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    contextual example sentences


    1. man or the contextual definition of an elder as a man

    2. contextual systems, economic necessity, and appearances conflict, women should still

    3. Adsense is not the only contextual advertising network you can join; it is just the best known

    4. The Google AdSense program (which pays publishers for placing contextual links on their

    5. Some of the rules we have are actually in place because of what happens when ships like the Horizon leave technology and bits of culture without a contextual understanding of the materials and events,” Garcia said

    6. Thus, information about the leader is gathered from open sources, formal and informal, by deduction, induction and inference, through contextual surmises, historical puzzle-work and indirect associations

    7. While many Musalmans, probably unaware of the genesis of the WE -THEY syndrome steeped in many a contextual Quranic verse or those who deliberately ignore these, conclude that the rest of the peoples are unfairly hostile to the Muslim populace, and thus come to grudge the kafirs for that

    8. It is the tragedy of the Musalmans that they would be trained to treat the contextual content of the Quran as the unalienable code of Islam

    9. The unique feature of the Quran as a Scripture is that its ayats are contextual in nature, linked as they were to Muhammad’s life and mission, which characteristic the Musalmans seem to miss or are blind to it

    10. It is only then the Quranic injunctions could be seen in the given context for much of what is contained in it is contextual to the discerning mind

    11. The Indian Musalmans might realize that these and many such Quranic injunctions exhorting them not to mix with the Jews, the Christians and the idolaters (poor guys who are denied even a capital I in Islam) are but contextual for they were meant to address Muhammad’s compulsion to keep his meager flock together against their being poached by ‘the others’ in the formative years of Islam! That the faith got more than cemented in the minds of the Musalmans for so long now, would these Quranic exhortations still be valid? It is as well the Indian Musalmans realize that Islam is more than safe in Hindustan, in spite of its Quranic partition, and thus they might as well venture out of their ‘ghettos of faith’ to interact with the Hindus, who have no agenda for reconverting them into Hinduism

    12. My emphasis is upon the literal and/or apparent contextual meaning of the Hebrew

    13. your keyword, and place your contextual link within your text

    14. • Anchor text link is embedded within the content (contextual backlink)

    15. Storytelling is a highly efficient form of information sharing because it communicates data, contextual rules, and subtleties of behavior that may be difficult to state explicitly

    16. A common contextual framework is mandatory in every successful KM initiative because words can have different meanings, depending on context and the perspectives of those involved

    17. They have not learned how to look at themselves deeply or evaluate anything in a truly contextual manner

    18. Encased inside its own reflective separate awareness; the human animal has never managed to develop any larger contextual perspective or understanding of the abstract reality it swims in called civilization

    19. It is only when human awareness is completely open and always questioning, that you can gain a contextual understanding of anything

    20. And by doing that: the line itself, the measurement itself; prevents you from using that measurement in any larger contextual framework

    21. They had all individually had the chance to practice the four things needed to gain a better contextual understanding of the two different ways of life:

    22. The complete disregard for any wider contextual approach to human health and illness illustrates how the progress of segmentation and the progress of technology: splitting things, separating things without connecting them, is basically a detrimental process for all living organisms

    23. The packaged image, advertising, selling, is far more important than connections, contextual, understanding, or truth

    24. Any level of intelligence is dependant upon how well it is interconnected… how contextual it is

    25. Regardless of how true this is: this fact is of no use and is useless: unless you connect this fact to other facts that are also actually true, and have an actual contextual connection to this fact

    26. Now you have a contextual comparison

    27. What is missing… in this contextual comparison is the lack of hard evidence, and the impossibility of finding any evidence of the existence of other killer apes walking out of Africa… before the Neanderthals did

    28. The question of human existence: how a human should live, is only dealt with on a day-to-day basis without any contextual perspective or understanding of our past

    29. These ‘Holy Scriptures’ have been written with their contextual stories, laws and rules that provide the foundational impetus for the intellectual, behavioural and emotional climate of a believing people that can fertilise the seeds of innate spiritual desires and needs, and the attitudinal climate that incubates and nurtures the ongoing culture, theology and philosophy of a people

    30. The appropriate contextual and metaphorical interpretation of Scripture can replace the perceived reality of pure literal interpretation of Scripture, allowing for the reconciliation of the scientific evidence of creation with Scripture’s stories of creation with regard to the predetermination of creation through evolution originating with the ‘big bang’ or ‘the Word’

    31. One could get the jist of it, but not the full substance or even the contextual meaning of some of the passages

    32. For example, the difference between a great base, a good base, a marginal base, and all the degrees in between, is contextual, and programming a computer to “see” the subtle differences would be quite the challenge if not impossible

    33. His decades of contextual experience reading charts allows him to put away almost all other indicators and rely on his vast experience to identify a proper base

    34. 1) and by contextual cues associated with aversive stimuli

    35. outcome relations and contextual factors of drug abuse

    36. So-called contextual models identify subsets of the equity universe according to the effectiveness of certain predictors and customize models accordingly

    37. Contextual models give the cross-sectional equivalent to style timing: they identify subsets of the asset universe where a given strategy is more likely to excel or fail

    38. For me it's all qualitative and contextual

    39. Just buying cheap stocks without paying enough attention to those contextual issues can get value investors into trouble

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    "contextual" definitions

    relating to or determined by or in context