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    1. She would destroy all their research notes, then euthanise the animals that had been part of the experiments and cremate them

    2. Therefore, the “fire” used to cremate may also symbolise the good

    3. Don’t by means of a decision to cremate, cause your body to sin, with your mouth and later say that it was an error, because God will be angry!

    4. If your fellow believers choose to cremate themselves or their loved ones, give him love and respect, but never ever offend them!

    5. Just as we cannot sleep with a prostitute to “prove all things” to know whether this is good or bad, you cannot cremate yourself to “prove” whether it is good or bad

    6. Interestingly Marsh’s answer to the question: “wouldn’t it have been easier to just cremate the bodies?” his answer:

    7. What if I wish to be buried, but my children choose to cremate me? What if I want to be buried, but my parents choose cremation? What if I want to bury my departed brother, but the rest of my siblings wants to cremate? What do I do?

    8. A friend told me, he doesn’t want to be cremated, but he is sure his family is going to cremate him

    9. I state: When a person, claiming to be a Christian, says that a Christian may cremate and will be with Christ forever, it is a doctrine of devils!

    10. “I get the cremate part, but what’s the celebrate and circulate all about?”

    11. Is it okay to cremate her in

    12. “We couldn’t just let you cremate her and take her back to Brazil! She belongs with me!”

    13. Don’t hold that fl ame so close, unless you plan to cremate

    14. There were no depots to store enough coal to cremate 6 million bodies in the camps

    15. If you speak to any funeral cremationist: they will tell you just how much fuel it takes to cremate one human body… and that still doesn’t solve the problem of the bones

    16. The bodies were placed upon the ground where the sun, in a few minutes, would cremate them

    1. The body had already been cremated early that morning, with Zarko and his father present

    2. who have been turned into ashes – cremated (2 Peter 2:6, Malachi 4:3)

    3. accursed (Gk: Anathema) was killed and cremated in the Old Testament

    4. Was this where defeated fighters were cremated? Why did they need two?

    5. to have Kaci cremated and told the doctor our wishes

    6. Sharon’s body was to be cremated

    7. The dog’s body would be cremated and the ashes returned in a ceramic urn for Johnson’s daughter

    8. Ma was to be cremated and that was it; sad really that we couldn‘t all get together to celebrate Ma‘s life

    9. The remains of a cremated body hold no health or hygienic risk, can be buried or stored at a dedicated place of memorial

    10. Price died some years after the incident and it should be no surprise that he was cremated

    11. Sources allege that some people specifically chose cremation because they believed that one would not be resurrected, once cremated to ashes

    12. (I can’t help but to think how many people believed their false prophets in church and as a result, did not get an honoured scriptural burial, but instead were cremated) Take head to what God says:

    13. We do have a few sources which indicate some people to have motivated their cremation with a belief that the cremated will not be resurrected

    14. What do we learn from this? After Jesus’s resurrection, from His tomb, He had flesh and very importantly, BONES! He even ate after he was resurrected from His tomb! The next logical question must be: What would have happened if Jesus was cremated and His bones were ground to fine powder? This dear reader, must be one of the most important thoughts in your decision making process if you are in fact considering cremation!

    15. If Jesus was cremated, would He have been resurrected? I don’t know, but what I do know is: how can one possibly associate cremation with what we just read?

    16. Once again, if this woman was cremated, this miracle would not have been in the Bible!

    17. What have we learned so far? That it would be a sin to have yourself or anyone else cremated and this IS A SIN!

    18. Would Jesus have had these scars if He was cremated? I don’t know

    19. Is it wrong to have myself cremated?

    20. The question however is whether it is wrong or sinful if the remains of a believer are cremated

    21. Please note: The doctor says that the body (remains) of the believer will be resurrected, even if it was cremated (burnt to ash)

    22. I am not implying in any way that God will not resurrect a cremated body; we will get to that later

    23. these verses do not state that God will resurrect the cremated, the good doctor ASSUMES this

