Whether you are in the co-operate world or whatever
‘That explains why her brother was so easily persuaded to co-operate at any rate
'But he’s still willing to co-operate?'
'That you place the matter before me, co-operate fully
confidence, hoping he’d co-operate with the transfer of the
convince her to co-operate - with the assistance of an
“I will not co-operate with her
Jimmy refused, and the nurse gave her own look of exasperation at his failure to co-operate
Ostensibly the army was to go to Santiago to attack and destroy the batteries thus enabling the navy to enter the harbour, remove the mines, and co-operate with the army on land in destroying the fleet and capturing the city
Authorities did not co-operate in any way
We co-operate with the artillery
want it to work and you co-operate and accept the instructions, then you"ll reap the benefits of
want it to work and you co-operate and accept the instructions, then you'll reap the benefits of
but co-operate with the police at these road blocks
To provide lighting for their areas, the wizards of the four tropical nations had co-operated on a great illusion
But the greatest difference between tonight’s gift giving and the more usual presentations is this; Because of the numbers attending, and I suspect out of a mild hope to out-do one another, many have co-operated in selecting gifts, and pooled their resources, so as to be able to give a more significant and meaningful gift as a group
“The next to be invited were eight thousand of the magically gifted among The People of Life, and they generally co-operated in groups of dozens to hundreds in contributing to gifts and selecting them
“I’m thinking that if a person co-operates in buying a gift with a large group of other people, they are each likely to contribute less time and personal attention in making their selection than they would spend on a gift that they purchased and presented as an individual
Then came the gift of The People of Life, or rather, the two thirds of them who had co-operated in gifting them as a nation
They have co-operated to formulate the spell you requested, and have formed it with their combined power
The government must co-operate more with rescue centres and animal welfare
“There are tentative plans in the works for such things, but so far, my counterparts from the other races have only co-operated in organizing Healers for the civil defense corps that are being formed everywhere
“For the first time, all the races of The Just Alliance co-operate in a construction
“She said that your mother had died of pneumonia when you were girls, and that your father was a trapper, and that he and the women of the valley had co-operated in raising you both until you were seventeen and she was fifteen, when you defied your father to run off with the trader’s son
All four of you are fine people and great warriors, whom we would be glad to have at our backs in any battle, but if we strive against you with our utmost effort and all of our available resources, you will need to co-operate as a quartet while fighting at the limits of your skill and power in order to have an even chance of defeating us
“But, none survive alone, so most soon learn to co-operate, then communities are formed and hierarchies established, then the advantages of manipulation and betrayal become apparent
Coast Guard Great Lakes units co-operate with Canadian law enforcement agencies and the Canadian Coast Guard
You co-operate with me, I'll pitch an offer to
“This will be over quickly if you co-operate
“I can assure you, this will be quite painless if you co-operate
always at His disposal a body through which He can co-operate, when
he has learnt to adapt himself, and to co-operate with any person whatever
used simply as a channel, yet is at the same time being taught to co-operate in
Do you not know that men and women are partners with God in that they co-operate to create beings who grow up to possess themselves of the potential of immortal souls? The Father in heaven treats the Spirit Mother of the children of the universe as one equal to himself
Can I depend upon you to co-operate with me in this matter?' In this way privately and personally approach each of your brethren
It’s about developing ‘likeability’, the people skills, the ability to get others to co-operate with you
Nevertheless, I admonish you that these scribes and Pharisees still sit in Moses' seat, and therefore, until the Most Highs who rule in the kingdoms of men shall finally overthrow this nation and destroy the place of these rulers, I bid you co-operate with these elders in Israel
Each clasped an upper arm as Gryph struggled and protested, easily lifting him off his feet as they carried him away, screaming that he had co-operated and done all that they had asked
And, if Siri refused to co-operate, they could forcibly scan his DNA and he would be on his way back to the US and imprisonment
“That’s ok,” Preeti paused and stared at his face, then suddenly her mouth was unable to co-operate with her brain when she recognized his face
Parking on the road before the turn, he made up his mind, she would just have to co-operate and …” His thoughts ended as he thought of what had to be done
“Only the governments and High Military Brass knew two years earlier, that is how they determined where to hide the important people, only the meteors did not co-operate and most of the officials were killed
I explained a little of the position to Anthea; not enough to alarm her, but so that we could co-operate in effecting what economies we could
“Well telling her that she can perform was the only way to get her to co-operate
“We are trying to co-operate with them Aunt Mary!” Miranda shouts
Plus, if you co-operate Commissioner Stephenson has agreed clear your record with the F
There are various ways of, shall we say, encouraging people to co-operate with you
co-operate with the two agents as much as possible and picked up his office
So demonic spirits can see a person's condition, and they co-operate to bring them into bondage
had steadfastly refused to co-operate with any of Harry’s schemes and,
“They may co-operate when they know what’s going on, but won’t pass on the names and addresses of their members
Negative, critical talk will grieve and quench the Holy Spirit, so we're called not to quench Him but to learn how to co-operate with Him
Should you be prepared to co-operate in this way, I shall arrange for the electronic transfer of what will become your portion of the estate from my bank to your own, and report the satisfactory outcome of my research to my senior partners
“When you hear details of what we propose, we are quite sure you will wish to co-operate,” said the Russian, and hung up
Neither was he at all sure what the man had meant when he had inferred that he, Jarvis, would want to co-operate with them
They said, and I quote, ‘When you hear details of what we propose, we are quite sure you will wish to co-operate
That way, Jarvis will co-operate with them, and we should then be able to find out what it is they’re after
Although God's heart is to change the world, it requires we actively co-operate and participate in it
He accepted that, and he co-operated with God's plan, harnessed his desire, and provided all the resources
In other words, I have to activate something else, and then I get the victory; and it's the activating something else that requires you to co-operate with the Holy Ghost
How can I co-operate with the Holy Spirit to increase His working in My Life?
