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    Use "commemorating" in a sentence

    commemorating example sentences


    1. In idly thumbing through the rest of the magazine, I came across an article commemorating the death in AD 680 of the founder of the Shi’ite portion of Islam

    2. The site includes the family tree of Gāndhi and a collection of stamps from various countries commemorating Gāndhi

    3. While he was thrilled about his daughter-in-law’s confinement, he felt grateful to her for her keenness in commemorating Sneha’s memory

    4. Their deliverance is celebrated in the Jewish festival of Purim in Feb or March (the 14th of Adar in the Jewish calendar), commemorating Esther, who saved the Jews from destruction in 473 BC during the Persian occupation

    5. (seven springs), commemorating this event, is on a hill on

    6. Therefore, he was well within his rights in sharing his perspective regarding the compositional selections commemorating the holiday

    7. I have now been commemorating the death of Christ, Lord grant that by the power of that, sin may be crucified in me, the world crucified to me, and I to the world; and enable me so to bear about with me continually the dying of the Lord Jesus, as that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in my mortal body

    8. And so, the insanity of associating a feast with the Last Supper of Jesus: finally managed to corrupt the 12 holy days commemorating the birth of Jesus

    9. He had badges that said “Remember the Maine” and felt pennants commemorating “Fighting Bob

    10. By six o’clock they had finished the gallon of whiskey and were buying half pints of Old Tennis Shoes at fifteen frogs a crack, but the pile of decorating materials was heaped on the floor of the Palace Flophouse—miles of crepe paper commemorating every holiday in vogue and some that had been abandoned

    11. It had six pictures on it commemorating the six great events in the life of King Jong and beneath were written the verses that explained them

    12. — —, notice of one of the monthly suppers commemorating the establishment of, xviii, 184

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    Synonyms for "commemorating"

    commemorating commemorative

    "commemorating" definitions

    intended as a commemoration