Use "coining" in a sentence
coining example sentences
1. Every year they found themselves under the necessity of coining nearly the same quantity of gold as they had coined the year before ; and from the continual rise in the price of gold bullion, in consequence of the continual wearing and clipping of the coin, the expense of this great annual coinage became, every year, greater and greater
2. Not only the highest jurisdictions, both civil and criminal, but the power of levying troops, of coining money, and even that of making bye-laws for the government of their own people, were all rights possessed allodially by the great proprietors of land, several centuries before even the name of the feudal law was known in Europe
3. The seignorage, if it was not exorbitant, would add to the bullion the whole value of the duty; because, the government having everywhere the exclusive privilege of coining, no coin can come to market cheaper than they think proper to afford it
4. When the tax upon coinage, therefore, is so moderate as not to encourage false coining, though every body advances the tax, nobody finally pays it; because every body gets it back in the advanced value of the coin
5. So savage and irrelevant to Bork’s qualifications was the attack mounted against him that it led to the coining of a new verb: “to bork
6. ” The coining of the term “death panels” reduces the argument over government health care to its essential and unforgettable reality
7. This regulation necessitated that money-changers be licensed to exchange the many sorts of currency in circulation throughout Palestine and other provinces of the Roman Empire for this orthodox shekel of Jewish coining
8. 1937 it is still considered a classic coining the phrase "Whatever the
9. As long as there is good gold and silver coin in the realm, so long there will be forging, coining, and counterfeit money
10. when coining that phrase
11. Zwicky is the "Father of Dark Matter," coining the term itself, as well as gravitational lensing and the sky
12. 'There is no need, I think,' said Strider, coining out
13. And now this latest visitor was coining up the stairs
14. level, at coining science, at putting ideas into circulation, at increasing the mind in youthful persons, and he feared lest the present poverty of method, the paltriness from a literary point of view confined to two or three centuries called classic, the tyrannical dogmatism of official pedants, scholastic prejudices and routines should end by converting our colleges into artificial oyster beds
15. This peasant had been condemned and sent to hard labour for coining
16. Jolkin—the long-headed Siberian peasant sent to hard labour for coining, the man who got Koulikoff's town practice from him—was there also, as well as the old man of Starodoub
17. If this is the true reason why the right of coining money and fixing its value was given to Congress, does not the right to issue that which is to be the representative of this coin; which, in fact, is to usurp its place; which is to be the real currency of the nation, necessarily belong to Congress? Does not the right to create a bank, which shall issue this representative of money, come within the same reason? I think it does