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    creep up example sentences

    creep up

    1. She dreamed of reciting this to Homer, watching his haughty lips creep up with reluctant

    2. “You could always quietly creep up to my suite during the night for some fun – if you want to

    3. The sun had begun to creep up along the horizon, and the sky was flecked with early morning hues of pink and blue

    4. She could see the colour creep up into his face

    5. Slowly, the sound outside the window began to creep up again

    6. She thought that she saw a flush begin to creep up the back of his neck, thinking, He knows that what has come to pass is beyond all protocol

    7. things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination

    8. She chuckled darkly, and Tristan felt a shiver creep up his spine

    9. Then she must have seen the light under the lounge door because she came in rather than creep up the stairs to her room

    10. Nathifa was starting to creep up on him

    11. It had taken away the lonely moments that seemed to creep up on a person at the oddest of times

    12. The sun was beginning creep up above the horizon, soon

    13. He didn’t hear the intruder creep up behind him

    14. I could creep up and hit him over the

    15. to creep up on the horizon

    16. Now it seemed to gaze despairingly at the housing estates surrounding it as though threatening to creep up on its roots and smother it

    17. He spun round shocked that anyone could creep up on him

    18. No-one could creep up

    19. The living-room window was elevated out of reach, so Mosh had to creep up the

    20. It was only later, when he was alone with his thoughts and the moon was doing its best to cast shadows where no shadows should be, that he would feel the icy finger of fear start to creep up his spine

    21. knowledge creep up his spine; it lit up sparks his brain

    22. Unfortunately, if left a chance to creep up to his lines, the Japanese would then be able to get down to close quarters fight, something they were known to excel at and in which their numerical superiority would weigh heavily

    23. Nevertheless, she let Will take charge of it for a couple of days and they found that the same inconsistencies continued to creep up

    24. inexplicably, as if afraid that they would creep up the stairs and open the door if it was not

    25. He told me that when he first began to think about his soul, and to pray, some months passed away before he dare tell his wife that he said his prayers; and that he used to creep upstairs without his boots at evening, that his wife might not hear him, and find out what he was doing!

    26. “And someday he’ll find that not caring was the worst choice he ever made, when all the trouble he never noticed’ll creep up and trounce him, where he thought it was a load o’ nothing

    27. A slow flush, like the edge of a wave began to creep up Ceri’s face as she realised Herne meant herself, she opened her mouth and said slowly, “I do not know where this Quest is taking me, sometimes I feel that whatever I discover, it will not help you

    28. As I enter the room I creep up to a man that was in mid flow of raping what looked like a young Chinese woman

    29. creep up into the mid to high 80's °F (high 20's - low 30's °C), sometimes even the low 90's °F

    30. Not in the mood to discuss the condition of his father—and fearing his emotions might creep up on him again—he’d purposely come in late

    31. The crew got into the train and braced to move as it did its creep up rung by rung until it was positioned into the sky and launched

    32. The sky was clear and a half-moon gave just enough light to make it impossible for someone to creep up on them unnoticed

    33. Tracey let out a little moan as his hand stoked her thigh and started to creep up the hem of her dress

    34. They are lying down at a strategic point, just under the lip of the ridge, from where they can keep an eye on the entire area, including the part that we intended to use to creep up on them

    35. I felt a blush creep up in my cheeks taking me by surprise

    36. The music slowly began to creep up on me

    37. "And another thing Sheena said that when she saw Dana in the stairwell, why was Dana carrying some kind of hard object or weapon in her hand when Dana was trying to creep up behind her?"

    38. It was late when she came back, and no one saw her creep upstairs and shut herself into her mother's room

    39. There were no back doors for the NSA to pixel-creep up on him

    40. Alas! How different! Distracted, restless, supine, burning with fury, or frozen with terror, he felt a dread as fathomless as the sea creep upon him from every side

    41. He believed that computers had moods like the women he knew and that you could creep up on them, startling them back into action, when they were misbehaving

    42. Although stocks do “creep up and crash down,” cheating puts in a strike or two does not make a profound difference in the outcome of the spread, especially if you insure the iron condor

    43. A thin mist began to creep up from the river, and it grew, and grew

    44. You got to let her creep up on you

    45. “Let’s creep up on ’em, like,” and he walked so fast that the dust rose as high as his waist

    46. "May I creep up here at night, whenever it is safe, and hear the things you have made up in the day? It will seem as if we were more 'best friends' than ever

    47. That meant that Ermengarde had managed to creep up to pay her a visit

    48. The gentleman gilds the pill he would give us; but it is a slow poison that would creep upon us, and bring on a distemper heretofore unknown to us, that sooner or later would carry us to the grave

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