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    come close to

    1. Travis may have been the best tattoo artist in Ireland, if not all of Western Europe, but he didn't come close to the skill of this man, at least not when it came to ritual Sak Yant; sacred skin art, Thai style

    2. Alexei had had many women in his time, alien and human, but he noted none that could come close to Tara

    3. Constantinople in its prime might have come close to the scope and hubbub of this city, but never had the levity she saw here

    4. Under the close eye of the bodyguards, who towered above everyone else, the family was allowed to come close to greet the queen

    5. Martin had become close to Jorge his first year at the University because of his scholastic aptitude

    6. Hilda had been close with Edgar and, when she and Raul’s two boys perished in the worst tragedy of his life, it seemed to affect Edgar possibly more profoundly than it did himself: any time the subject had even come close to being mentioned, he had stared at him with doe eyes welled up with tears, and quickly departed, or switched conversation to an unrelated something else

    7. Only then did she come close to a smile - about once in three, four months

    8. “There is nothing your father could say or do that could come close to what I’ve experienced with my family

    9. 7 And I saw him come close to

    10. “It’s a little complicated,” Calvin said, “but I assure you there is no active performer who could come close to Terry Tucker in his understanding of what it takes to become a star and stay on top

    11. volcano once stood, Derek had come close to naming this special

    12. What was curious was the way Jack had been surprised by Becky not being dead rather than the fact she had come close to it in the first place, but his thoughts were interrupted by the two officers sitting opposite him

    13. I was beginning to lose my grip on reality the way I had dangerously come close to before and if I hadn’t heard the crackling of leaves, the stems under someone’s light footstep, moving the way only a vamp knew, tracing the forest the way only a vampire could, I would have given in to Levi then and there, without a care for what would have happened afterwards

    14. by the thought that he might become close to her father,

    15. Walter Thompson, it was natural to become close to agency people who handled our national outdoor business

    16. “At first he merely studied her, and I think he has come close to knowing the totality of her being

    17. On top of that, Dodge pickup trucks and International Harvester Scouts, even with the doors removed for ease of entry and exit, didn't even come close to providing the type of armored and armed transportation required to relieve guard posts at a defensive perimeter in a fire fight

    18. Simon would have tried to come close to him if that particular blessing had been granted, in a way they had never been close for most of his life

    19. 15:3-9 Why do you all also contravene the commandment of God by your tradition because God commanded saying: “Honour your father and mother” and: “He who curses father or mother let him die the death”? Instead you say: Whoever shall say to his father or his mother: “By whatever you might be profited by me it is a gift (for God)” and so he does not honour his father or his mother so he shall be free so you have made the commands of God void by your tradition you hypocrites; Isaiah did properly prophesy about you saying: “These people come close to Me with their mouth and honour Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me; so in vain they worship Me teaching the commandments of men as doctrine”

    20. He isn’t just some spiritual being that’s so holy no one can ever come close to Him, approach Him, or please Him

    21. The fullness of these realities is so infinitely vast in comprehension that no earthly book could dare come close to revealing them

    22. And they come close to asserting that the SPECT scan proves the existence of God, or, in the authors’ cross-cultural term, ‘absolute unitary being

    23. Tress groggily came around, the pain was still intense but at least she could draw some breath now, luckily the scouting troops had not come close to her location, well not whilst she had been conscious

    24. And yet, this vast complex of computer systems and collective databases cannot begin to come close to the power, the memory, or the recording capacity of the Akashic records, he says

    25. With the launch of the DS, it seemed that nothing could ever come close to Nintendo’s throne

    26. Souls who have come close to the truth, on the

    27. She couldn't come close to becoming an

    28. There have been no books on the subject that have come close to the best seller status that is held by these two books:

    29. No physical blows could come close to the absolute devastation Eva felt at that very moment

    30. The knee of the back leg should come close to

    31. It would be close to a year before I let the new guy come close to my

    32. This is not to say that there are not forces that can come close to equaling God's

    33. nothing could even come close to the joy and wonderment of a passionate

    34. Ruth was fantastic! Never before, in his relatively short life, had any woman even come close to exciting him the way that Ruth did

    35. Another time when they were alone in the front room of her house, which wasn’t often as was the case in his house, the conversation turned to sex, something they had come close to

    36. `Like what?' Victor was looking into her eyes but he didn't smile or come close to it

    37. I couldn’t come close to that

    38. `I would never allow your to come close to touching me!' she said as she almost spit

    39. `I was married to her for twenty three years and not once in those years did she even come close to wanting me

    40. `Well, I forgot to mention one thing about Eric during his trial when I testified,' At this Gorham stood up from his seat and was about to head to her when she turned to him and shouted, `Don't you dare come close to me unless you are planning to stop this

    41. one dared to come close to the rooms

    42. The guards mocked me yet I noticed with wry amusement that they did not come close to the bars

    43. If it‘s a good play with professional actors, a convincing script and perfect scenery, you should feel what the writer of the play wanted you to feel (anger, frustration, sympathy, sadness, pain, regret, grief, sorrow, or a whole host of other emotions, none of which come close to joy)

    44. Unfortunately, adoption levels don't come close to the

    45. What could best come close to describing this machine, was a beetle with two sharp ovals so close to its flanks they seemed to be one, and claw like structures curving out of almost all the creases

    46. He had unwittingly come close to landing the Fish of God himself

    47. Gaston was not only a fierce lover, with endless wisdom and imagination, but he was also, per-haps, the first man in the history of the species who had made an emergency landing and had come close to killing himself and his sweetheart simply to make love in a field of violets

    48. He said her meddling had come close to ruining everything, and he told her he had everything under control before he came to Shreveport

    49. Most likely our pain doesn’t come close to others who have suffered before us and still go through the agony today

    50. come close to this understanding, you come into this,

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