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    Use "coffee" in a sentence

    coffee example sentences


    1. He ordered his assistant to fetch some over-priced coffee from the nearby Starbucks and contemplated his next big deal, a large painting of Jesus and Lady Julep entwined in a strangely sexless pose

    2. Cut down on tea, coffee and alcohol

    3. Caffeine, a naturally occurring compound in coffee and chocolate, for example,is ranked “generally recognized as safe”by the Federal government

    4. The desk was filled to overflowing with paper, pens, clipboards, used coffee mugs, and a large, old computer

    5. I roll to my feet and grab the sword lodged in the coffee table

    6. A coffee grinder works well

    7. She snapped herself out of this, took her eyes from Sol in the sky and paid some attention to the substitute for coffee we have here

    8. He was still waiting for the hotel coffee to kick in

    9. It's a tea actually, its name translates as 'rubber tea' but she preferred to think of it as coffee

    10. It was actually thicker and richer than coffee from Earth, even the Brazilians had grudgingly accepted it

    11. ’ I said, as a woman brings a tray of coffee into the room

    12. Raising the cup to my lips, I drink my coffee, the hot liquid hitting me hard, while the Inspector outlines what happened last Monday evening

    13. The door opens and a woman comes in with a tray of sandwiches and coffee

    14. I frequently have coffee with Doreen who is married to Henry – you know the chap who manages their props and scenery

    15. A counter divides the room into an office for the secretary and a small waiting area with a few chairs and a coffee table covered with magazines

    16. I watch as he reaches for two mugs from the mug tree and spoons coffee into them

    17. The coffee is hot and strong

    18. John sits in a chair next to the coffee table

    19. ‘My mother is friends with Henry’s wife and got chatting to her over coffee earlier this week

    20. I follow him into the kitchen where he is getting himself a coffee

    21. ’ She said, running down and handing me my coffee

    22. ‘Do you want a coffee, Mum?’ Emma asked, her hand on the kettle

    23. Enoch returns with the coffee, including one for Bush

    24. Enoch gives John his coffee, then gives the other to Bush

    25. The old man uncrossed his legs and leaned forward across the coffee table

    26. Seeds: Grind seeds with coffee grinder, place into panty hose, tie into ball and allow to soak for 24 hrs

    27. John picks up one of the coffee cups, looks inside at the dried coffee on the bottom of the cup

    28. Theo looked out over the glittering sea as the beautiful Mirielle sipped coffee next to him

    29. " Her large eyes peered over the wide brim of her coffee cup

    30. Feeling about ten years old, I spoon coffee into the mugs

    31. I carry the coffee into the lounge and listen as Molly tells me about the annexe at their house

    32. ’ She said, sipping her coffee

    33. ’ She said cheerfully, finishing her coffee

    34. Liz and I are just having a nice cup of coffee and a chat

    35. We both laugh as Molly brings the coffee over

    36. He shovels some instant coffee and sugar into the cups, turns on the tap and lets the water run until it’s

    37. Russ calmly pours his coffee down the drain

    38. Several strong cups of coffee had gone a long way towards rousing me further and, by ten thirty I had been on the road

    39. He spots Hassan, one of the layabouts, sitting with a cigarette dropping form his lips, a bare foot resting on a coffee table pitted with cigarette burns

    40. John makes some instant coffee

    41. ‘D’you fancy a coffee or something, Molly?’ Liz asked as she runs a duster over the now empty bookshelves

    42. He drinks his coffee

    43. ’ he said bitterly as Liz hands him a mug of coffee

    44. ’ Stephen said gently but firmly as he finishes his coffee

    45. ‘Look, my office is only round the corner from where you are – fancy coming over and telling me about it? I can rustle up some coffee

    46. Halfway through my narrative, the door opens and a woman comes in with a tray of coffee

    47. I sip my coffee, watching him as he assimilates what I have told him

    48. ‘Now you just sit yourself down with this coffee, Liz

    49. quick visit and for a coffee

    50. "We're just stopping to use the rest rooms,” Sarah told her, "and I need some more coffee

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    Synonyms for "coffee"

    burnt umber chocolate coffee deep brown umber coffee bean coffee berry java coffee tree

    "coffee" definitions

    a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans

    any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans

    a seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee

    a medium brown to dark-brown color