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    crowd out example sentences

    crowd out

    1. However, someone had to keep the crowd out

    2. There was a big crowd outside of Grace Cathedral as a Who’s Who of celebrity and sports figures came to pay their last respects

    3. There was a growing crowd outside wakened by the noise, the officers in the hall were trying to keep order, “Step back please, there is nothing to see, make way for the paramedics please

    4. A voice called from the horrified crowd outside, “Harry, is that you?”

    5. Suddenly, the crowd outside whipped up a frenzy and began

    6. Lot took his wife and two daughters and walk through the groping crowd out through the city gate

    7. ” They began to move the crowd out to push the bike, finally getting it started

    8. 1 On the evening that Nalda drew the crowd out from Sychar to see Jesus, the twelve had just returned with food, and they besought Jesus to eat with them instead of talking to the people, for they had been without food all day and were hungry

    9. The Sheriff, who had been over to the neighboring town, arrived to find a large crowd outside his office

    10. As the two left, a crowd outside gathered and there’s Clemente was heard

    11. One of Nancy’s neighbors, who was standing on the roof of his house, shouted down at the crowd outside her house

    12. There was a crowd outside the office and it grew bigger and things got uglier as the day progressed

    13. When I described the battle with the two warriors, the children couldn’t get enough of the story, but a couple of warriors at the back, obviously thinking I was padding the story for the children’s benefit, began to shuffle their feet so I thought this an opportune moment to present my back pack, all heads craned forwards as I slowly and deliberately untied my treasures and spread the Mixtec weapons and regalia on the tables, not a sound escaped the crowd for an age, then they all started talking at the same time and everyone crowded around to look, feel, and wonder at such mighty trophies, Jodas stepped forward and took command, ordering lines to be formed to view the treasure, there was a respectful look in his eye as he bowed to Coatl, seeing him bow, all the village started to bow as they passed by Coatl, I could see Coatl was overcome with embarrassment, even so I detected that he enjoyed the notoriety, the warriors, as was right, kept an aloof air about them, they were not professional soldiers nevertheless they were quick and brave and were proud of the fighting skills needed in the defence of their village, when times were quiet they would be seen tending to their different trades, ready to fight when circumstances demanded, one of the warriors approached the priest and asked permission to see a demonstration of Coatl’s skill so that they may look and learn, I was horrified at this as I remembered the reaction that would be forthcoming from any implied threat to the white hairy man, I begged the priest to be cautious because Coatl did not yet know our language, the priest smiled and putting his arm about Coatl’s shoulder steered him through the crowd out into the square all the time talking to him in a low even voice, all the people turned to watch this strange man and their priest as they strolled to the centre of the plaza, both squatted and began making signs in the sandy floor, Wedon talked a moment longer, then returning to the table where the trophies were on display, he turned to the crowd of villagers and said

    14. But, the crowd outside wanted the two angels

    15. Michael, Diane D, Mary, Barry, Marilyn and Tonio look forward and see a heavy crowd outside the school, excitingly standing around a limousine

    16. But strange, why was there such a crowd outside the small shop?

    17. The crowd outside the Half Moon had stopped cheering and were chattering excitedly amongst themselves

    18. waved to the crowd outside the front window

    19. publicity so he could gather a larger crowd outside the theater

    20. The crowd outside was not as large as he

    21. There was a crowd outside

    22. The crowd outside watched as he picked up his bag and hurried off

    23. For the first time since her trial began, it seemed rather odd to Linda, not to be greeted by a boisterous or hostile crowd outside the court

    24. her mind to crowd out the reality of the world around

    25. Martinez was baffled by the crowd out in front bearing

    26. Aarav nodded and then disappeared in the crowd outside

    27. Similarly, during two or three hours of drawl, and the winnowing of many bushels of words, Madame Defarge's frequent expressions of impatience were taken up, with marvellous quickness, at a distance: the more readily, because certain men who had by some wonderful exercise of agility climbed up the external architecture to look in from the windows, knew Madame Defarge well, and acted as a telegraph between her and the crowd outside the building

    28. Once again, Conklin and I bucked the crowd outside the food store on our way to the squad car

    29. This afternoon, Chief Peter Stark asked the crowd outside the police station to be calm but vigilant

    30. “There’s a crowd outside your house, though

    31. Over his words, Jess heard the angry roar of a crowd outside the heavy stone walls, and the thud of hands – or weapons – on the door through which Santi’s men had come

    32. While the service was proceeding in the Cathedral of the Assumption- it was a combined service of prayer on the occasion of the Emperor’s arrival and of thanksgiving for the conclusion of peace with the Turks- the crowd outside spread out and hawkers appeared, selling kvas, gingerbread, and poppyseed sweets (of which Petya was particularly fond), and ordinary conversation could again be heard

    33. George and the twins were standing in a crowd outside the village hall

    34. Many Tito’s with Red Bull later, we followed the crowd out to Sixth Street, drifted into a bar, and before I knew it, the hours flew by, and— bam!—I got home late

    35. While the service was proceeding in the Cathedral of the Assumption—it was a combined service of prayer on the occasion of the Emperor’s arrival and of thanksgiving for the conclusion of peace with the Turks—the crowd outside spread out and hawkers appeared, selling kvas, gingerbread, and poppyseed sweets (of which Pétya was particularly fond), and ordinary conversation could again be heard

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