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    Use "condemned" in a sentence

    condemned example sentences


    1. out of control when one of the condemned men decides to resist the

    2. Not only is it better, but also it is the new way of God, and the old system is condemned

    3. We are actually committing the same sin that Jesus condemned by running out the moneychangers when we call ourselves the elite people of God and condemn Israel

    4. ‘The condemned men ate a hearty breakfast … is that the sort of thing?’

    5. condemned by statute and

    6. It was an unwritten law of street life that condemned the miserable to wander aimlessly around Soho’s darker haunts for hours before inevitably ending up back where they had started out from

    7. He had been force-marched out of his hotel room in only his bathrobe, and now he wore the condemned man’s prison blue overalls

    8. All I wanted was to be on the stage and for that I was condemned by the priests for being wayward

    9. In the past I'd condemned the tales of the old Cornish wreckers, the poverty-stricken coastal villagers who misguided freighters onto rocks in a grasp for survival, but now I understood and was playing my part in condemning the robbers on the Kaliantikos to their deaths

    10. It was an unwritten law of street life that condemned the

    11. he wore the condemned man’s prison blue overalls

    12. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold the judge

    13. Woman, where are your accusers? Has no man condemned thee?

    14. You will submit to the Death Guard for inspection or be condemned as infected

    15. better and that they would both be condemned to this

    16. unfold, there’s no way you could know about the condemned man’s future actions

    17. Women, and especially weak-minded slaves, they melt with pity when this kind of defiant man’s condemned

    18. must remind you, he isn’t yet condemned

    19. “The condemned man was

    20. So tell us what the condemned man shouted

    21. Ever since they’d met, he’d belittled her abilities, insulted her family, and now condemned her honesty

    22. Mumblings amid the crowd suggested that the condemned had betrayed Skyrim and the

    23. But she had been a prisoner summarily condemned for treason

    24. condemned murderer is missing out on

    25. ” (I’m not making this up regarding his being condemned as described, even though it does read like science fiction, I must admit

    26. They condemned him to push a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll back down again

    27. His officers weren't certain what more terrorized them at that moment: their Captain's debasement and impotency, or their imminent destruction as condemned by the Elf before their very eyes

    28. “I thought I was helping you and the other lads but all we are doing is lining the pockets of the bosses who cut corners and use condemned machines to make even more profit at the expense of our lives

    29. He was told that his ship was to be condemned

    30. An hour later, the whaler Isabella, also out of New Bedford, was approached, boarded, and condemned using the same procedures

    31. I shook my head and thought what a woman I had never met anyone like her and I had no idea why she would be bothering with a condemned man like me for still I could not help feeling affection for her

    32. At that wonderfully incompetent organisation called the United Nations, did these countries support you? Or did they uniformly condemned you and paid lip service to your request in the form of information to save your citizens lives? I think we know the answer to that one for we regularly change channels when we see the bizarre attacks on you with boring consistency

    33. Even the person who unwittingly passed under the shade of a fetish tree was condemned to death

    34. Yet the SAP was condemned by the TRC as something evil, something within which there existed human rights abusing culture

    35. It also gave the condemned man hope that he would be released sometime in the future

    36. It really was a waste of our time for who would want to rescue him anyway? He was, however, always friendly and very courteous to us and we to him being a condemned man

    37. Anyway, without the glorious sacrifice of the Japanese soldiers, they would have been condemned to

    38. This world is condemned, and The Father has declared its end!

    39. YOU freed the murderer and condemned The Innocent!

    40. But Clinton and his advisers did halt their support and also strongly condemned Indonesian government human rights violations, both in East Timor and elsewhere

    41. Why pay taxes to make spaces for poor people’s kids in daycare? The middle class hated, feared and loathed the poor; even as they condemned single moms on welfare for not trying to make some kind of better life for their children

    42. Napalm is a chemical weapon today banned internationally for use against civilians, legal but widely condemned even when used against soldiers

    43. President Cleveland refused and condemned the overthrow

    44. I should have condemned him for doing as much as he did to me, but I couldn’t

    45. Mugabe has since been publicly condemned by presidents from Reagan to Obama

    46. He was condemned more for the Iraq War he failed to fight, one that would have failed, rather than condemned for the Gulf War that should not have been fought at all

    47. Just because those of us who went were condemned men, and we understood that after a while; there wasn’t much sense in dragging a bunch of other innocent bastards into it

    48. Therefore, with the walk of a condemned man, Akbar walked down with Norman towards his while Ford Focus that was waiting on the kerb below his house

    49. If the Arrow is not returned in time, the soul who took it will be condemned for all time

    50. Those engaged in negative behaviour will be singled out, pressurized, condemned, fined, jailed

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