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    condor example sentences


    1. Also find condor, puma, primate, serpent and one in every five of the world’s butterflies

    2. Nixon and Operation Condor

    3. He was overthrown in 1971, fled, and was murdered under Operation Condor in 1976

    4. But this was not the start of Condor

    5. Kissinger's office knew about Letelier's murder in advance, but sent orders to US Ambassadors to “take no action” about Condor only a day before the bomb killed him

    6. Argentinian, Chilean, French, and Uruguayan authorities have all tried to question or subpoena Kissinger about his role in Condor

    7. It was in Chile that Nixon and Kissinger played the biggest role in Condor, for the dictatorship would never have existed without their direct orders

    8. They will spend millions on the reintroduction of the California condor, when common sense tells you it is doomed

    9. Undaunted, the Knights moved to engage the Falcons when the tactical officer called out, “Sir, a Condor class destroyer has just jumped in!”

    10. You are the high-flying condor of my most intrepid thought

    11. Over all brooded the citadel, like a condor stooping above its prey, intent on its own dark meditations

    12. eagle and the California condor are miracles

    13. The California condor by human standards is ugly and

    14. feathers onto its own body; once the condor trembles a bit, its ugly body will certainly be exposed to public

    15. Have you ever seen Three Days of the Condor?”

    16. Over the rumble of the volcano, no one heard the Condor droning high above, in a circular holding pattern

    17. Prototype # 1 of the Northrop XB-50 CONDOR

    18. Once their wing pylons were emptied of napalm canisters, the fourteen A-3Ns also made wide turns around the camp areas, giving space for the heavy hitters of the strike force: two Northrop YB-50 CONDOR heavy bombers, each loaded with 256 500-pound retarded general purpose bombs

    19. area known for Condor Agates

    20. wonderful and makes this one of the most memorable of all the Condor agates

    21. It is called a “Black River agate,” and these are very different from the Condor agates

    22. Next, we will go inspect the Northrop B-50 CONDOR supersonic heavy bomber…’’

    23. That was however without taking into account the enormous range of the B-50 CONDOR

    24. of Zhi Shui is the Divine Condor Hero?”

    25. Panicking, I opened my car door and jumped out, falling to the earth when a condor

    26. condor dove to the ground and released me into a field of thorny brush

    27. It was kept at Great Smials, but it was written in Condor, probably at the request of the great-grandson of Peregrin, and completed in S

    28. A condor is a four-series trade involving the sale (purchase) of the lowest and highest strike and a purchase (sale) of two middles strikes

    29. An iron condor is a sale (purchase) of an OTM call spread combined with a sale (purchase) of an OTM put spread

    30. If I had to pick a couple here I like, I would pick variations of the naked put sale, the backspread, and the iron condor plays

    31. Your strategy selection could be a vertical spread, calendar spread, condor, and so on

    32. Another choice is a shorter duration trade such as a monthly iron condor or butterfly, depending on volatility

    33. If you trade a RUT condor with 10-point wing-spreads where condor uses $1,000 of margin (assuming Reg-T), you would think you could do 40 RUT condors

    34. Actually, this is correct if you assume you will let the condor lose the maximum it can

    35. For example, in the RUT condor we might have a profit target of 15% of margin and an allowed loss of 20% of margin

    36. So if one condor lost $200 (20% of $1,000), you would exit the trade instead of letting it lose the maximum $1,000

    37. For example, some brokers require margin for both sides (vertical credit spreads) of an iron condor

    38. Good brokers will require margin for only one of the vertical spreads of the iron condor

    39. If they know about options, they know that in an iron condor you can lose on only one side

    40. Therefore, they need the margin equivalent for only one side of the iron condor

    41. The vertical spread is one of the building blocks of other more complex spreads like the iron condor and the butterfly

    42. On far OTM spreads the theta decay is more linear, so when you’re doing longer trades, as in an iron condor, starting a trade 30 to 60 days from expiration is optimal

    43. Volatility: For an iron condor, implied volatility does not need to be high, but only higher than the average true range (ATR)1 of the underlying

    44. Thus, an iron condor can be traded in just about any type of volatility condition

    45. In higher volatility you are getting a higher premium or setting up the iron condor wider, but often ATR is high

    46. If you sold an iron condor in those conditions, you might have been considered selling “high vol” but you were not selling volatility that was too high

    47. An iron condor sold on August 5 would have had some major problems

    48. An iron condor sold only one month earlier would have been a different story

    49. The VIX was not nearly as high as it reached on August 5, yet because volatility was declining, an iron condor would likely have been a quick exit for a trader who entered a spread

    50. Thus, if volatility is in the lower 25% of its historical range, you should always spend a few dollars on insuring the value of the open iron condor

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    "condor" definitions

    the largest flying birds in the western hemisphere