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    clemency example sentences


    1. Once your appeal and clemency was turned down it was the end

    2. She thanked him repeatedly for using his influence to obtain clemency for the boys, and even though he continued to deny that he had had anything to do with it, she was convinced that it was he who had arranged it

    3. Brumerson conjectured that the boys’ cases had carried a high priority for clemency because of their ages

    4. pressed on every side, according to the clemency that you readily show to all

    5. For what has he done to deserve such random cruelty? What did he do to he born into such a hell? Where is God in all this vileness? And, in its usually perverse way, the universe answers the puppy's plea for clemency with more pointless cruelty

    6. “As soon as I got my Executive Clemency, I went back to our house and saw you there with your half-sister,” he continued

    7. 9 therefore O king seeing know all these things be careful for the country and our nation which is pressed on every side according to the clemency that you readily show to all

    8. 6 For this cause we severely threatened them; yet with the clemency which we are wanting to extend to all men we at length permitted them to live

    9. Jesus Christ is kindly disposed to you through His great clemency; And Misdeus when he did not find the bones (for one of the brothers had taken them and carried them into the regions of the West) took some dust from where the bones had lain and touched his son with it and said; I believe in You Jesus now when he has left me who always afflicts men that they may not look to Your light which gives understanding O Lord kind to men

    10. Lying in his hammock, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was insensible to the pleas for clemency

    11. He did that wishing to remove all bad thoughts and doubts and to clear the Supreme Godly Presence whose all actions result in pure good, clemency and perfection

    12. Out of God’s Mercy and great Clemency, He has stimulated us to do good actions, as He has warned and alarmed us of doing evil

    13. He warns us of that fire so that we may avoid it, and that is out of His clemency and tenderness upon us

    14. Therefore the Almighty introduced this fortress by verses explaining to the spirit the might of its Creator on one hand, and on the other hand He acquaints it with His clemency, compassion and tenderness with it and His continuous favor upon it

    15. Should you not see how Al’lah threw on it everything so that you may ascertain the greatness of your Creator and the clemency and mercy of your Provider?

    16. Therefore, out of the clemency of this merciful and sympathetic God with us, He drove to us at the beginning of this fortress some verses that implant the awe in our spirits

    17. In the previous verses, the Almighty God has revealed to us the clemency which His Messenger’s heart was distinguished by and the humane perfection which his spirit was colored with concerning his mercy upon the whole creatures

    18. By the spirit’s entrance into Al’lah’s Presence, elevated impressions of clemency, mercy, wisdom and other perfect attributes will be imprinted on its surfaces, exactly as what happens on the plate of the camera when the pictures of the things opposite to it are imprinted on it

    19. Should you not see how Al’lah placed everything onto it, so that you can ascertain the Greatness of your Creator, and the Clemency and Mercy of your Provider?

    20. Out of God’s Mercy and great Clemency, He has stimulated us to do good actions, just as He has warned and alarmed us against doing evil

    21. Similarly, the spirit will not be sure of its Creator’s Grandeur until it witnesses the Might of that Mighty Possessor in His kingdom, from which He provides His creatures and supplies them all with a flood of His Favor and Benevolence, overwhelming the uniVerse with His Clemency and ample Mercy

    22. Shyness and chivalry; clemency and mercy; sympathy, tenderness and pity; knowledge; patience; wisdom; courage, intrepidity and bravery; generosity, open-handedness and liberality; justice, loftiness and continence; good management and fine conduct and direction of one’s affairs and such like: whichever of these qualities you mention, all of them were possessed by the brave commander and the bold hero, the veteran politician, the experienced leader, the judicious scholar, the wise master, the merciful clement man, the clear-eyed and discerning ruler

    23. When considering this fact with his matchless and profound intuition, he decided to refuse the lavish amounts of pocket money which he was previously accustomed to receive from his father! He overcame the normal childhood wish to have plenty of pocket money, and preferred to go without for more than ten years, due to his clemency towards his mother, the poor widow; and rather than place an added burden on her he asked her for no pocket money whatsoever, not even the smallest amount: something which she found most strange!

