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    Use "cordiality" in a sentence

    cordiality example sentences


    1. ’ Only he could say that in the way that didn’t imply anything beyond a polite cordiality

    2. The three of them were chatting as if they were the best of buddies, but the atmosphere was one of artificial cordiality laced with presentiment

    3. After the shouting, the generals parted with cordiality and with respect for each other

    4. The man gave a hearty but fraudulent laugh, and Swann teetered between cordiality and sending him on his way

    5. Kara is intentionally unfriendly beyond common cordiality

    6. But to make up for that irremediable power, which was exasperating even for him, he had a cordiality that won the immediate confi-dence of others and a stupendous capacity for work

    7. “All cordiality between us is gone, I know this, but I will make one more order

    8. Terence waited until his pursuer arrived and greeted the epitome of the good old Southern boy with exuberant cordiality

    9. Having taken possession of his wallet he gained much satisfaction from the cordiality of the afternoon; until just as he was ready to depart the convivial Sunday barbecue was transformed into an extraordinary general meeting of the Anti Anton Clegg Foundation, all by coincidence

    10. The cordiality of the sisters cannot camouflage how painful this is

    11. Who made one of them male and the other female and planted sympathy, harmony, cordiality and attraction between one another?

    12. At this stage you will glorify your Provider and estimate His Benefaction as you will sense His cordiality to you and to all creatures

    13. Who made one of them male and the other female, and planted sympathy, harmony, cordiality and attraction between them?

    14. Safety and tranquillity prevailed, satisfaction, cordiality, and brotherhood spread among mankind, and no preference was given to Arabs over other peoples except in the question of piety: whereby preference would be given to those who followed the Word of Al’lah, whatever their race or colour

    15. slowly extended a frail hand toward this gesture of cordiality, resting it into his palm

    16. This particular gendarme was so fond of his master and chief… wishing to stay by his side day and night and to carry out his every command for he felt his humaneness in the depths of his own spirit, which overwhelmed him with compassion, cordiality, tenderness and goodwill

    17. When the spiritual tie is firmly established between husband and wife through the early months of their marriage, a happy life, filled with love and cordiality, will prevail over their house and family forever and it will be impossible for any serious argument, or feelings of aversion, or desire for divorce to come between them

    18. An air of cordiality and mutual understanding prevailed in the atmosphere between the two men and a peerless sense of inspired poetic language coloured the conversation because of the admiration, reverence and appreciation which the pasha held in his heart and mind for that brave lion of a man, ‘Aslan’

    19. Anne paused, surprised at the friendliness and cordiality that her new servants were

    20. cordiality, but her eyes were now quite apt at not looking at Grace

    21. Therefore, the Almighty has informed us, on the tongue of His messenger, of the indications or the signs that precede this Hour so that we may correct our conduct and return to the path of goodness, then we revert to our religion and believe in Al'lah and His messenger, thereupon, He will bestow on us His mighty help and change our fears to safety, our hardship to ease, and our weakness to might, and by then, we can help our brothers of mankind to follow the straight path so as to enjoy the life of ease, happiness, cordiality and peace under the wing of the merciful messenger, and we shall all live in and enjoy a real paradise in this life as brothers, sons of our father Adam and our mother Hawwa' (peace is through them), then Al'lah will give us victory over the unbelievers not for robbing their wealth or humbling them unjustly, as some states do nowadays, but to liberate them from the shackles of material and desires, or more comprehensively, to report to them the divine message so as to enjoy the taste of freedom, justice, and happiness, and by that, we get our recompense from God, the Almighty

    22. Your wife or husband, your children, even the crops and animals which belong to you, and all who are attached to you by the link of cordiality: all are preserved from being afflicted with the evil eye by your heading for God and seeking refuge in Him, the Almighty

    23. Barnes, with as extreme a cordiality as awe permitted

    24. Their cordiality, too, becomes more pronounced in proportion to the coldness and roughness of the water; and the water that day looked cold and was certainly rough, and I felt that there being only two of us in it it would be impossible to escape the advances of the other one

    25. A cleanly person of the usual decent widow type welcomed us with a cordiality contrasting pleasantly with the indifference of those widows whose rooms had been all engaged

    26. 'Dear Frau Nieberlein, how delightful to have you here again!' cried the bishop's wife in tones of utmost cordiality, leaning across the little space between the tables to press Charlotte's hand

    27. It also wore the look of one who, while admitting a Nieberlein within the range of her cordiality on account of the prestige of that Nieberlein's famous husband, does not see why the Nieberlein's obscure female relatives should be admitted too

    28. The seven ladies were not at all certain that their cordiality ought to stretch as far as cake

    29. Then Ingeborg, making a great effort at gay cordiality and determined that when words failed affectionate actions should fill up the gaps, bent over the figure on the sofa and took its arm

    30. They were unadorned, smoothed out, black, she abundant in her smoothness, he spare in his; and they greeted Ingeborg with exactly the cordiality suitable to the reception of one's pastor's new wife, who ought to have been brought to call long ago but was not in any way responsible for those bygones which studded their memory so disagreeably in connection with her husband, a cordiality with the chill on

    31. "Who would have thought old Fuss would be so enterprising?" he wondered, thinking of the extreme cordiality of Fritzing's face

    32. However, whatever she felt about his legs she welcomed him with the utmost cordiality, mindful of his kindness to them down in Cornwall and of how she had clung to him there as her rock; and she soon got to remember the way he liked his tea, and had the biggest chair placed comfortably ready for him--the chairs were neither very big nor numerous in her spare little drawing-room--and did all she could in the way of hospitality and pleasant conversation

    33. To be brothers in Allah, we must be sincere and honest with one another, everyone of us should use the lancet of the book of Allah and open his breast and heart and fill it with the secret of brotherhood in Allah, love in Allah and cordiality in Allah so that this brotherhood can be effective in this life

    34. One couldn't put brotherhood in Allah, love in Allah and cordiality in Allah in his heart while it is still full of hatred, enmity, rancor, envy, dislike, and similar diseases that divert from achieving brotherhood among believers

    35. Under rancor lay preference, selfishness, envy, jealousy and all the personal descriptions that should be replaced by social values like altruism, cordiality, beneficence and mercy

    36. favors with the owner with whom he had only recently struck cordiality and trust

    37. They both decided, separately, to remain careful, and the weekend passed in an atmosphere of artificial cordiality

    38. The farmers of the Antebellum South had planted, along with the oaks, seeds of southern hospitality and it still grows wild there, that particular and pungent brand of cordiality only the South can offer

    39. will often telegraph a message of cordiality, which may have the effect of helping the driver

    40. "Oh!" cried Sandra, with a cordiality which she suddenly felt

    41. The next day he went to dine with his friend, and was welcomed by Camilla, who received and treated him with great cordiality, knowing the affection her husband felt for him

    42. The need of looking after others was not the only thing that urged the chemist to such obsequious cordiality; there was a plan underneath it all

    43. The other made a careless gesture full of cordiality, and taking his hat said—

    44. I was startled, I confess, by the alteration in his manners this morning;--he did not speak like himself, and did not return your kindness with any cordiality

    45. He was welcomed by them all with great cordiality, but especially by Marianne, who showed more warmth of regard in her reception of him than even Elinor herself

    46. About this time the two Miss Steeles, lately arrived at their cousin's house in Bartlett's Buildings, Holburn, presented themselves again before their more grand relations in Conduit and Berkeley Streets; and were welcomed by them all with great cordiality

    47. In such a frame of mind as she was now in, Elinor had no difficulty in obtaining from her whatever promise she required; and at her request, Marianne engaged never to speak of the affair to any one with the least appearance of bitterness;--to meet Lucy without betraying the smallest increase of dislike to her;--and even to see Edward himself, if chance should bring them together, without any diminution of her usual cordiality

    48. But though she never spoke of it out of her own family, Elinor could see its influence on her mind, in the something like confusion of countenance with which she entered, and an attempt at cordiality in her behaviour to herself

    49. He thanked him with grateful cordiality for his kindly welcome, although he must at that moment have been suffering bitterly to find another dungeon where he had fondly reckoned on discovering a means of regaining his liberty

    50. The only individual who was received with equal cordiality by all ranks, was the tallyman's traveller

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    Synonyms for "cordiality"

    amity cordiality

    "cordiality" definitions

    a cordial disposition