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    Use "counterattack" in a sentence

    counterattack example sentences


    1. There was no counterattack

    2. The Lancashire Fusiliers had secured W Beach and we now set about consolidating the ground that we had took at such cost in case the Turks threw in a counterattack but they never did

    3. “We seem to be stuck here isolated and in my opinion we haven’t a chance in stopping a German counterattack which they will launch sooner or later

    4. “You had better get the RSM and Officers it looks like the Huns are about to launch a counterattack

    5. “We must go after this Sir no matter what happens because this will precede another counterattack”, he said this I could hear the shrapnel pattering down like hailstone on a tin roof

    6. It was now as the German counterattack stalled that they turned tow machine guns on our trench and this made staying there untenable and suicidal

    7. This counterattack destroyed Ludendorf’s plan for a massive stroke in Flanders, meant to split the Allies

    8. In time, the boy, now a man, had proved of much help as he could always see if someone was heading toward the castle and so, when an enemy of the king tried to take the castle by surprise and attack it, by sneaking into the kingdom, through the forests, the king was already prepared for a counterattack

    9. Zane thought Elena might try to attack with the knife in her right hand and, as he made a move to counterattack this move, she threw the knife in her left hand making it impossible for Zane to continue his attack as the knife hit him right in the chest but did not pierce his skin

    10. Gonzalo then led his infantry in furious counterattack that left the enemy staggering back

    11. If they retreated immediately the hssswwx could not organize a counterattack

    12. weapon to support a counterattack, and they found it in a theory

    13. The magic-users, Gilead, Leif, Reoren and Sigrid combined their Ethereal Resources to issue a counterattack spell

    14. Bors and Nighthawk pushed closer to the side of their injured comrades and aided their counterattack

    15. Hitler ordered Operation Luttich which was a huge counterattack which was an initial success but was soon a complete failure due to the constant bombing by swarms of Allied aircraft

    16. expected was to launch a counterattack against whoever was attacking their parents

    17. By now, both Nancy and Jan Bella had had enough of this nonsense and had decided to counterattack with the best weapon they had: the truth

    18. The Germans in the Salerno sector launched such a deadly counterattack that they nearly drove clean through 8th Army to the sea

    19. Finally Ben saw a slight opening and was able to counterattack

    20. It means that the more vulnerable the side of the opponent seems to be, the more it is protected and, correspondingly, the counterattack can be more unpredictable

    21. This counterattack used technique to

    22. �I thought you said they wouldn�t be in a position to counterattack, yet,� accused Dendrav

    23. Eldnan’s declaration that they would be long gone before the Cluster could manage any sort of counterattack was scant reassurance

    24. Once Nesseris is no longer an issue, we can move to deal with the remaining three nations before they can coordinate a proper counterattack

    25. “I was just thinking that the counterattack should be happening soon

    26. The order to sally forth and counterattack couldn’t come soon enough for him

    27. Poised for her counterattack, she landed a swift and sharp chop at the back of its neck

    28. The internet has always been a sanctuary from bullying and a bunker for counterattack

    29. The Anduains were smart, and by leaving them alive, they'd been able to plan a counterattack

    30. Upaya had begun a vigorous counterattack and his catlike speed compensated for Ishtar’s overwhelming fortitude

    31. And then Ganesh led a counterattack

    32. The town guards are leading a counterattack at this very

    33. Adopting the language of combat, Nixon said, “What we need is a commander who will organize and direct the troops to follow up once the President makes a statement or to counterattack when the enemy levels with an attack against us

    34. Not getting anywhere, I reverted to an old game, one invented long ago as an insomnia counterattack but also useful on long bus rides as a distraction from carsickness

    35. Some literature refers to Meeting Lines as Counterattack Lines

    36. In that case the dragoons could successfully make a flank counterattack

    37. We must plan our counterattack

    38. “Dear Tylla: To think that in my naïveté I imagined that the Earthmen would have to counterattack with guns and bombs

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    Synonyms for "counterattack"

    counterattack counterplay countermove counterstrike

    "counterattack" definitions

    an attack by a defending force against an attacking enemy force in order to regain lost ground or cut off enemy advance units etc.

    (chess) an attack that is intended to counter the opponent's advantage in another part of the board

    make a counterattack