    24. Officer Mohammad Amin thanked God anew for their rescue from this painful accident and for His Care, Protection and Clemency towards them

    25. He witnesses the Name, the Compassionate overwhelming all creatures with His endless Compassion, and sees the Name, the Clement surrounding them with His Clemency

    26. It was lit in his heart by his love to his Creator after he saw what he did of Al’lah's Perfection and what he witnessed of His Sympathy, Tenderness, Clemency, and Mercy with all His creatures

    27. All of that shows us the Compassion and the Clemency of God, the Almighty, for Al'lah is Clement and Merciful

    28. So, the purpose beyond this story is to warn man against the devil's cunning, and that is merely out of the Almighty's Sympathy, Compassion and Clemency

    29. At this moment, the light of the messenger (cpth) whom Almighty Al'lah has called 'the shining lamp' will illuminate for you a side of God's Perfection and you will witness what you are qualified for of the Godly compassion, tenderness, sympathy, kindness, clemency, charity, justice, might, science, wisdom, abundant favor, provision, boons upon every being having a soul and a life, comprehensive steering, and other Godly Attributes which none has witnessed a side of them but he became infatuated with them and adored them

    30. The communicant views the Godly Mightiness and Justice and witnesses the clemency, the compassion, the sympathy, the tenderness, the favor, the charity and the other attributes that lie behind the Godly Names

    31. Hoisting gustin upright, with my shoulder under his arms, I called over to Clemency, "C'mon

    32. Instead of demanding anything, as a sort of prescriptive right, the new attorney actually adopted the unheard of measure of appealing to the clemency of the court

    33. She was pretty, yes, but her slurred speech due to her cleft pallet and her hardness of hearing both made it hard to communicate with others in a way that didn’t require a certain type of clemency

    34. Clemency: Mercy; a state of being mild and compassionate

    35. He performed the absolution rite, asked God for clemency for Dr Heim

    36. God"s clemency was their unawareness of anything better

    37. “The Clemency Consortium will be out there

    38. It was dangerous work killing one of the Clemency Consortiums, but he recognized her and was going to return her to Kyrstalis for a trial

    39. Necromancers started the Consortium but were killed off when the Clemency Consortium outlawed magic

    40. They told the Clemency that you are merely a young magic user that needs punished

    41. “Why would the Clemency care that we kill a magic user?” one of the Nosata asked

    42. In their haste to turn her over to the Clemency Consortium, they untied both of her hands at the same time

    43. Kyrin saw two of the Clemency heading toward him, so she stood and mustered the energy to hit each with a ball of fire before she grabbed the Priest by the collar and hauled him through the portal

    44. The Clemency Consortium had given up on finding her, and the cemetery was empty and quiet

    45. But through the divine clemency God has superseded that law with a law of mercy, condemning those crimes with equal severity, but suspending the execution until the days of grace shall have passed

    46. "An old book that," said the curate, "but I find no reason for clemency in it; send it after the others without appeal;" which was done

    47. If our innocence and her tears and mine can with strict justice open the door to clemency, extend it to us, for we never had any intention of injuring you, nor do we sympathise with the aims of our people, who have been justly

    48. Smith, who, by stating his marriage with a woman of character, as the source of her clemency, gave him reason for believing that had he behaved with honour towards Marianne, he might at once have been happy and rich

    49. The inspector visited, one after another, the cells and dungeons of several of the prisoners, whose good behavior or stupidity recommended them to the clemency of the government

    50. He [Nixon] got up out of his chair, went behind his chair to the corner of the Executive Office Building office and in a barely audible tone said to me he was probably foolish to have discussed” executive clemency for one of the Watergate co-conspirators, Howard Hunt

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    Synonyms for "clemency"

    clemency mercifulness mercy mildness

    "clemency" definitions

    good weather with comfortable temperatures

    leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice