Use "corroborative" in a sentence
corroborative example sentences
1. It was quite evident, by her manner, that her uneasiness was not feigned; and Franz himself could not resist a feeling of superstitious dread—so much the stronger in him, as it arose from a variety of corroborative recollections, while the terror of the countess sprang from an instinctive belief, originally created in her mind by the wild tales she had listened to till she believed them truths
2. Then the whole thing came to me in an instant, and I only needed certain corroborative proofs, which I speedily obtained
3. ) 'In spite of the destruction of so many invaluable negatives, there still remains in our collection a certain number of corroborative photographs showing the conditions of life upon the plateau
4. There is, however, a corroborative view of this subject, which ought not to be omitted
5. a corroborative view of the subject, 202;