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    Use "condolence" in a sentence

    condolence example sentences


    1. There was a look of condolence on the doctor’s face

    2. As soon as she had received that condolence letter from the courier, she had persisted in trying to get answers - anything more with which to piece together the truth and in her mind, truly honor her father’s memory

    3. Over the course of the next few weeks, we received condolence

    4. The girls told Faith, between giggles, that it was too bad, and the boys wrote sardonic notes of condolence to her

    5. I told him I would like to send a letter of condolence to Fernando and Isabella and he assured me he would be honored to send it on for me

    6. The mother might say some words of condolence to her perverted offspring, but she has a brain implant that forbids her from speaking unless spoken to

    7. The president of the republic sent him a telegram of condolence in which he promised an exhaustive investigation and paid homage to the dead men

    8. They claim that four days before the attack, FDR could have sent telegrams of condolence to the families of the servicemen he was allowing to be killed

    9. We have them here in our Hall of Condolence

    10. graves, wrapped only in Her Choice, alone without condolence

    11. I look at you, and you must look at me, and wonder what love doesn't simply mean, but actually is for the other? Is your love going to give me a smile as you forgive me my accident; or are you, with turned off fire hose in hand, going to give me a cold shoulder condolence as you watch my house burn down? These are our new heroes? Firefighters who do not put out fires on principle! And without EMT insurance, would they expect the same from a good corporate paramedic Samaritan who lets them die because company policy demands it? I mean, come on, what the fuck, how much is there really to learn about love or how to love? You don't know how? Then learn! How many of you sit before psychological sages, spiritual counselors and sacred texts and still haven't learned how the fuck to love, but know precisely whom to hate and how to win? If you know how, then act

    12. grimaced an empathetic condolence, and then turned to Ralf

    13. The grey envelope lay open on the table – it wasn’t a letter of condolence from the looks of it…

    14. The editor would not have known what had taken place, but in any event Teller would not have expected any expressions of condolence

    15. There were more clicks of condolence from the room and

    16. Last night we learned the death of Chrysostom and that he was to be buried here, and out of curiosity and pity we left our direct road and resolved to come and see with our eyes that which when heard of had so moved our compassion, and in consideration of that compassion and our desire to prove it if we might by condolence, we beg of you,

    17. As Heyward, however, no longer expected that rescue which time and distance now rendered so improbable, he regarded these little peculiarities with an eye devoid of interest, devoting himself entirely to the comfort and condolence of his feebler companions

    18. When the Chairman had opened the meeting, Mr Rushton moved a vote of condolence with the relatives of the late secretary whom he eulogized in the most extraordinary terms

    19. Mr Didlum seconded the vote of condolence in similar terms, and it was carried unanimously

    20. Messages of condolence and sympathy are being hourly received from all parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the Holy See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so unexpectedly called away from our midst

    21. 11 Condolence letter: Henry Rahaley, letter to Reverend and Mrs

    22. In the seventh week, there came a telegram from Colonel Hampton himself, and then a letter, a kind, dignified letter of condolence

    23. The nurse confirmed the obvious with gentle but practiced words of condolence

    24. “This isn’t a condolence call

    25. I found the waiting room to my left: small and square, with gray upholstered furniture and yards of condolence cards strung up around the walls

    26. She said: “It is a condolence letter from the government

    27. We send you our sincerest condolence, and wish to assure you and your nation of the sentiments of friendship and sympathy we feel toward you

    28. "The archbishops of the country, in joint session with the trustees of the Catholic University of America, beg to offer to the President of the United States their expression of their profound grief at the awful loss of human lives attendant upon the sinking of the steamship Titanic, and at the same time to assure the relatives of the victims of this horrible disaster of our deepest sympathy and condolence

    29. Several foreign governments telegraphed to the British Government messages of condolence for the sufferers

    30. The letter sent by Marshal Berthier to Barclay-de-Tolly under the specious pretext of offering his sympathy and condolence, but serving as a matter of fact to cloak an attempt to open indirect overtures, contained the following passage—“The Emperor, to whom I have communicated the contents of this letter, desires me, Monsieur le Baron, to beg you to convey the assurance of his respect to the Emperor Alexander if he is still with the army

    31. 'I receive letters of condolence from Russia

    32. It is true that when the news of the prince’s death reached Monte Carlo, the princess, who was there at the time, showed various persons, on whose indiscretion she could rely, a holograph letter of condolence from the czar, and later unfolded to the amiable muddle-headed the intricacies of a lawsuit which she was instituting for the recovery of the estates in Poland; but her detractors roundly declared the holograph letter to be a forgery, and the lawsuit a fiction of her crafty brain

    33. Resolved, That the members of this House will wear crape on the left arm for one month, in testimony of the condolence and sorrow of the Senate for the calamitous event by which the Chief Magistrate of the State of Virginia, and so many of her citizens, perished by fire, in the city of Richmond, on the night of the 26th of the present month

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    Synonyms for "condolence"

    commiseration condolence satisfaction compassion succour encouragement solace comfort upraise

    "condolence" definitions

    an expression of sympathy with another's grief