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    Use "crew cut" in a sentence

    crew cut example sentences

    crew cut

    1. Tall and thin with a crew cut

    2. He wore glasses, sported a crew cut and

    3. He had a military crew cut and a neck that

    4. He was a big man with a crew cut, a black leather biker's jacket, black jeans, a white muscle shirt, and combat boots

    5. EXCEPT this guy with a crew cut tried to head inside to get himself a glass and Tony grabs him at the door and says “mate nobody in the house” and then sends him back outside

    6. Half an hour later this other lad rocks up with a similar crew cut to the guy I just mentioned and unaware of the no house rule he heads inside to get a glass

    7. One morning in February he walked behind a figure who, by his crew cut hair, he half recognised and then fully so by the voice which said out loud:

    8. ” This came from the man in the dark suit with a crew cut

    9. Clem was bigger than Louie, had a crew cut to offset Louie’s shoulder-length hair, and looked a heckuva lot meaner

    10. From the car, a thin deputy with a crew cut and sunglasses approached Alicia with a hand hovering over a pistol still in the holster

    11. I noticed he’d gotten a crew cut, which didn’t surprise me because I knew he had plans to join the military after graduation

    12. He wore thick spectacles and had a crew cut hairstyle that was greying above the ears and at the base of his skull

    13. Crew Cut looked at his partner, a man with a flat nose, like a boxer

    14. Just as Crew Cut, or Officer Miller, as he introduced himself, was asking me more

    15. He looked at Friedman’s face; crew cut, lifeless black eyes, flat nose and square chin

    16. A man with an army crew cut stood behind them

    17. Maybe this government agent with the annoying crew cut hairstyle was not so bad after all

    18. One of the children Alfie was playing with at the time remembered a man with a crew cut telling him he must go with him to the hospital

    19. His bald head made him look even more of a thug than his crew cut had

    20. The other was the blond kid with the crew cut in the number three seat, Rantz—the boy he’d spotted on the rings in the gym at Roosevelt two years before

    21. That morning, though, as she worked methodically, combing his blond hair up, measuring it carefully by eye, using the comb as a cutting guide and snipping the hair at just the right length to create the crew cut he favored, Joe had been fidgety in the chair

    22. More and more people began to arrive on the scene: ambulance crew, Detective Sergeant Modig, two or three crime scene technicians, a succession of regular policemen and the journalist Mikael Blomkvist, who was accompanied by a massive American with a crew cut who immediately commanded everyone’s respect

    23. An awkward, shoulderless kid with a crew cut and a police officer’s uniform sat next to her on one of the bar stools

    24. He had Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner a crew cut and a T-shirt that read

    25. It was the crew cut and horn-rims fooled us

    26. Anyone could have horn-rims and a crew cut

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