    24. It makes no difference whether the body was buried and decomposes in a natural way or if it was cremated, digested by wild animals or fish

    25. Below is a close-up photograph I have personally taken of a dog’s “ashes” after the dog was cremated

    26. The research team detected a total of 339 dead bodies on the premises which were not cremated

    27. On the charge of 339 bodies from 2000 that were not cremated, Ray Brent Marsh argued that the “retort” (furnace or oven) was not fully operational

    28. We have been throwing the bones of the cremated bodies into holes for a long time, but now that we have been caught red-handed, we blame the undertaker’s for not sharing this information with the relatives!

    29. Did you, who may have had a loved one cremated, know that the “ash” you received is not ash, but the ground and crushed pulverised bones of your loved one?

    30. Did you, who may have had a loved one cremated, know that the majority of your loved ones remains have not been handed to you, but have been discarded, most probably in some vile, dreadful despicable manner?

    31. Did you, who may have had a loved one cremated, know that in the same cremation oven, first a dog was cremated, then a cat, then your loved one and then a monkey?

    32. I accept that some will have a problem with animal cremations, but they have to consider that human bodies are also cremated in the same ovens

    33. The shameful irony is: You think your loved one was cremated and you received “all” the “ashes” in the urn, but back at the ranch, or should I say “at the back of the crematorium”, your loved ones bones have been buried already, in a mass grave, with a host of animals

    34. The manager of the Middelburg Crematoria, Kezia Jacobz, confirmed Thursday that the bones of all who are cremated at the crematorium were thrown into a hole behind the crematorium

    35. “My mother was also cremated at this place and it is very upsetting to realise that half of her remains are lying in a hole somewhere

    36. Why could they not have informed right from the start that not all the remains could be cremated

    37. My father in law was cremated there about three months ago, but if we knew the truth we would have given him a proper burial

    38. This is of course only until you are cremated yourself, but be positive; you can always point to the dragon on your shoulder and tell your friend that it’s actually your grandma

    39. Note the “oven” where the children were burnt (cremated) to these gods

    40. Remember, if we are forced to be cremated and we have exhausted all other avenues to obtain the scriptural burial without success, we will not be held accountable for this grievous sin of cremation - but they will!

    41. Yes, it is truly esthetical to know that my loved ones bones have been dumped in a hole behind the crematorium with cats and dog –bones, cremated in the same oven, it makes me feel so proud, very esthetical indeed

    42. To say that a person who received the truth about cremation and still decides to have him/herself cremated, will be revived as a believer and will be in heaven with Christ for ever is …… you guessed it – an:

    43. If the believer has sinned by having themselves cremated (and you cannot deny that this is a grievous sin), God will forgive the sinner because he is a believer and he will be resurrected to everlasting life, no matter the sin

    44. Some of my loved ones were cremated, will they be in the kingdom of God or not? I had them cremated, but I was unaware that it was wrong

    45. The point is this: The man who perished in a disaster of nature and was cremated, the woman who died in a plane crash with little to none of the body left, charred and burnt beyond belief, what about them? Surely they will be resurrected, yes God can resurrect them, but are we perhaps asking the wrong questions here?

    46. A friend told me, he doesn’t want to be cremated, but he is sure his family is going to cremate him

    47. Another husband and wife want their father to be buried according to scripture, but he refuses – he demands to be cremated and so we can carry on…

    48. Ensure your last will and testament states clearly that you must not be cremated

    49. Now the big question, what if dad says he wants to be cremated because mom was cremated, no matter how we try to convince him that it is unscriptural? This is a nasty affair! What if he stipulates this wish in his last will and testament? After all, it is a legal document which we have to abide by, but what must we do if this “legal” document is violating the scriptures?

    50. I would rather be cremated, than be cremated!

    1. Can we diminish from it and state that we are not cremating to Molech, therefore cremation is not condemned by the Bible?

    2. firewood and cremating the dead over the last few days

    3. cremating parlor the cremation was registered

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