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    Use "cross off" in a sentence

    cross off example sentences

    cross off

    1. Another job you can cross off the list!

    2. He went with me to the Red Cross office where the base commander was contacted

    3. The white armband emblazoned with a red cross that he wore was apparently intended to identify him as a Red Cross official

    4. It was a message from Zabiewski, informing her that there were several Red Cross officials to whom she had not yet spoken who wished to meet her

    5. In a saccharine tone Charly said, "Here's a pencil, Darling—cross off everything silly on your list

    6. "Cross off pardy dres, cross off dollhos, cross off lots uf ise creem or whatever that is

    7. Most of the Arct they came across offered no resistance, even when their family were falling dead beside them killed by a phaser blast

    8. � You will be permitted to send and receive letters and parcels, subject to revision by censors, as well as to receive periodic visits from International Red Cross officials and from neutral diplomats

    9. My scheduled visit with the hilltop officers behind my house was the next item to cross off my list

    10. He had gone there, taken the silver cross off his neck and asked for a dram for it

    11. “The wooden cross off the dormitory wall

    12. When Louie saw Red Cross officials being taken on a carefully staged tour of camp, he thought that help had finally arrived

    13. They looked up the transaction in their day book and letter book, and at once telephoned to their King's Cross office for more details

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