But there are some things we can do, which will cause God's word to create energy inside us, and to effectively strengthen our spirit, so our outer life begins to change, but we have to co-operate with God
You can't see the Holy Spirit, but we can with the eye of faith, begin to understand what He's doing, and position ourselves to co-operate with that, so in flowing in a meeting, actually - and I appreciate Steve's words of honour, but it's actually not really that hard
“In the meantime, I’ll phone the Governor, and ask him to authorise Vaughan to co-operate with us,” said Weaver
“You’re going,” said Vaughan, “Whether you co-operate or not
Clergy and laity must co-operate, if the ship is to be saved
municipal genre to co-operate in the handover process
‘I urge the ANC and the president to respect the findings of this report and to co-operate with all processes to ensure that every person including President Jacob Zuma is held to account’
He did, though, know someone over there who would want to co-operate
bad as they could at the trial, said we were habitual criminals, had refused to co-operate with
Co-operate with God, don't manipulate Him
But if you will to co-operate with Shuai Tianfan and with the aid of this heroic Brother Di, there is no difficulty that cannot be resolved! Once the matter is over, not only can you
willing to co-operate with me, please nod your head gently three times
Naturally I refused to co-operate with him and we even broke into an argument
didn"t co-operate; that they"d inform his cohorts of his capture, and that he had talked
to see eye-to-eye with us on this issue, and refuse to co-operate, we shall employ every trade
Carton seemed to be delighted, as Kennedy proceeded to outline the case, at the fact that he and Miss Kendall had found it possible to co-operate
Legal and Finance co-operated or more accurately left each other to their own devices while Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Logistics battled for relevance
At least if I set up my own company and co-operated with Kins I wouldn’t have someone trying to tell me how to speak my own
For example the BBC reported that at least one social media executive had said the networks were keen to co-operate but that the idea of trying to block communications was what he termed ludicrous and actually had not been thought through
But as soon as you were left alone, Jake refused to co-operate with even the
He’s ready to co-operate us
co-operate, the child will probably not be a credit to you
the right road, and as they co-operate readily they receive the mental support of the management in
The group agreed to watch, and co-operate where necessary, with the project as it evolved, and passed on to the next agenda item
When that turned up, they would want to co-operate, regardless of what they thought before
co-operate on NATO matters
concerned … he is, and I’ll co-operate with your department and
each other and co-operate each other, the outcome is huge and yields ten-fold
Even so, it was strange that she was sending him unaccompanied; the Under Manager must realise that, with the appalling charge sheet being held against him (however unjustly) coupled with his knowledge of the creature's existence and ongoing depredations, he had no real choice but to co-operate
But in reality justice was such as we were describing, being concerned however, not with the outward man, but with the inward, which is the true self and concernment of man: for the just man does not permit the several elements within him to interfere with one another, or any of them to do the work of others,--he sets in order his own inner life, and is his own master and his own law, and at peace with himself; and when he has bound together the three principles within him, which may be compared to the higher, lower, and middle notes of the scale, and the intermediate intervals--when he has bound all these together, and is no longer many, but has become one entirely temperate and perfectly adjusted nature, then he proceeds to act, if he has to act, whether in a matter of property, or in the treatment of the body, or in some affair of politics or private business; always thinking and calling that which preserves and co-operates with this harmonious condition, just and good action, and the knowledge which presides over it, wisdom, and that which at any time impairs this condition, he will call unjust action, and the opinion which presides over it ignorance
`Whilst the unemployed workers were starving and those in employment not much better off, the individuals and private companies who owned the machinery accumulated fortunes; but their profits were diminished and their working expenses increased by what led to the latest great change in the organization of the production of the necessaries of life - the formation of the Limited Companies and the Trusts; the decision of the private companies to combine and co-operate with each other in order to increase their profits and decrease their working expenses
I say, sir, we decline to co-operate with a man whose character is not cleared from infamous lights cast upon it, not only by reports but by recent actions
After Lenin decided that letting so many of the nationalities of the old tsarist empire, including the Armenians, set up independent, anti-communist states on Russia’s borders might not be such a good idea after all, he and Kemal co-operated in crushing the briefly-independent Armenian state and the Turks resumed their campaign of ethnic cleansing
Inhabitants of the city and villages, and you, workingmen and artisans, to whatever nation you belong, you are called on to carry out the paternal intentions of His Majesty the Emperor and King and to co-operate with him for the public welfare! Lay your respect and confidence at his feet and do not delay to unite with us!
Chance, millions of chances, give him power, and all men as if by agreement co-operate to confirm that power
What was needed was a sense of justice and a sympathy with European affairs, but a remote sympathy not dulled by petty interests; a moral superiority over those sovereigns of the day who co-operated with him; a mild and attractive personality; and a personal grievance against Napoleon
“While something in me,” he went on, “is acutely sensible to her charms, something else is as deeply impressed with her defects: they are such that she could sympathise in nothing I aspired to—co-operate in nothing I undertook
I quarrel not with far-off foes, but with those who, near at home, co-operate with, and do the bidding of those far away, and without whom the latter would be harmless
What ought I to do to deliver her? To set out at once for Orenbourg, to hasten the deliverance of Belogorsk, and to co-operate in it, if possible