Use "corrugated" in a sentence
corrugated example sentences
1. constructed of corrugated iron and plywood
2. sitting in the shade under its corrugated tin roof because it was one of those early
3. The roof is corrugated iron and the walls are unpainted concrete
4. At the edge of the community, they pull up to a long, low concrete-block building roofed with corrugated steel
5. for the corrugated clatter of ladle heads on bars
6. Sweeping away the corrugated imprints impatiently,
7. That accomplished, he climbed the ladder and crept up on the roof where he had stacked corrugated metal panels, which so matched the existing roof as to have been perfectly camouflaged laying as they were
8. Moving along them we saw dugouts with corrugated tin roofs cut into the trench sides and inside some of them we could see furniture that had been liberated from damaged dwellings
9. Brendan made soothing empathetic noises and chucked the stuff he needed onto the skid, big rolls of corrugated tubing with the connectors nestling in the middle
10. If working with corrugated steel roof use a
11. The revetment, one of a series built by ARMCO (American Rolling Mill Company), consisted of earth-filled corrugated steel bins 12 feet high and 5
12. The walls were built of a close approximation of cinder blocks, the ceilings were vaulted corrugated tin over two-by-fours attached to steel beams
13. On the far side of the clearing a rusting corrugated iron shed leaned against a drunkenly askew verandah
14. Each streamlined defender dove into the sea where the one in front of it had jumped out, so that the whole entourage resembled a corrugated wheel ever-revolving, not stopping in all the hours it took to reach the eastern shore
15. All buildings are concrete block construction with corrugated iron roofs
16. The battered wood and corrugated iron reflected the alien shades of green light differently
17. The sloping roof he made out of sheets of corrugated metal
18. A small compost heap surrounded by rusting corrugated iron and covered with fresh weeds from Suzy's gardening efforts sits in the shade of an old apple tree
19. The barn was a wooden building with a corrugated roof
20. The flights were made of thin plastic sheet, cut to resemble feathers, and the points were made from thin sheet metal which had been cut into a triangular or thin diamond shape, and corrugated to give them strength
21. He moved behind a rusting corrugated iron
22. Michael points out shrapnel holes in the corrugated tin walls that date from when he used to eat there
23. Once on the ground, the shuttlecraft rolled towards a ruined building, while what had appeared at first to be the corrugated steel door of a warehouse started to slide open, revealing a vast hangar
24. Lying on the floor, in the centre of his corrugated iron workshop, in a state of partial construction, was Zeke’s latest flying creation
25. Just as it was about to make contact with the corrugated iron roof, Zeke switched off the power
26. Within a few minutes they began to hear the tap tap tap of the first raindrops hitting the corrugated iron roof of the shed
27. The house was a hovel distinct only from a native hut by its corrugated iron roof
28. Stories of the heart interspersed with cartoons of Zacharias and Ee Hondree, his fat wife, cookery and embroidery read to the accompaniment of sounds from the roof caused by the expansion of corrugated iron being pounded by the midday sun
29. He came to in a white washed room without a ceiling, the paraffin lamps casting shadows all around and across the corrugated iron roof
30. A UH-3 heavy lift helicopter had just flown back to Pusan after dropping on top of the hill over six tons of ammunition, water, rations and defensive stores to help build bunkers, including thick wood beams and corrugated iron sheets
31. Max ran at the wall and up it, grasping the thin rusty horizontal metal and hauled himself up, under the corrugated iron roof covering
32. A jeep with a large panel saying ‘Follow me’ guided Ingrid’s plane to a parking spot protected on three sides by corrugated steel plates sandwiching big piles of loose dirt
33. hanging from the corrugated roof of the outdoor bathroom and water
34. completely bald and the nape of his neck looked corrugated
35. Torres wedged the kit between a ladder rung and a corrugated panel, opened it,
36. It would be useful to have a reflecting mirror focused on the corrugated cylinder
37. To be safe, it would be a good idea to build a reliable air heater in the expanding corrugated cylinder
38. The base and frame 1 support a corrugated plastic cylinder 4 at its bottom end
39. The corrugated plastic cylinder 4 may either contain (as a second alternative type of device involving electrical drive) an electric resistive heater 3 of low output supplied by an electric power source and connected to it by means of the normally closed contact 19
40. It has a corrugated iron roof and ex-
41. steads with corrugated iron roofs are being replaced by
42. Around the parameter of this group of buildings there was a corrugated
43. Vinnie, wearing a corrugated half-grin, was taking the rap
44. The resulting wave of dust trailed behind, ultimately coming to settle on the cars, the nearby weeds, and the corrugated roof of the old storage building
45. thinking and settling back in her bed, staring at the corrugated ceiling,
46. Nicole looked around once more to the forest of papers and corrugated boxes before
47. Where before there had been only a sea of tents, now there were substantial-looking houses, constructed of timber with roofs of corrugated iron or thatch
48. balls echoing off the corrugated steel roof, till Jimmy spotted
49. corrugated iron benches, a few wooden benches dotted about
50. We managed to secure a suitable corrugated tin shack, not more than a stone's throw from