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    Use "crescent" in a sentence

    crescent example sentences


    1. Why couldn't it be this guy? But there was a mark on the forehead of the guy in the picture, a crescent shape

    2. As she turned the corner into her street, she could see the crescent of the new moon hanging enticingly, draped with wisps of cloud

    3. Night brought a celestial light show with a crescent moon

    4. Then one day, he suddenly wanted to head back to Crescent

    5. from Crescent City and the two eventually developed an intimate relationship

    6. crescent moon arc slowly across the small opening of his

    7. He didn't say anything for a long while, he got up and went to the rail and looked at the crescent moon as it sparkled over the water

    8. grin, a self-satisfied crescent that lifted the loose flesh and took five years off his appearance

    9. ways, sneaked through the vegetation, and stumbled under the light of the crescent moon

    10. Outside, a crescent moon lifting herself from the Caribbean beckoned with a soothing glow

    11. They seemed to be tall towers with double spires that seemed to form a roughly crescent shape, their base lost behind the thick foliage of the ever-present trees

    12. The heavy afternoon blanket of clouds had cleared and in the west, Venus and the tips of the crescent moon were in perfect alignment: a legendary good omen according to Truman

    13. He had set off to familiarize himself with his new neighborhood, and ended up walking the entire three and a half miles around the crescent shaped lake surrounded by a one hundred twenty-three acre botanical garden, resplendent with more than seventy varieties of trees from every continent on Earth

    14. This great rival to Ramses II’s Egypt contested for control of the Fertile Crescent lands of the Middle East for many centuries before it mysteriously disappeared from the historical record

    15. Could the short introduction to the biblical story of Abraham then be a parable representing the movement of followers of EL, the “God Most High” away from the religious power center of Ur? Because it was the eastern anchor of the Fertile Crescent, it would have made more sense to flee up the Euphrates River than to try to escape into the harsh desert environment that was the southern limit of their land

    16. With the mountains of the Hittite Empire to their northwest and the Mediterranean Sea on the west, Canaan, the center of the Fertile Crescent, would seem to have been the natural route of least resistance

    17. The grey clouds were moving at a rapid pace hiding the crescent moon

    18. As the enemy redeployed the captain rearranged his fleet, this time into an inverted crescent

    19. October 16, 2012 the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

    20. When we arrived at 32 Inglewood Crescent, we were greeted by a girl--probably

    21. For each 6-feet-deep foundation at the Crescent Ridge facility in Illinois, another 24 feet was dug out and filled with sand

    22. Since there was no room for it on the moss, it was Translocated by a team of Stone Islands wizards to Crescent Lake in First Valley, close to where the rest of the immediate wedding party would locate Mark and Talia’s new home

    23. potatoes, then the cheese on top of Crescent rolls

    24. There was a flat, circular area in the center of the room a step higher than the surrounding floor, and in the center of that was a house-sized boulder of translucent blue stone, shaped like a thick crescent with rounded ends, glinting from the millions of tiny facets cut onto its entire surface

    25. Spoon chili mixture in center of each crescent roll triangle; bring top half of each triangle over

    26. Press out crescent rolls in a jelly roll pan and bake for 8 to 10

    27. Only a crescent below the rim on the eastern side was in shadow

    28. There was a flat, circular area in the center of the room a foot higher than the surrounding floor, and in the center of that was a house-sized boulder of translucent blue stone, shaped like a thick crescent with rounded ends, glinting from the millions of tiny facets cut onto its entire surface

    29. The moon was low in the sky, a crescent shape with a burnt orange color

    30. Crescent already at the time, but, since the cats never had any

    31. him, on the cyc, a spotlight formed a crescent moon and there were tiny twinkling lights

    32. His cadaver eyes were illuminated, lit by the crescent moon

    33. The skeletons moved forward, forming a crescent around us

    34. Soon San Francisco was only a glittering crescent behind us, with an occasional flicker of lightning in the north

    35. The moon was waxing crescent, and it’s faint light cast

    36. The Lore Masters rose from their seats at the crescent table

    37. One waxed and the other waned to a crescent

    38. It is a foul and lurid place I dimly saw by crescent moon, entangled in a web of trees appearing more like wizened claws

    39. In the same moment that the monstrous shadow passed over the boat, Jai and Ceder saw a familiar marking upon the head of Ghazahg: a crescent of incandescent silver skin that pulsed with radiation, pale and soft

    40. in half to from a crescent then brush again with ghee and fold into a triangle

    41. There was an alleyway near the pub that was a short cut to the crescent where the McGinley house was located that he took

    42. He looked down both ends of the crescent but he had made his escape

    43. It was set midway in a road shaped like a crescent and was reminiscent of the many period houses that lined the streets of the capital

    44. The Blood-Red Crescent

    45. Strayed from the caravan road, they passed close by, and their leader saw me, and recognized the scarlet crescent on my bosom

    46. Her eyes were inhuman; with a more than human vitality she clung to the life that ebbed through the wound that split the crimson crescent on her ivory bosom

    47. The gesture was instinctive, for what he feared was nothing a knife could slay, not even the saw-edged crescent blade of the Yuetshi that could disembowel a man with an upward stroke

    48. He rushed in, slashing with the crescent blade

    49. As a panther strikes down a bull moose at bay, so he plunged under the bludgeoning arms and drove the crescent blade to the hilt under the spot where a human's heart would be

    50. A filmy veil fell below her breasts, supported by a flowing headdress bound about with a triple gold braid and adorned with a golden crescent

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    Synonyms for "crescent"

    crescent crescent-shaped lunate semilunar

    "crescent" definitions

    any shape resembling the curved shape of the moon in its first or last quarters

    resembling the new moon in shape