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    Use "collision" in a sentence

    collision example sentences


    1. While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline 'Killer Asteroid on the Way?' and found that "One of Cynd's larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

    2. The size of the rock heading for the planet was six and one half miles, too big for there to be any doubt about the outcome of a collision

    3. The native astronomers didn't detect the ship, Elond never mentioned the asteroid collision articles and forgot about the incoming starship when no actual threat materialized and everyday life went on

    4. There were hundreds of them along their course, but only a few were on collision courses with Sol, he made those red outlines blink

    5. They were certainly transferring less quantum info than their brethren who were not on collision courses with some body in the Sol system, but there were still condensates on them and they were undergoing state changes

    6. The picture was taken a month before his career-ending collision at

    7. eyes and the collision with the desk

    8. There was a collision

    9. After the collision at the plate everything was sort of blurry, surreal like a

    10. The collision literally knocked

    11. Accidents were rare and often due to the driver overruling the navigation system; usually involving a collision with another vehicle, since in urban areas there were just streams intersecting, stacking

    12. The Huntress had been involved in a collision and was somewhat damaged, but not critically

    13. The collision propelled the car ahead clear across the intersection and caved in the back of that car

    14. Encompassing are fields where the polarity is reversed so it will not attract other bodies and keeps us clear of any collision

    15. She’d changed out of the flip flops, even the sight of the yellow lacy rubber gloves couldn’t put a smile on Dave’s face, he felt even smaller than he was, but nevertheless, he was grateful that the gloves had caused more of a stir than his collision with the gravel

    16. Then a blur of black horses pulling a sturdy wagon blazed past them, heading on a direct collision course with the keep’s main stairs

    17. There was some risk of collision

    18. ing water as I came to the point of the collision

    19. But there’s no harm in trying to avoid a collision, is

    20. Soon they had low-level radar, anti- collision assistance, and infrared views

    21. ” He cut the wheel sharply and gunned into the other lane, ignoring a near collision with a car that swerved towards the sidewalk and braked with a squeal

    22. He claimed it was a collision with a belt of small asteroids that caused the damage

    23. “Mama,” he whispered, then louder until he too was shouting: “Mama! Mama!! He stepped slowly towards her but, by his third, he was trotting on a collision course towards his mother

    24. “Oh!” shouted Fred as a car spun off, and hit the wall, and rebounded, while a dozen other machines all swerved and braked to avoid collision and miss each other and the walls

    25. His new grip on her mid-thigh caused her limp leg to start the pivoting up that would end in a collision with her breast

    26. Loran had just missed hitting her directly in the collision

    27. Without hesitation, he guided the Cloud on a collision course and three brilliant flashes marked each shuttle’s extermination

    28. This last time though, on Wednesday, after the collision, she stopped her embrace, and smiled seductively and said, “See ya Philly Swifty … good luck against Devon at the dance tonight

    29. Eventually as territorial expansion brought these groups (that later became societies) into collision, the name or names of their separate gods sounded strange to all but themselves

    30. The bike ascended abruptly, barely avoiding a collision

    31. His head levered to gaze ahead, his eyes meeting like a collision with the brick

    32. intercepted Dreamhold flung her across the room as if she’d been in a collision

    33. orbited close to Mars and the single hard object was heading on its way on a direct collision course with Earth

    34. one that killed his dinosaurs, for it would surely have wiped out his planet and probably pushed it onto a collision course with the sun

    35. Interestingly, different sub-atomic particles were created after each collision based on

    36. more mass out of nothing but the energy of the original collision

    37. " He walked out in a trance, missing by a hair, a collision with a patient trudging down the hallway behind a walker

    38. He blew his horn at her and they heard him say, "We almost had a rear end collision there

    39. collision that killed motorcyclist Orion Hutchinson, 21, in 2008

    40. Technically, the bridge where collision occurred over RR tracks was off campus, so I skated

    41. With the settlement proceeds Mike paid cash for, but had no collision insurance on, his brand new Jeep Wrangler that he rolled in January 2000

    42. In ancient atomism, the existence of contact, collision, and influence are not explained by the size, shape, and motion of atoms, nor are they explained by the

    43. barbarism, but "the collision with another heifer

    44. and that death was caused by the collision between two heifers , but little did exist some

    45. Why had he not gone down in the collision?

    46. All the poles, quickly wedged against the bow of one and the stern of the other, damped a dangerous collision down to a more manageable thump with the two now becoming as one

    47. Then it would suddenly swoop back into view, appearing to be on a collision course only to again turn away

    48. It seemed impossible that a herd of hundreds of unicorns who seemed to be galloping almost shoulder-to-shoulder and nose-to-tail could meet another herd head on or at a right angle without a collision, but the only part of them that contacted was the long and flowing hair of their manes and tails

    49. Moshe was only dimly aware of rocks and sand following a huge column of water as it shot skyward, accompanied by the overpowering sound of collision

    50. almost there, we're almost there,” he exulted, as the barge moved away from a sure collision

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    Synonyms for "collision"

    collision hit impact bump blow concussion shock dispute contention disagreement discord clash interference

    "collision" definitions

    (physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together

    an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object

    a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals