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    complicity example sentences


    1. dizzy with complicity, he took the maid and rode away

    2. Tom and Sue used to giggle in complicity and joked that they must be jealous

    3. Addendum to the above: Question: Which is the greater of two evils; moral indifference or immoral complicity?

    4. This began a long civil war that, with Reagan's complicity, turned into outright genocide in the 1980s

    5. In terms of just how destructive these invasions were, no other president comes close to Reagan, with two campaigns of state terrorism and one complicity with genocide, plus one direct invasion

    6. Finally, Kerry sealed his fate before those doubts and many others, when one week before the elections, without proof and in complicity with the UN, the New York Times and CBS, he accused the troops that were heroically fighting in Iraq of not protecting 380 pounds of explosives, overlooking the more than 480,000 pounds of those explosives that they had already destroyed or were in the process of doing so

    7. However, in spite of conspiracy theories, there is still no credible proof of complicity

    8. complicity of the Main Media in service of the cabal against him meant that the president, flawed as all presidents before him, had a two-front war on his hands

    9. This evidence for Saddam’s complicity in terrorism against the U

    10. Jason thought of the ineffectiveness, even complicity of the United Nations with Saddam Hussein and the


    12. They had been equal at least in complicity

    13. power, the either direct or indirect complicity of the mother-group to kill the

    14. of the mother and also to the child’s complicity with her

    15. unconscious forms of complicity we have with the forces that maintain their

    16. The girls don't know their auditor, so there is no chance of complicity

    17. A complicity expression showed in her face when she continued the story:

    18. All our conversation was whispered and I must confess that I was glad to have the complicity of Batam in this matter

    19. Leonardo and Americus intervened and tried to mediate in my favor, but Zoroastro, who had already planned the scene had everything prepared and had given the order to the guards to escort me to the dungeon; and as the Genie had been with me at the hearing, he was also accused of complicity and stopped next to me

    20. ’ They grinned complicity

    21. Not a question was asked and the giggles and stares and occasional secret smiles of respect or complicity from other students in the corridor between classes were tinged with respect

    22. The Minister opened the envelope quizzically, pulled the photographs out and froze with shock, his eyes almost popping from his head as he stared at the evidence of his complicity in the fraudulent “oilfield” scam

    23. ‖ The verbiage smacked of putative complicity but nothing specific so maybe no one had questioned the doctor mentioned in the accounts

    24. docked for complicity, and punished for that too

    25. The only affection that prevailed against time and the war was that which he had felt for his brother José Arcadio when they both were children, and it was not based on love but on complicity

    26. He even accused Father Antonio Isabel of complicity for having marked his sons with indelible ashes so that they-could be identified by their enemies

    27. So that when she noticed the complicity between father and daughter the only promise she extracted from Aureliano Segundo was that he would never take Meme to Petra Cotes’s house

    28. They made love twice a week for more than three months, protected by the innocent complicity of Aureliano Segundo, who believed without suspicion in his daugh-ter’s alibis simply in order to set her free from her mother’s rigidity

    29. Madly in love after so many years of sterile complicity, they enjoyed the miracle of loving each other as much at the table as in bed, and they grew to be so happy that even when they were two worn-out old people they kept on blooming like little children and playing together like dogs

    30. We increase tension with our presence and are obviously doing it “our” way in this foreign country, while buttering hands with billions to buy complicity from a puppet government

    31. enforcement in the JFK murder case in Dallas and the complicity of the Dallas Police, who knew Jack Ruby real well

    32. So the rich, while sitting on top of the heap are either going to support the poor on welfare, or give them jobs, or witness death and destruction that is caused by them sitting in denial of their complicity in this process

    33. Department of Justice DOJ, the media, the CIA, all branches of government, the JCS, big Oil, Defense industries, and banking/stock market to join in a purge to admit to their complicity in the assassination of John Kennedy and or the cover-up of the assassination of JFK, plus the membership in the corporatocracy historically and into the present all appointments made in federal jobs and otherwise

    34. That’s why I suggest a bloodless year of conversion to the truth and fairness, with no criminal penalties for all perpetuators who turn themselves in, and an award for presenting yet unknown evidence toward the complicity of 10 other perpetrators, that might allow some of the illicit funds to be kept and/or federal protection provided

    35. He was having second thoughts about her complicity in whatever

    36. She kept to herself the thought that London Poles may well have assassinated Sikorski, despite the information Hochuth would reveal in fifty years time about Churchill’s complicity in the affair; his secret locked in a Swiss vault

    37. was convinced that the organization was – in his final report - ‘devoid of complicity in any

    38. As it is you barely even trust me, and don’t say you trust me complicity, because if you did you would have come forward with this much sooner

    39. No major riot in India has taken place without some element of administrative complicity and/or incompetence, be it Delhi 1984 or Gujarat 2002

    40. Complicity in actions of violence, slander, coercion and

    41. The word defines the act—and the crime—and in America both need to be ignored by a public so guilt-ridden by its own passive complicity that they must pretend it’s something less than the horror each victim knows it to be

    42. The word defines the act—and the crime—and in America both need to be ignored by a public so guilt-ridden by its own complicity that they have to pretend it’s something less than the horror each victim knows it is

    43. Afraid you will know what I say is real—and so, have to do something about it or face the fact of your own complicity in all the awful things “others” do

    44. Catherine is prepared to reward you handsomely for your complicity and wishes you to know that she will be completely indebted to you

    45. When the crowd's field is controlled and determined by a cultural gravity prohibiting field-liberating ideas, movements, or emergences, which is opposed to the crowd's own desire, intention or act, then crowds, as forces systemizing into cultures, can only overcome the systems they are a part of by ceasing to create and maintain the near inescapable gravity of the culture benefiting from their suppression and chosen complicity

    46. By keeping Penelope in the dark about his plans, he breaks the complicity that so often exists between mother and son

    47. Is it by chance that the Suitors plot to kill both Telemachus and Ulysses or is it instead that they are acting in complicity with the unconscious will of 31

    48. He must unmask his unconscious complicity with this devouring and

    49. By repeating the same type of situations over and over again perhaps we are stuck in repetition compulsion, but it could also be an attempt by the adult I to make the passage from total powerlessness before the mother to a real power, so as to destroy the devouring mother and the I’s own complicity with her (the Suitors must be destroyed and Homer speaks of this constantly throughout the whole poem, from the beginning to the end)

    50. It forces him to accept seven years of being imprisoned on her island, but slowly his adult I takes control over his fetal I and its complicity with the seductive and castrating 85

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    "complicity" definitions

    guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense