Use "clopping" in a sentence
clopping example sentences
1. Clopping hooves behind her had echoed in her ear for a few minutes, but she wanted to assume that it was but a random traveler sharing the road with her
2. The Praefect was lost in the murmur of the camp and the thumping and clopping hooves of the horse as it galloped away
3. by the rumble of heavy wheels and the clop, clop, clopping of a multitude of hooves
4. Only the clop, clop, clopping of hooves on the dry-packed sand of the
5. I heard a clopping sound at the door, a hoof knocking on the threshold
6. Grover cowered by the railing, his hooves clopping back and forth
7. in the clopping of clogs, in the banging
8. I want to cry out to the horses to stop their incessant clopping, but I am unable to do that, for I want to desperately find out what is there and who is behind the veil
9. But she burst into song unnatural for a sparrow when she caught sight of Liskara clopping up the path
10. The seven horses’ hooves sounded like a herd, clopping loudly down the stone paved road
11. He whispered and described how he rode to the river’s edge while he slapped his hands on the legs of his trousers imitating the clopping sounds of the horse’s hooves
12. We rode on quietly, horses’ hooves clopping slowly, silence in the woods, a soundless late autumn forest
13. Cloppety clopping in slow motion in the empty streets of Garden City, the cold breeze clearing our minds, failing to clear our desire
14. Minutes later they were clopping down the street on the backs of their niddi
15. The clopping of someone’s boot heels on cobbles far below
16. Men were so attuned to the Bird’s presence that they instantly recognized the clopping sound his clogs made in the sand