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    Use "consulted" in a sentence

    consulted example sentences


    1. In the end, it was left with the Area Manager who would be consulted

    2. I have consulted my New York lawyers on this; sorry, make that my new,

    3. I would have consulted Gypsy Rosa Lee, but since switching to tea bags, her predictions have not been up to much

    4. “There are two sets of stairs and an elevator leading down,” Vinnie said beside Johnny as he consulted a schematic of the building

    5. Abdol relayed the question to a subordinate who consulted a one-sided screen

    6. He consulted with Kate, who reminded Daniel of Miss Susan

    7. She consulted an antiques guide book and after much humming and page thumbing, she turned to Annie and said, “Your father never was very bright, my dear

    8. Her eyes stared thru them all for a few seconds as she consulted her one-sided screens

    9. She had a notepad as part of her personification, and consulted that rather than rely on her own memory

    10. “I demand to know why these Outsiders are here! Why wasn’t I consulted about this; how dare the Queen’s court entertain Outsiders!”

    11. In desperation the first lady finally consulted one of her

    12. mysterious by the other doctors she had consulted, as

    13. consulted whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him

    14. She consulted an antiques

    15. The great chief became more uneasy and consulted with his wisest advisers for a scheme

    16. consulted a parchment before them and conferred in

    17. We consulted him the specialist Dr

    18. They consulted the Chinese Almanac for the day to hold the ceremony, hired a calligrapher for the invitations to be sent out in white envelopes

    19. The scroll said he’d consulted "the elders of Uruk" and "the men of the town" before deciding to war on King Agga of Kish

    20. Towards the end of his reign, his son Lewis, known afterwards by the name of Lewis the Fat, consulted, according to Father Daniel, with the bishops of the royal demesnes, concerning the most proper means of restraining the violence of the great lords

    21. consulted a chandler in the market across from the famed Temple of Zeus

    22. After about a minute he said, ‘I have consulted with the council

    23. In making this demand, therefore, they consulted their own ease and comfort, without troubling themselves about the effect which it might have, in future times, upon the influence and authority of their order

    24. He thought about this for a while, and even consulted

    25. happen, I consulted my oracle, the Internet, for advice

    26. ” He consulted his sheets of paper again before he said

    27. ” He once more consulted his sheaves of paper before he said

    28. ” He consulted his notes again saying

    29. He lifted a sleeve and consulted his watch

    30. and consulted with the development side of the company

    31. The fetish priest, on being consulted, arrived with an elaborate apparatus of skins, idols, &c

    32. By this means this wonderful fetish priest had consulted the Spirits, and the Gods had devoured the life from the wicked woman whose only offence, most probably, was that her husband was tired of her

    33. So the Aldermen took the high Soprano Singer, and they consulted the

    34. Physicians had been consulted, who advised that the

    35. His political ambitions softened by age, Nixon‘s geopolitical literary output subsequently earned him international acclaim and the grudging respect from his political enemies, many of whom he oftentimes consulted with on Foreign Affairs in his later years

    36. A committee of employees, management and private community groups is being consulted in this process

    37. They consulted amongst themselves as to what to do

    38. Except for my short stop in the restroom, Dorian kept close and Clarissa only a little farther away as she repeatedly consulted the screen of a small device she held in her hand

    39. Only after Reagan consulted with his wife's astrologer and numerology did he finally agree to nuclear negotiations

    40. Dawley and Hastings, who was also there to help out, consulted

    41. As the others consulted, leaning close together to speak quietly despite the noise, he adroitly maneuvered Brendan to where he could sit on a low, bench-like apparatus facing the Family members

    42. The Emperor, a small, pudgy-faced balding man, now that his foot-high mitre was removed, consulted with Sim and Trent

    43. Clive consulted notes, and read aloud from them

    44. The kid consulted the calendar-conversion tables after clicking on the icon, looking at the secondary displays for a moment

    45. either Sanskrit or the Scriptures himself, he used to be consulted by

    46. I consulted another psychic fortune-teller called Betty

    47. 6 And King Rehoboam consulted with the old men, that stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, and said, How do you

    48. 8 But he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with

    49. They’d suggest a story when I consulted them beforehand

    50. Trying not to panic, I consulted more doctors

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