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    Use "cross-examination" in a sentence

    cross-examination example sentences


    1. If it please the court, the defense would request that the witness be allowed to remain in his wheel chair for the swearing in and cross-examination

    2. chair, smiling smugly at the skilled cross-examination his sister was giving

    3. As I watched him, and he watching me, we both could see in the other that our lives were changing, for his so-called daily cross-examinations of me turned into a profound fellowship of friends

    4. It’s only when we try to explain our thoughts in some detail, or they are put under the glass of scrutiny, as in a cross-examination, that these fabrications suddenly fall apart

    5. The witness seemed peaceful, free from the tension of a difficult cross-examination

    6. Mr Hawking reassured her that it was still 50/50, and tomorrow’s cross-examination of Peter and Miss Kemp will go in her favour

    7. "Damn them? But the cross-examination again, to-morrow?" he said with bitterness

    8. I told him as much as I thought proper of her illness, and he extorted from me, by cross-examination, most of the facts connected with its origin

    9. We dived into the City, and came up in a crowded police-court, where a blood-relation (in the murderous sense) of the deceased, with the fanciful taste in brooches, was standing at the bar, uncomfortably chewing something; while my guardian had a woman under examination or cross-examination,—I don't know which,—and was striking her, and the bench, and everybody present, with awe

    10. It was a dull evening, for Wemmick drew his wine, when it came round, quite as a matter of business,—just as he might have drawn his salary when that came round,—and with his eyes on his chief, sat in a state of perpetual readiness for cross-examination

    11. Joshua Brody gets to his feet eagerly for cross-examination

    12. The packed courtroom, the big trial, the cross-examination that will make or break this case

    13. Joshua beat me up pretty good over that during the cross-examination

    14. "I will not trouble you with any lengthy cross-examination, Professor Coram, since I gather that you were in bed at the time of the crime and could know nothing about it

    15. Phil Hoffman stood and approached Yuki’s witness to do his cross-examination

    16. “I move that this entire cross-examination be stricken—”

    17. Then she thanked Gary Goodfriend and turned him over to the defense for cross-examination

    18. The members of the jury were rapt as they heard about what my shots had done to Sara Cabot’s heart, but when Broyles had finished examining her, Yuki was ready for Claire on cross-examination

    19. STILL FEELING STUNG by Davis’s cross-examination of Rich Conklin and the stress of the entire horrid day, Yuki left the Hall of Justice by the back door and walked several blocks out of her way, checking her BlackBerry as she walked

    20. “This is supposed to be a cross-examination,” Jonah said

    21. He was certainly manic, widely known for infuriating witnesses during cross-examination

    22. I hoped his cross-examination would defuse the power of Barbara Tally’s words

    23. Then followed this cross-examination

    24. "I will not trouble you with any lengthy cross-examination, Professor Coram, since I gather that you were in bed at the time of the crime, and could know nothing about it

    25. ‘Damn them? But the cross-examination again, to-morrow?’ he said with bitterness

    26. It occurred to me that if I mentioned her, the Commission would oblige her to appear; and the idea of exposing her name to all the scandalous things said by the rascals under cross-examination, and the thought of even seeing her in their presence, was so repugnant to me that I became confused, stammered, and took refuge in silence

    27. Enraged by the tone in which Rakitin had referred to Grushenka, he suddenly shouted “Bernard!” When, after Rakitin's cross-examination, the President asked the prisoner if he had anything to say, Mitya cried loudly:

    28. But Fetyukovitch began his cross-examination

    29. So Alyosha's cross-examination ended

    30. It was then Fetyukovitch began his cross-examination

    31. Grushenka's cross-examination did not last long and, of course, there could be nothing particularly new in her evidence

    32. The business was conducted just in the same manner as the day before, with the whole armoury of evidence, proofs, witnesses, swearing in, questions, experts, and cross-examinations

    33. The case was conducted in the same order as yesterday, with all the proofs, witnesses, experts, oath-taking, examinations and cross-examinations

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    Synonyms for "cross-examination"

    grill check investigate interrogation inquire inquisition