound of clanking, like metal on rock

    43. And now he, for whose sake she had married Job, so that the thousands of acres her father had had to mortgage could be freed from debt and handed over to him, when he came to inherit, in the condition his ancestors knew, had long ago vanished out of her life, and Job, who freed the inheritance, had vanished too--Trippy forever, behind the clanking gates of death, and Job for ever too, of course, but differently forever

    44. This year the manoeuvres are up our way, so that we are blest with more than our usual share of attention, and wherever you go you see soldiers, and the holy calm that has brooded over us all the summer has given place to a perpetual running to and fro of officers' servants, to meals being got ready at all hours, to the clanking of spurs and all those other mysterious things on an officer that do clank whenever he moves, and to the grievous wailings of my unfortunate menials, who are quite beside themselves, and know not whither to turn for succour

    45. Prompted by the mournful groan of burning timbers and clanking bangs, Johnny crouched down to suck feverishly at the clear liquid

    46. Then he hears the worst noise he could possibly hear: the clanking of an approaching guard, and he freezes, every muscle in his body tense

    47. The clanking grows louder as the guards approach, and after a moment she hears it as well

    48. And when the clanking of the cooling chamber door started, and that boring nightwatchman came in again, I decided rather to follow him for a while…

    49. A few big strides brought him to the corner of the Mustang where he kneeled down and hammered his elbow onto the bonnet with a hollow clanking sound

    50. The noisy seagulls were just as predominant though, and additionally there were the hollow splashing and clanking sounds of a multitude of these smaller boats being incessantly shifted around in their position by the turbid water and tugging at their moors

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    "clanking" definitions

    having a hard nonresonant metallic sound